Traditional Chinese (zh_TW)

Intro (zh_TW/intro/)

These files are missing

File Description
adjacent_numbers.ogg title: 找出這兩個數字。 description: 找出這兩個數字。 voice: Find the missing numbers.
baby_mouse.ogg title: description: voice: Move the mouse or touch the screen and observe the result.
calcudoku.ogg title: description: voice: Select a number and click on its target position. Each number must appear only once in a row and in a column. The numbers in the cells of a cage must produce the given result when combined using the given operator.
comparator.ogg title: 比較數字 description: 比較數字 voice: Select the correct comparator sign for each pair of numbers in the list.
fractions_create.ogg title: 建立分數 description: 建立分數 voice: Select the appropriate number of parts as described in the instructions.
fractions_find.ogg title: 找出分數 description: 找出分數 voice: Find the correct numerator and denominator of the represented fraction
frieze.ogg title: description: voice: Reproduce and complete the frieze model.
graduated_line_read.ogg title: description: voice: Find the value corresponding to the given spot on the graduated line.
graduated_line_use.ogg title: description: voice: Place the given value on the graduated line.
grammar_analysis.ogg title: description: voice: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words.
grammar_classes.ogg title: description: voice: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words.
guess24.ogg title: description: voice: Use the four numbers with given operators to find 24
learn_decimals.ogg title: 學習小數 description: 學習小數 voice: Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area to represent the decimal number.
learn_decimals_additions.ogg title: 小數的加法 description: 小數的加法 voice: Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area to represent the result of the addition.
learn_decimals_subtractions.ogg title: 學習小數的減法 description: 學習小數的減法 voice: Click on the squares to represent the result of the subtraction.
learn_quantities.ogg title: 學習數量 description: 學習數量 voice: Drag the arrow to select a number of oranges, and drag the oranges to the empty area to represent the requested quantity.
left_right_click.ogg title: 滑鼠點擊訓練 description: 滑鼠點擊訓練 voice: Move animals to their homes using a left click or right click on your mouse.
morse_code.ogg title: 了解國際摩斯電碼 description: 了解國際摩斯電碼 voice: Learn and practice the International Morse code
ordering_alphabets.ogg title: 排列字母順序 description: 排列字母順序 voice: Arrange the letters in the correct order.
ordering_chronology.ogg title: 依時間排序 description: 依時間排序 voice: Arrange the given events in their chronological order.
ordering_numbers.ogg title: 數字排序 description: 數字排序 voice: Arrange the numbers in the correct order.
ordering_sentences.ogg title: 排序句子 description: 排序句子 voice: Arrange the given words to form a meaningful sentence.
oware.ogg title: 跟小企鵝下西非播棋 description: 跟小企鵝下西非播棋 voice: Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game
oware_2players.ogg title: 跟朋友下西非播棋 description: 跟朋友下西非播棋 voice: Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game
path_decoding.ogg title: 跟隨路徑 description: 跟隨路徑 voice: Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach the target.
path_decoding_relative.ogg title: 跟隨路徑 description: 跟隨路徑 voice: Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach the target.
path_encoding.ogg title: 找出路徑 description: 找出路徑 voice: Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target.
path_encoding_relative.ogg title: 找出路徑 description: 找出路徑 voice: Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target.
positions.ogg title: 位置 description: 位置 voice: Find the correct position
sketch.ogg title: description: voice: Use the tools to draw images.
tens_complement_calculate.ogg title: 使用十的補數 description: 使用十的補數 voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position. Then, select the result box to type the result.
tens_complement_find.ogg title: 找出十的補數 description: 找出十的補數 voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there.
tens_complement_swap.ogg title: 交換十的補數 description: 交換十的補數 voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position.
tens_complement_use.ogg title: 使用十的補數 description: 使用十的補數 voice: Decompose the operations to include a pair of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there.
vertical_addition.ogg title: 練習加法運算。 description: 練習加法運算。 voice: Solve the given addition.
vertical_subtraction.ogg title: 練習減法運算。 description: 練習減法運算。 voice: Solve the given subtraction.
vertical_subtraction_compensation.ogg title: 練習減法運算。 description: 練習減法運算。 voice: Solve the given subtraction.

ERROR: Missing resource file /src/activities/gletters/resource/default-zh_TW.json Instructions to create this file

Misc (zh_TW/misc/)

These files are missing

File Description

Colors (zh_TW/colors/)

Geography (zh_TW/geography/)

These files are missing

File Description
armenia.ogg 亞美尼亞
eswatini.ogg 史瓦帝尼
israel.ogg 以色列
kuwait.ogg 科威特
lebanon.ogg 黎巴嫩
maldives.ogg 馬爾地夫
mariana_islands.ogg 馬里亞納群島
qatar.ogg 卡達
samoan_islands.ogg 薩摩亞群島
south_sudan.ogg 南蘇丹

Words (zh_TW/words/)

These files are missing

File Description
keel.ogg 擊倒

ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/wordsgame/resource/default-zh_TW.json Instructions to create this file

ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/grammar_analysis/resource/grammar_analysis-zh_TW.json Instructions to create this file

ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/grammar_classes/resource/grammar_classes-zh_TW.json Instructions to create this file

ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/click_on_letter/resource/levels-zh_TW.json Instructions to create this file

Page generated the 2025-03-20