ERROR: Failed to load po file /po/sw/gcompris_voices.po
File | Description |
adjacent_numbers.ogg | title: Tafuta nambari zilizo karibu description: Tafuta nambari zilizo karibu voice: Find the missing numbers. |
advanced_colors.ogg | title: Rangi za juu description: Rangi za juu voice: click on the required color |
algebra_by.ogg | title: Kuzidisha kwa nambari description: Kuzidisha kwa nambari voice: Multiply the two numbers together and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water |
algebra_div.ogg | title: Mgawanyiko wa nambari description: Mgawanyiko wa nambari voice: Find the result of the division and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water |
algebra_minus.ogg | title: Utoaji wa nambari description: Utoaji wa nambari voice: Subtract the two numbers and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water |
algebra_plus.ogg | title: Ongezeko la nambari description: Ongezeko la nambari voice: Add the two numbers together and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water |
algorithm.ogg | title: Vyama vya kimantiki description: Vyama vya kimantiki voice: Click on the missing items on the table and follow the logical sequence displayed above it. |
align4.ogg | title: Panga nne (dhidi ya Tux) description: Panga nne (dhidi ya Tux) voice: Click on the column where you wish your token to fall and try to align 4 tokens before Tux. |
align4_2players.ogg | title: Panga nne (na rafiki) description: Panga nne (na rafiki) voice: Click on the column where you wish your token to fall and try to align 4 tokens to win. |
alphabet-sequence.ogg | title: Mlolongo wa alfabeti description: Mlolongo wa alfabeti voice: Move the helicopter to catch the clouds following the order of the alphabet. |
analog_electricity.ogg | title: Analogi ya umeme description: Analogi ya umeme voice: Learn how analog electricity works and create your own circuit. |
baby_keyboard.ogg | title: Baby keyboard description: Baby keyboard voice: Type any key on the keyboard and observe the result. |
baby_mouse.ogg | title: description: voice: Move the mouse or touch the screen and observe the result. |
baby_tangram.ogg | title: Kamilisha fumbo description: Kamilisha fumbo voice: Move each puzzle piece, to obtain the completed puzzle. You can change their orientation by clicking on the arrows. |
baby_wordprocessor.ogg | title: Kichakataji cha maneno ya watoto description: Kichakataji cha maneno ya watoto voice: A simplistic word processor to play around with the keyboard |
babymatch.ogg | title: Vipengee Vinavyolingana description: Vipengee Vinavyolingana voice: Drag and drop the objects matching the pictures |
babyshapes.ogg | title: Kamilisha fumbo description: Kamilisha fumbo voice: Drag and drop the objects matching the shapes. |
balancebox.ogg | title: Sanduku la uwiano description: Sanduku la uwiano voice: Tilt the box to navigate the ball to the door. |
ballcatch.ogg | title: Fanya mpira uende kwa Tux description: Fanya mpira uende kwa Tux voice: Press the left and right arrows at the same time to send the ball straight on |
bargame.ogg | title: Bargame (dhidi ya Tux) description: Bargame (dhidi ya Tux) voice: Select the number of balls you wish to place in the holes and then click on the OK button. The winner is the one who hasn't put a ball in the red hole. |
bargame_2players.ogg | title: Bargame (na rafiki) description: Bargame (na rafiki) voice: Select the number of balls you wish to place in the holes and then click on the OK button. The winner is the one who hasn't put a ball in the red hole. |
binary_bulb.ogg | title: Balbu za binary description: Balbu za binary voice: Turn on the right bulbs to represent the binary of the given decimal number. When you have achieved it, press OK |
braille_alphabets.ogg | title: Gundua mfumo wa breli description: Gundua mfumo wa breli voice: Click on Tux to start and then re-create the Braille cells. |
braille_fun.ogg | title: Burudani ya Braille description: Burudani ya Braille voice: Create the Braille cell for the letter. |
calcudoku.ogg | title: Calcudoku description: Calcudoku voice: Select a number and click on its target position. Each number must appear only once in a row and in a column. The numbers in the cells of a cage must produce the given result when combined using the given operator. |
calendar.ogg | title: Kalenda description: Kalenda voice: Select the asked date on the calendar |
canal_lock.ogg | title: Tumia kufuli ya mfereji description: Tumia kufuli ya mfereji voice: You are responsible for the lock and you must help Tux pass through. Click on the valves to cause either a drop or an increase in the water level, and click on the gates to open or close a path. |
categorization.ogg | title: Uainishaji description: Uainishaji voice: Categorize the items into the correct group |
checkers.ogg | title: Cheza cheki (dhidi ya Tux) description: Cheza cheki (dhidi ya Tux) voice: play checkers against Tux |
checkers_2players.ogg | title: Cheza cheki (pamoja na rafiki) description: Cheza cheki (pamoja na rafiki) voice: play checkers with your friend |
chess.ogg | title: Cheza chess (dhidi ya Tux) description: Cheza chess (dhidi ya Tux) voice: play chess against Tux |
chess_2players.ogg | title: Cheza chess (na rafiki) description: Cheza chess (na rafiki) voice: play chess against your friend |
chess_partyend.ogg | title: Mwisho wa mchezo wa chess description: Mwisho wa mchezo wa chess voice: Click on a white chess piece and green boxes will appear to indicate all the movements that piece can make. Try and get the black king into checkmate. |
chronos.ogg | title: Chronos description: Chronos voice: Slide the pictures into the order that tells the story |
click_on_letter.ogg | title: Bofya kwenye herufi ndogo description: Bofya kwenye herufi ndogo voice: Click on the required letter. You can listen to it again by clicking on the mouth. |
click_on_letter_up.ogg | title: Bofya kwenye herufi kubwa description: Bofya kwenye herufi kubwa voice: Click on the required letter. You can listen to it again by clicking on the mouth. |
clickanddraw.ogg | title: Bofya na kuchora description: Bofya na kuchora voice: Click on the selected points and draw |
clickgame.ogg | title: Bonyeza Kwangu description: Bonyeza Kwangu voice: Catch the fish before they leave the aquarium. |
clockgame.ogg | title: Kujifunza Saa description: Kujifunza Saa voice: Drag and drop the needles of the clock to display the required time |
color_mix.ogg | title: Rangi za juu description: Rangi za juu voice: Match the color by moving the sliders on the tubes of paint |
color_mix_light.ogg | title: Kuchanganya rangi nyepesi description: Kuchanganya rangi nyepesi voice: Match the color by moving the sliders on the torches |
colors.ogg | title: Rangi description: Rangi voice: Click on the right color |
comparator.ogg | title: Linganisha nambari description: Linganisha nambari voice: Select the correct comparator sign for each pair of numbers in the list. |
crane.ogg | title: Jenga mfano sawa description: Jenga mfano sawa voice: Click on each item in turn, in the blue frame, and move them to reproduce the pattern from the pink frame. |
details.ogg | title: Tafuta maelezo description: Tafuta maelezo voice: Slide the images on their respective targets |
digital_electricity.ogg | title: Umeme wa kidijitali description: Umeme wa kidijitali voice: Learn how digital electronics work and create your own circuit. |
drawletters.ogg | title: Chora herufi description: Chora herufi voice: Click on the selected points and draw the letter |
drawnumbers.ogg | title: Chora nambari description: Chora nambari voice: Draw the numbers by connecting the dots in the correct order. |
enumerate.ogg | title: Hesabu vitu description: Hesabu vitu voice: Count the elements by organizing them then type the answer on your keyboard. |
erase.ogg | title: Sogeza kipanya au gusa skrini description: Sogeza kipanya au gusa skrini voice: Clear the window with your sponge and discover the hidden picture. |
erase_2clic.ogg | title: Gusa mara mbili au ubofye mara mbili description: Gusa mara mbili au ubofye mara mbili voice: Double tap or double click on the bricks to discover the hidden picture |
erase_clic.ogg | title: Bofya au gusa description: Bofya au gusa voice: Click or tap on the transparent bricks and discover the hidden picture. |
explore_farm_animals.ogg | title: Chunguza wanyama wa shambani description: Chunguza wanyama wa shambani voice: Learn about farmyard animals and the noises that they make. |
explore_monuments.ogg | title: Chunguza makaburi description: Chunguza makaburi voice: Explore Monuments around the world. |
explore_world_animals.ogg | title: Chunguza wanyama wa ulimwengu description: Chunguza wanyama wa ulimwengu voice: Learn about world animals and locate them on a map. |
explore_world_music.ogg | title: Gundua muziki wa ulimwengu description: Gundua muziki wa ulimwengu voice: Click on the suitcases to learn about music from around the world. |
family.ogg | title: Familia description: Familia voice: Let us understand what to call our relatives |
family_find_relative.ogg | title: Waelekeze jamaa description: Waelekeze jamaa voice: Click on a pair that defines the given relation |
fifteen.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumi na tano description: Mchezo wa kumi na tano voice: Click or drag an element next to a free space, the element will move and release its space. You must put all the pieces in the correct order. The numbers on the pieces can help you. |
find_the_day.ogg | title: Tafuta siku description: Tafuta siku voice: Select the required day. |
followline.ogg | title: Kudhibiti bomba description: Kudhibiti bomba voice: Move the mouse or your finger along the pipe to stop the fire. |
football.ogg | title: Mchezo wa mpira wa miguu description: Mchezo wa mpira wa miguu voice: Drag a line from the ball to set the speed and direction of your kick. |
fractions_create.ogg | title: Tengeneza sehemu description: Tengeneza sehemu voice: Select the appropriate number of parts as described in the instructions. |
fractions_find.ogg | title: Tafuta sehemu description: Tafuta sehemu voice: Find the correct numerator and denominator of the represented fraction |
frieze.ogg | title: Frieze description: Frieze voice: Reproduce and complete the frieze model. |
geo-country.ogg | title: Tafuta eneo description: Tafuta eneo voice: Drag and drop the regions to complete the country maps. |
geography.ogg | title: Tafuta nchi description: Tafuta nchi voice: Drag and drop the objects to complete the map. |
gletters.ogg | title: Barua rahisi description: Barua rahisi voice: Type the letters on your keyboard before they reach the ground. |
gnumch-equality.ogg | title: Usawa wa Gnumch description: Usawa wa Gnumch voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the required numbers and press the space bar to swallow them. |
gnumch-factors.ogg | title: Sababu za Gnumch description: Sababu za Gnumch voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the factors of the displayed number and press space to swallow them. |
gnumch-inequality.ogg | title: Ukosefu wa usawa wa gnum description: Ukosefu wa usawa wa gnum voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the numbers that are different from the ones displayed and press the space bar to swallow them. |
gnumch-multiples.ogg | title: Gnumch nyingi description: Gnumch nyingi voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the multiples of the displayed number and press space to swallow them. |
gnumch-primes.ogg | title: Gnumch primes description: Gnumch primes voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the prime numbers and press space to swallow them. |
graduated_line_read.ogg | title: Soma mstari uliohitimu description: Soma mstari uliohitimu voice: Find the value corresponding to the given spot on the graduated line. |
graduated_line_use.ogg | title: Tumia mstari uliohitimu description: Tumia mstari uliohitimu voice: Place the given value on the graduated line. |
grammar_analysis.ogg | title: Uchambuzi wa kisarufi description: Uchambuzi wa kisarufi voice: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words. |
grammar_classes.ogg | title: Madarasa ya sarufi description: Madarasa ya sarufi voice: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words. |
graph-coloring.ogg | title: Kuchorea grafu description: Kuchorea grafu voice: Color the graph so that no two adjacent nodes have the same color. |
gravity.ogg | title: Mvuto description: Mvuto voice: Move the spaceship to avoid hitting the planets and reach the space station. |
guess24.ogg | title: Nadhani 24 description: Nadhani 24 voice: Use the four numbers with given operators to find 24 |
guesscount.ogg | title: kisia kuhesabu. description: kisia kuhesabu. voice: Use the numbers and operations suggested to find the results proposed above. |
guessnumber.ogg | title: Nadhani nambari description: Nadhani nambari voice: Find out the number by typing a number from the range proposed. |
hangman.ogg | title: Mchezo wa classic wa hangman description: Mchezo wa classic wa hangman voice: A word is hidden, you must discover it letter by letter. |
hanoi.ogg | title: Mnara uliorahisishwa wa Hanoi description: Mnara uliorahisishwa wa Hanoi voice: Rebuild the same tower in the empty area as the one you see on the right hand side. |
hanoi_real.ogg | title: Mnara wa Hanoi description: Mnara wa Hanoi voice: Rebuild the model tower on the right support. Take care, no disc may be placed atop a smaller disc. |
hexagon.ogg | title: Hexagon description: Hexagon voice: Click on the hexagons to find the hidden object, the red zone indicates that you're close to it! |
imagename.ogg | title: Taja picha description: Taja picha voice: Drag and drop each item above its name. |
instruments.ogg | title: Vyombo vya muziki description: Vyombo vya muziki voice: Click on the correct musical instrument. |
land_safe.ogg | title: Ardhi salama description: Ardhi salama voice: Use the arrow keys to pilot your spaceship safely onto the landing pad. |
lang.ogg | title: Boresha msamiati wako description: Boresha msamiati wako voice: Select the language you want to learn then review the words before doing the exercises. |
learn_additions.ogg | title: Jifunze kuongeza description: Jifunze kuongeza voice: Click on the circles to give the operation's result. |
learn_decimals.ogg | title: Jifunze nambari za desimali description: Jifunze nambari za desimali voice: Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area to represent the decimal number. |
learn_decimals_additions.ogg | title: Nyongeza na nambari za desimali description: Nyongeza na nambari za desimali voice: Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area to represent the result of the addition. |
learn_decimals_subtractions.ogg | title: Chora picha kwa kufuata nambari description: Chora picha kwa kufuata nambari voice: Click on the squares to represent the result of the subtraction. |
learn_digits.ogg | title: Jifunze nyongeza description: Jifunze nyongeza voice: Click on the circles to match the given digit. |
learn_quantities.ogg | title: Jifunze idadi description: Jifunze idadi voice: Drag the arrow to select a number of oranges, and drag the oranges to the empty area to represent the requested quantity. |
learn_subtractions.ogg | title: Jifunze kutoa description: Jifunze kutoa voice: Click on the circles to give the operation's result. |
left_right_click.ogg | title: Mafunzo ya kubofya kipanya description: Mafunzo ya kubofya kipanya voice: Move animals to their homes using a left click or right click on your mouse. |
leftright.ogg | title: Given pictures of hands, find if it's a right or left one description: Given pictures of hands, find if it's a right or left one voice: Guess if the picture presents a left or right hand and click on the correct answer. |
letter-in-word.ogg | title: Barua kwa neno gani description: Barua kwa neno gani voice: Click on all the words containing the wanted letter. |
lightsoff.ogg | title: Taa zimezimwa description: Taa zimezimwa voice: Click on the lamps to turn them off. |
louis-braille.ogg | title: Historia ya Louis Braille description: Historia ya Louis Braille voice: Discover the history of Louis Braille. |
magic-hat-minus.ogg | title: Kofia ya mchawi description: Kofia ya mchawi voice: Click on the hat. How many stars are still hiding under the hat. |
magic-hat-plus.ogg | title: Kofia ya mchawi description: Kofia ya mchawi voice: Count the number of stars hidden under the hat and then click on the stars to indicate their number. |
maze.ogg | title: Maze description: Maze voice: Use the arrows keys or swipe the touch screen to help Tux find his way out. |
mazeinvisible.ogg | title: Maze isiyoonekana description: Maze isiyoonekana voice: Use the arrow keys or swipe the touch screen to guide Tux out. Use the maze icon or the space key to see the map. |
mazerelative.ogg | title: Jamaa maze description: Jamaa maze voice: Help Tux find his way out. Left and right are used to turn and up to go forward. |
melody.ogg | title: Mrindimo description: Mrindimo voice: Listen to the sound sequence played, and reproduce it by clicking on the xylophone's bars |
memory-case-association-tux.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kesi dhidi ya Tux description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kesi dhidi ya Tux voice: Match the upper case card with its lower case pair. |
memory-case-association.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kesi description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kesi voice: Match the upper case card with its lower case pair. |
memory-enumerate.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya hesabu description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya hesabu voice: Match a number card with a card displaying the same number of butterflies. |
memory-math-add-minus-mult-div-tux.ogg | title: shughuli zote za mchezo wa kumbukumbu dhidi ya Tux. description: shughuli zote za mchezo wa kumbukumbu dhidi ya Tux. voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-add-minus-mult-div.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya shughuli zote description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya shughuli zote voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-add-minus-tux.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kuongeza na kutoa dhidi ya Tux description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kuongeza na kutoa dhidi ya Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-add-minus.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kuongeza na kutoa description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kuongeza na kutoa voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-add-tux.ogg | title: Mchezo wa nyongeza wa kumbukumbu dhidi ya Tux description: Mchezo wa nyongeza wa kumbukumbu dhidi ya Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-add.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kuongeza kumbukumbu description: Mchezo wa kuongeza kumbukumbu voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-div-tux.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya mgawanyiko dhidi ya Tux description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya mgawanyiko dhidi ya Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-div.ogg | title: Rangi, sauti, kumbukumbu … description: Rangi, sauti, kumbukumbu … voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-minus-tux.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kutoa dhidi ya Tux description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kutoa dhidi ya Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-minus.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kutoa description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kutoa voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-mult-div-tux.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kuzidisha na mgawanyiko dhidi ya Tux description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kuzidisha na mgawanyiko dhidi ya Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-mult-div.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kuzidisha na mgawanyiko description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kuzidisha na mgawanyiko voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-mult-tux.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kuzidisha dhidi ya Tux description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kuzidisha dhidi ya Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-mult.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kuzidisha description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya kuzidisha voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-sound-tux.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya sauti dhidi ya Tux description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya sauti dhidi ya Tux voice: Click on an audio card and find its double. |
memory-sound.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya sauti description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya sauti voice: Click on an audio card and find its double. |
memory-tux.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu na picha dhidi ya Tux description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu na picha dhidi ya Tux voice: Click on a card and find its double. |
memory-wordnumber.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya nambari ya Neno description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu ya nambari ya Neno voice: Match the numeric with the word. |
memory.ogg | title: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu na picha description: Mchezo wa kumbukumbu na picha voice: Click on a card and find its double. |
mining.ogg | title: Uchimbaji madini kwa dhahabu description: Uchimbaji madini kwa dhahabu voice: Looking at the rockwall, you can see a sparkle somewhere. Move the mouse cursor next to this sparkle and use the mousewheel or the zoom gesture to zoom in. |
missing-letter.ogg | title: Herufi iliyokosekana description: Herufi iliyokosekana voice: Find the missing letter and complete the word by clicking on one of the letters proposed on the side. |
money.ogg | title: Pesa description: Pesa voice: Click or tap on the money to pay. |
money_back.ogg | title: Mpe Tux chenji yake description: Mpe Tux chenji yake voice: Click on the money at the bottom of the screen to give Tux his change. |
money_back_cents.ogg | title: Mpe Tux chenji yake, ikijumuisha senti description: Mpe Tux chenji yake, ikijumuisha senti voice: Click on the money at the bottom of the screen to give Tux his change. |
money_cents.ogg | title: Pesa na senti description: Pesa na senti voice: Click on the money to pay. |
morse_code.ogg | title: Gundua msimbo wa Kimataifa wa Morse description: Gundua msimbo wa Kimataifa wa Morse voice: Learn and practice the International Morse code |
mosaic.ogg | title: Jenga tena mosaic description: Jenga tena mosaic voice: Put each item at the same place as in the given example. |
nine_men_morris.ogg | title: Morris tisa wanaume (dhidi ya Tux) description: Morris tisa wanaume (dhidi ya Tux) voice: Click on the dot where you wish to place your piece and try to take all Tux's pieces. |
nine_men_morris_2players.ogg | title: Morris wa wanaume tisa (pamoja na rafiki) description: Morris wa wanaume tisa (pamoja na rafiki) voice: Click on the dot where you wish to place your piece and try to take all your friend's pieces. |
note_names.ogg | title: Taja noti hiyo description: Taja noti hiyo voice: Identify the note and press the correct piano key |
number_sequence.ogg | title: Mlolongo wa nambari description: Mlolongo wa nambari voice: Draw the picture by touching the numbers in ascending order. |
numbers-odd-even.ogg | title: Nambari za usawa na zisizo za kawaida description: Nambari za usawa na zisizo za kawaida voice: Move the helicopter to catch the clouds having even or odd numbers, in the shown order. |
ordering_alphabets.ogg | title: Kuagiza barua description: Kuagiza barua voice: Arrange the letters in the correct order. |
ordering_chronology.ogg | title: Kuagiza kronolojia description: Kuagiza kronolojia voice: Arrange the given events in their chronological order. |
ordering_numbers.ogg | title: Nambari za kuagiza description: Nambari za kuagiza voice: Arrange the numbers in the correct order. |
ordering_sentences.ogg | title: Kupanga sentensi description: Kupanga sentensi voice: Arrange the given words to form a meaningful sentence. |
oware.ogg | title: Cheza oware (dhidi ya Tux) description: Cheza oware (dhidi ya Tux) voice: Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game |
oware_2players.ogg | title: Cheza oware (na rafiki) description: Cheza oware (na rafiki) voice: Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game |
paintings.ogg | title: puzzle description: puzzle voice: Catch and drop each piece on the points. |
path_decoding.ogg | title: Usimbuaji wa njia description: Usimbuaji wa njia voice: Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach the target. |
path_decoding_relative.ogg | title: Usimbuaji wa njia description: Usimbuaji wa njia voice: Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach the target. |
path_encoding.ogg | title: Usimbaji wa njia description: Usimbaji wa njia voice: Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target. |
path_encoding_relative.ogg | title: Usimbaji wa njia description: Usimbaji wa njia voice: Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target. |
penalty.ogg | title: Mkwaju wa penalti description: Mkwaju wa penalti voice: Double click or double tap on the goal, in order to score. |
photo_hunter.ogg | title: Wawindaji wa picha description: Wawindaji wa picha voice: look at the two pictures carefully and click where you see a difference |
piano_composition.ogg | title: Muundo wa piano description: Muundo wa piano voice: Learn to compose piano music using the octaves and the tools presented above the staff. |
planegame.ogg | title: Nambari kwa mpangilio description: Nambari kwa mpangilio voice: Move the helicopter with the arrow keys and catch the numbers in the clouds, in ascending order. |
play_piano.ogg | title: Piga Kinanda description: Piga Kinanda voice: Click on the keyboard keys that match the notes that you see and hear |
play_rhythm.ogg | title: Cheza mdundo description: Cheza mdundo voice: Click the drum to recreate the rhythm |
positions.ogg | title: Sehemu description: Sehemu voice: Find the correct position |
programmingMaze.ogg | title: description: voice: Arrange the instructions and traverse the correct path to reach the fish. |
railroad.ogg | title: Shughuli ya reli description: Shughuli ya reli voice: Observe the train and then click on the items to set up a similar train |
readingh.ogg | title: Mazoezi ya kusoma kwa usawa description: Mazoezi ya kusoma kwa usawa voice: Read a list of words and say if a given word is in it. |
readingv.ogg | title: Mazoezi ya kusoma wima description: Mazoezi ya kusoma wima voice: Read a list of words and say if a given word is in it. |
redraw.ogg | title: Chora upya picha iliyotolewa description: Chora upya picha iliyotolewa voice: Use the drawing tools to build an identical pattern on the right. |
redraw_symmetrical.ogg | title: Onyesha picha uliyopewa description: Onyesha picha uliyopewa voice: Use the drawing tools to reproduce symmetrically the pattern on the right. |
renewable_energy.ogg | title: Nishati mbadala description: Nishati mbadala voice: Click on the different stages that go to make up the power supply. |
reversecount.ogg | title: Hesabu vipindi description: Hesabu vipindi voice: Click on the domino and validate your choice with the OK button to indicate the number of ice blocks Tux will have to follow to eat a fish. |
roman_numerals.ogg | title: Nambari za Kirumi description: Nambari za Kirumi voice: Learn and practice roman to arabic numerals conversion |
scalesboard.ogg | title: Sawazisha mizani ipasavyo description: Sawazisha mizani ipasavyo voice: Drag the weights up to balance the scales. |
scalesboard_weight.ogg | title: Sawazisha kwa kutumia Mfumo wa Kimataifa wa Vitengo description: Sawazisha kwa kutumia Mfumo wa Kimataifa wa Vitengo voice: Drag the weights up to balance the scales. |
scalesboard_weight_avoirdupois.ogg | title: Kusawazisha kwa kutumia mfumo wa kifalme wa vitengo description: Kusawazisha kwa kutumia mfumo wa kifalme wa vitengo voice: Drag the weights up to balance the scales. |
share.ogg | title: Shiriki vipande vya pipi description: Shiriki vipande vya pipi voice: Share the candies equally among the specified number of children and notice that there may be a rest left |
simplepaint.ogg | title: description: voice: Select a color and paint the rectangles as you like to create a drawing. |
sketch.ogg | title: description: voice: Use the tools to draw images. |
smallnumbers.ogg | title: Nambari zilizo na kete description: Nambari zilizo na kete voice: Count the number on the dice and type it on your keyboard before it reaches the ground. |
smallnumbers2.ogg | title: Nambari zilizo na dhumna description: Nambari zilizo na dhumna voice: Count the numbers on the dominoes then type the result on your keyboard. |
solar_system.ogg | title: Mfumo wa jua description: Mfumo wa jua voice: Answer the questions presented and get a 100% correctness among the options. |
submarine.ogg | title: Rubani manowari description: Rubani manowari voice: Drive the submarine to the right end of the screen without colliding with any objects |
sudoku.ogg | title: Calcudoku description: Calcudoku voice: Select a number or a symbol and click its target area. Each symbol must appear only once in a row, in a column and in a subregion if any. |
superbrain.ogg | title: Ubongo wa hali ya juu description: Ubongo wa hali ya juu voice: Find out the right combination of colors. A dot framed in a black square means that you found the correct colour in the correct position, while a dot framed in a white square means it's the correct colour, but in the wrong position. |
tangram.ogg | title: Mchezo wa tangram puzzle description: Mchezo wa tangram puzzle voice: Click on each object to obtain the same figure. You can change their orientation by clicking on the arrows. |
target.ogg | title: Fanya mazoezi ya kuongeza ukitumia mchezo unaolengwa description: Fanya mazoezi ya kuongeza ukitumia mchezo unaolengwa voice: Click on the target to launch darts, then count your final score! |
tens_complement_calculate.ogg | title: Tumia kijalizo cha kumi description: Tumia kijalizo cha kumi voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position. Then, select the result box to type the result. |
tens_complement_find.ogg | title: Tafuta nyongeza ya kumi description: Tafuta nyongeza ya kumi voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there. |
tens_complement_swap.ogg | title: Badili nyongeza ya kumi description: Badili nyongeza ya kumi voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position. |
tens_complement_use.ogg | title: Tumia kijalizo cha kumi description: Tumia kijalizo cha kumi voice: Decompose the operations to include a pair of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there. |
tic_tac_toe.ogg | title: Tic tac toe (dhidi ya Tux) description: Tic tac toe (dhidi ya Tux) voice: Click on the square which you wish to mark and try to mark 3 consecutive squares before Tux. |
tic_tac_toe_2players.ogg | title: Tic tac toe (pamoja na rafiki) description: Tic tac toe (pamoja na rafiki) voice: Click on the square which you wish to mark and try to mark 3 consecutive squares before Tux. |
traffic.ogg | title: Mchezo wa mafumbo ya kuteleza description: Mchezo wa mafumbo ya kuteleza voice: Slide the cars to make a space so that the red car can go out of the box. |
vertical_addition.ogg | title: Mazoezi ya nyongeza. description: Mazoezi ya nyongeza. voice: Solve the given addition. |
vertical_subtraction.ogg | title: Fanya mazoezi ya kupunguza. description: Fanya mazoezi ya kupunguza. voice: Solve the given subtraction. |
vertical_subtraction_compensation.ogg | title: Fanya mazoezi ya kutoa description: Fanya mazoezi ya kutoa voice: Solve the given subtraction. |
watercycle.ogg | title: Mzunguko wa maji description: Mzunguko wa maji voice: Click on the various active elements that make up the water supply. Then press the shower button for Tux. |
wordsgame.ogg | title: Maneno ya kuanguka description: Maneno ya kuanguka voice: Type the words on your keyboard before they reach the ground. |
ERROR: Missing resource file /src/activities/gletters/resource/default-sw.json Instructions to create this file
File | Description |
about.ogg | |
awesome.ogg | |
back.ogg | |
by.ogg | |
check_answer.ogg | |
click_on_letter.ogg | Must contains the voice: 'Click on the letter:' |
configuration.ogg | |
congratulation.ogg | |
equal.ogg | |
fantastic.ogg | |
good.ogg | |
great.ogg | |
help.ogg | |
level.ogg | |
minus.ogg | |
outof.ogg | |
perfect.ogg | |
plus.ogg | |
quit.ogg | |
super.ogg | |
try_again.ogg | |
waytogo.ogg | |
welcome.ogg |
File | Description |
black.ogg | |
blue.ogg | |
brown.ogg | |
green.ogg | |
grey.ogg | |
orange.ogg | |
pink.ogg | |
purple.ogg | |
red.ogg | |
white.ogg | |
yellow.ogg |
File | Description |
afghanistan.ogg | Afghanistan |
africa.ogg | Afrika |
albania.ogg | Albania |
algeria.ogg | Algeria |
america.ogg | Marekani |
angola.ogg | Angola |
antarctica.ogg | Antarctika |
argentina.ogg | Argentina |
armenia.ogg | Armenia |
asia.ogg | Asia |
australia.ogg | Australia |
austria.ogg | Austria |
azerbaijan.ogg | Azerbaijan |
bahamas.ogg | Bahamas |
bangladesh.ogg | Bangladeshi |
belarus.ogg | Belarus |
belgium.ogg | Ubelgiji |
belize.ogg | Belize |
benin.ogg | Benini |
bhutan.ogg | Bhutan |
bolivia.ogg | Bolivia |
bosnia_herzegovina.ogg | Bosnia Herzegovina |
botswana.ogg | Botswana |
brazil.ogg | Brazil |
brunei.ogg | Brunei |
bulgaria.ogg | Bulgaria |
burkina_faso.ogg | Burkina Faso |
burundi.ogg | Burundi |
cambodia.ogg | Cambodia |
cameroon.ogg | Kameruni |
canada.ogg | Kanada |
central_african_republic.ogg | Jamhuri ya Dominika |
chad.ogg | Chadi |
chile.ogg | Chile |
china.ogg | China |
colombia.ogg | Kolombia |
cook_islands.ogg | Kisiwa cha Cook |
costa_rica.ogg | Kosta Rica |
croatia.ogg | Kroatia |
cuba.ogg | Cuba |
cyprus.ogg | Cyprus |
czechia.ogg | Cheki |
democratic_republic_of_congo.ogg | Jamhuri ya Dominika |
denmark.ogg | Denmark |
djibouti.ogg | Djibouti |
dominican_republic.ogg | Jamhuri ya Dominika |
east_timor.ogg | Timor Mashariki |
ecuador.ogg | Ecuador |
egypt.ogg | Misri |
equatorial_guinea.ogg | Papua Guinea Mpya |
eritrea.ogg | Eritrea |
estonia.ogg | Estonia |
eswatini.ogg | Eswatini |
ethiopia.ogg | Ethiopia |
europe.ogg | Ulaya |
fiji.ogg | Fiji |
finland.ogg | Ufini |
france.ogg | Ufaransa |
french_guiana.ogg | Guiana ya Ufaransa |
french_polynesia.ogg | Polynesia ya Kifaransa |
gabon.ogg | Gabon |
gambia.ogg | Gambia |
georgia.ogg | Asia |
germany.ogg | Ujerumani |
ghana.ogg | Ghana |
greece.ogg | Ugiriki |
greenland.ogg | Greenland |
guatemala.ogg | Guatemala |
guinea.ogg | Guinea |
guinea_bissau.ogg | Guinea Bissau |
guyana.ogg | Guyana |
haiti.ogg | Haiti |
hawaii.ogg | Hawaii |
honduras.ogg | Honduras |
hungary.ogg | Hungaria |
iceland.ogg | Iceland |
india.ogg | India |
indonesia.ogg | Indonesia |
iran.ogg | Iran |
iraq.ogg | Iraq |
ireland.ogg | Ireland |
israel.ogg | Israeli |
italy.ogg | Italia |
ivory_coast.ogg | Ivory Coast |
jamaica.ogg | Jamaica |
japan.ogg | Ujapani |
jordan.ogg | Yordani |
kazakhstan.ogg | Kazakhstan |
kenya.ogg | Kenya |
kiribati.ogg | Kiribati |
kuwait.ogg | Kuwaiti |
kyrgyzstan.ogg | Kyrgyzstani |
laos.ogg | Laos |
latvia.ogg | Latvia |
lebanon.ogg | Lebanon |
lesotho.ogg | Lesotho |
liberia.ogg | Liberia |
libya.ogg | Libya |
lithuania.ogg | Lituanya |
madagascar.ogg | Madagaska |
malawi.ogg | Malawi |
malaysia.ogg | Malaysia |
maldives.ogg | Maldives |
mali.ogg | Mali |
mariana_islands.ogg | Visiwa vya Mariana |
marshall_islands.ogg | Visiwa vya Shetland |
mauritania.ogg | Mauritania |
mexico.ogg | Mexico |
micronesia.ogg | Micronesia |
moldova.ogg | Moldova |
mongolia.ogg | Mongolia |
moroco.ogg | Morocco |
mozambique.ogg | Msumbiji |
myanmar.ogg | Myanmar |
namibia.ogg | Namibia |
nepal.ogg | Nepal |
netherland.ogg | Uholanzi |
new_caledonia.ogg | New Hampshire |
new_zealand.ogg | Mexico Mpya |
nicaragua.ogg | Nikaragua |
niger.ogg | Niger |
nigeria.ogg | Nigeria |
north_korea.ogg | Korea Kaskazini |
norway.ogg | Norway |
oceania.ogg | Oceania |
oman.ogg | Oman |
pakistan.ogg | Pakistani |
palau.ogg | Palau |
panama.ogg | Panama |
papua_new_guinea.ogg | Papua Guinea Mpya |
paraguay.ogg | Paraguyi |
peru.ogg | Peru |
philippines.ogg | Ufilipino |
pitcairn_islands.ogg | Visiwa vya Pitcairn |
poland.ogg | Poland |
portugal.ogg | Ureno |
puerto_rico.ogg | Puerto Rico |
qatar.ogg | Katari |
republic_of_congo.ogg | Jamhuri ya Kongo |
romania.ogg | Romania |
russia.ogg | Urusi |
rwanda.ogg | Rwanda |
salvador.ogg | El Salvador |
samoan_islands.ogg | Visiwa vya Samoan |
saudi_arabia.ogg | Saudia |
senegal.ogg | Senegali |
serbia.ogg | Serbia |
sierra_leone.ogg | Sierra Leone |
slovakia.ogg | Jamhuri ya Kislovakia |
solomon_islands.ogg | Kisiwa cha Solomon |
somalia.ogg | Somalia |
south_africa.ogg | Afrika Kusini |
south_korea.ogg | Korea Kusini |
south_sudan.ogg | Sudani Kusini |
spain.ogg | Hispania |
sri_lanka.ogg | Sri Lanka |
sudan.ogg | Sudani |
suriname.ogg | Suriname |
sweden.ogg | Uswizi |
switz.ogg | Switzerland |
syria.ogg | Syria |
taiwan.ogg | Taiwan |
tajikistan.ogg | Tajikistan |
tanzania.ogg | Tanzania |
thailand.ogg | Thailand |
togo.ogg | Togo |
tonga.ogg | Tonga |
tunisia.ogg | Tunisia |
turkey.ogg | Uturuki |
turkmenistan.ogg | Turkmenistan |
tuvalu.ogg | Tuvalu |
uganda.ogg | Uganda |
ukraine.ogg | Ukraine |
united_arab_emirates.ogg | Falme za Kiarabu |
united_kingdom.ogg | Uingereza |
uruguay.ogg | Uruguay |
us_minor.ogg | Visiwa vidogo vya Muungano wa Mataifa |
usa.ogg | Amerika |
uzbekistan.ogg | Uzbekistan |
vanuatu.ogg | Vanuatu |
venezuela.ogg | Venezuela |
vietnam.ogg | Vietnam |
western_sahara.ogg | Sahara ya Magharibi |
yemen.ogg | Yemen |
zambia.ogg | Zambia |
zimbabwe.ogg | Zimbabwe |
File | Description |
accountant.ogg | mhasibu |
ache.ogg | maumivu |
acorn.ogg | acorn |
actor.ogg | mwigizaji |
air_horn.ogg | pembe ya hewa |
alarmclock.ogg | Saa ya Kengele |
alligator.ogg | mamba |
alphabet.ogg | alfabeti |
anchor.ogg | nanga |
angel.ogg | malaika |
angry.ogg | hasira |
animal.ogg | mnyama |
ankle.ogg | kifundo cha mguu |
ant.ogg | mchwa |
anteater.ogg | |
antelope.ogg | swala |
apple.ogg | tufaha |
apple_tree.ogg | mti wa tufaha |
appliance.ogg | kifaa |
apricot.ogg | parachichi |
arm.ogg | mkono |
armchair.ogg | kiti cha mkono |
artichoke.ogg | artichoke |
artist.ogg | msanii |
asparagus.ogg | avokado |
astronaut.ogg | mwanaanga |
athlete.ogg | mwanariadha |
avocado.ogg | parachichi |
ax.ogg | shoka |
baby_bottle.ogg | chupa ya mtoto |
back.ogg | mgongo |
badge.ogg | beji |
bag.ogg | mfuko |
bait.ogg | chambo |
balance.ogg | usawa |
bald.ogg | upara |
ball.ogg | mpira |
ball_of_yarn.ogg | mpira wa uzi |
ball_soccer.ogg | mpira wa miguu |
ballet.ogg | ballet |
bank.ogg | Benki |
banker_female.ogg | mwanamke wa benki |
bark.ogg | kubweka |
barn.ogg | ghalani |
bat.ogg | popo |
bath.ogg | kuoga |
bathing_suit.ogg | suti ya kuoga |
bay.ogg | ghuba |
beach.ogg | pwani |
bean.ogg | maharagwe |
bear.ogg | dubu |
beard.ogg | ndevu |
beat.ogg | kupiga |
beaver.ogg | ndezi |
bed.ogg | kitanda |
bedroom.ogg | chumba cha kulala |
bee.ogg | nyuki |
beetle.ogg | mende |
beg.ogg | kuombaomba |
behind.ogg | nyuma |
bell.ogg | kengele |
belly.ogg | tumbo |
bench.ogg | benchi |
bib.ogg | bib |
big.ogg | kubwa |
big_top.ogg | |
bike.ogg | baiskeli |
bird.ogg | ndege |
bit.ogg | kidogo |
bite.ogg | kuuma |
black.ogg | nyeusi |
blackberry.ogg | blackberry |
blackbird.ogg | ndege mweusi |
blade.ogg | blade |
blind.ogg | kipofu |
blink.ogg | kupepesa macho |
block.ogg | kuzuia |
blond.ogg | blond |
blue.ogg | bluu |
blueberry.ogg | blueberry |
blush.ogg | kuona haya usoni |
board.ogg | ubao |
boat.ogg | mashua |
boil.ogg | kuchemsha |
bolt.ogg | bolt |
bomb.ogg | bomu |
bone.ogg | mfupa |
book.ogg | kitabu |
bookcase.ogg | kabati la vitabu |
bottom.ogg | chini |
box.ogg | sanduku |
boxer.ogg | mpiga ndondi |
boy.ogg | mvulana |
braid.ogg | suka |
brain.ogg | ubongo |
branch.ogg | tawi |
bread.ogg | mkate |
break.ogg | kuvunja |
breast.ogg | Titi |
brick.ogg | tofali |
bricklayer.ogg | mwanzilishi |
bride.ogg | bibi harusi |
bridge.ogg | daraja |
bright.ogg | mkali |
broccoli.ogg | broccoli |
brother.ogg | kaka |
brown.ogg | kahawia |
brush.ogg | brashi |
bubble.ogg | Povu |
bucket.ogg | ndoo |
bud.ogg | chipukizi |
buffalo.ogg | nyati |
bug.ogg | mdudu |
bulb.ogg | balbu |
bull.ogg | fahali |
bump.ogg | piga |
bun.ogg | andazi |
bus.ogg | basi |
bush.ogg | kichaka |
butcher.ogg | mchinjaji |
butter.ogg | siagi |
butterfly.ogg | kipepeo |
button.ogg | kifungio |
cabbage.ogg | kabichi |
cabin.ogg | kibanda |
cacao.ogg | kakao |
cactus.ogg | cactus |
cage.ogg | kizimba |
cake.ogg | keki |
call.ogg | kupiga simu |
camel.ogg | ngamia |
camera.ogg | kamera |
camp.ogg | kambi |
can.ogg | kopo |
canary.ogg | Kanari |
candle.ogg | mshumaa |
candy.ogg | pipi |
cane.ogg | miwa |
canoe.ogg | mtumbwi |
canon.ogg | canon |
canyon.ogg | korongo |
cap.ogg | kofia |
cape.ogg | cape |
car.ogg | gari |
carafe.ogg | karafu |
card.ogg | kadi |
carnival.ogg | kanivali |
carpenter.ogg | seremala |
carpet.ogg | zulia |
carrot.ogg | karoti |
cart.ogg | mkokoteni |
cash.ogg | fedha taslimu |
castle.ogg | kasri |
cat.ogg | paka |
cat_female.ogg | paka wa kike |
catch.ogg | kukamata |
caterpillar.ogg | kiwavi |
cauldron.ogg | sufuria |
cauliflower.ogg | koliflower |
cave.ogg | pango |
cavern.ogg | pango |
celery.ogg | celery |
centipede.ogg | centipede |
cereal.ogg | nafaka |
chain.ogg | mnyororo |
chair.ogg | mwenyekiti |
chalk.ogg | chaki |
chameleon.ogg | kinyonga |
chandelier.ogg | chandelier |
chat.ogg | kuzungumza |
cheek.ogg | shavu |
cheer.ogg | furaha |
cheese.ogg | jibini |
chef.ogg | mpishi |
cherry.ogg | cherry |
chest.ogg | kifua |
chick.ogg | kifaranga |
chicken.ogg | kuku |
child.ogg | mtoto |
chimney.ogg | bomba la moshi |
chimp.ogg | sokwe |
chin.ogg | kidevu |
chocolate.ogg | chokoleti |
chop.ogg | kukatakata |
chores.ogg | kazi za nyumbani |
christmas.ogg | Krismasi |
cigar.ogg | sigara |
circus.ogg | sarakasi |
city.ogg | mji |
clam.ogg | mtulivu |
clap.ogg | kupiga makofi |
class.ogg | darasa |
claw.ogg | makucha |
clay.ogg | udongo |
clean.ogg | kusafisha |
cleaning_lady.ogg | mfanya usafi |
cliff.ogg | mwamba |
climb.ogg | kupanda |
clock.ogg | saa |
cloth.ogg | kitambaa |
clothes_hanger.ogg | kining'iniza nguo |
cloud.ogg | wingu |
cloudy.ogg | mawingu |
clover.ogg | karafuu |
clown.ogg | mcheshi |
coach.ogg | kocha |
coast.ogg | pwani |
coat.ogg | koti |
cobra.ogg | cobra |
coconut.ogg | nazi |
cod.ogg | chewa |
coffee.ogg | kahawa |
coin.ogg | sarafu |
cold.ogg | baridi |
color.ogg | rangi |
colt.ogg | mwana-punda |
comb.ogg | kuchana |
cone.ogg | koni |
cook.ogg | kupika |
cookie.ogg | biskuti |
cork.ogg | kizibo |
corn.ogg | mahindi |
couch.ogg | kitanda |
cough.ogg | kukohoa |
couple.ogg | wanandoa |
cow.ogg | ng'ombe |
cowboy.ogg | mchunga ng'ombe |
crab.ogg | kaa |
cradle.ogg | utoto |
craft.ogg | ufundi |
crawl.ogg | kutambaa |
crazy.ogg | kichaa |
creek.ogg | mkondo |
crepe.ogg | crepe |
crib.ogg | kitanda cha kulala |
croak.ogg | kupiga kelele |
crocodile.ogg | mamba |
cross.ogg | msalaba |
crow.ogg | kunguru |
crown.ogg | taji |
crumb.ogg | |
crust.ogg | ukoko |
cry.ogg | kulia |
crystal.ogg | kioo |
cube.ogg | mchemraba |
cucumber.ogg | tango |
curtain.ogg | pazia |
cut.ogg | kukata |
cute.ogg | mzuri |
dad.ogg | baba |
daffodil.ogg | daffodili |
daisy.ogg | daisy |
dam.ogg | bwawa |
dance.ogg | ngoma |
dandelion.ogg | dandelion |
dart_board.ogg | ubao wa dati |
date_fruit.ogg | matunda ya tarehe |
deer.ogg | kulungu |
den.ogg | shimo |
desert.ogg | jangwa |
desk.ogg | dawati |
dessert.ogg | |
diamond.ogg | Almasi |
dig.ogg | kulima |
dirt.ogg | uchafu |
dirty.ogg | chafu |
dish.ogg | sahani |
dishcloth.ogg | kitambaa cha sahani |
dive.ogg | kupiga mbizi |
doctor.ogg | daktari |
doe.ogg | kulungu |
dog.ogg | mbwa |
doll.ogg | mwanasesere |
dolphin.ogg | pomboo |
domino.ogg | domino |
door.ogg | mlango |
doormat.ogg | kitanda cha mlango |
dot.ogg | nukta |
doughnut.ogg | donati |
dove.ogg | njiwa |
dragon.ogg | joka |
dragonfly.ogg | kereng'ende |
draw.ogg | kuchora |
drawer.ogg | droo |
dream.ogg | kuota |
dress.ogg | nguo |
drink.ogg | kunywa |
drip.ogg | dripu |
drive.ogg | kuendesha |
drool.ogg | kuvuja udenda |
drum.ogg | ngoma |
dry.ogg | kukausha |
duck.ogg | bata |
duck_mother.ogg | mama bata |
dune.ogg | mchanga |
dwarf.ogg | mbilikimo |
eagle.ogg | tai |
ear.ogg | sikio |
earth.ogg | Dunia |
eat.ogg | kula |
egg.ogg | yai |
eggplant.ogg | mbilingani |
elbow.ogg | kiwiko |
electrician.ogg | fundi umeme |
elk.ogg | elk |
empty.ogg | tupu |
engine.ogg | Injini |
engineer.ogg | mhandisi |
eraser.ogg | kifutio |
explore.ogg | kuchunguza |
eyelash.ogg | kope |
eyes.ogg | macho |
face.ogg | uso |
fair.ogg | haki |
fairy.ogg | hadithi |
fall.ogg | anguka |
fall_season.ogg | msimu wa vuli |
family.ogg | familia |
fan.ogg | shabiki |
farm.ogg | shamba |
farmer.ogg | mkulima |
fat.ogg | mafuta |
faucet.ogg | bomba |
fawn.ogg | kulungu mtoto |
fear.ogg | hofu |
feast.ogg | Sherehe |
feather.ogg | unyoya |
feed.ogg | kulisha |
femur.ogg | mfupa |
fetch.ogg | kuchota |
fig.ogg | mtini |
fin.ogg | pezi |
find.ogg | kutafuta |
finger.ogg | kidole |
fire.ogg | moto |
fire_extinguisher.ogg | kizima moto |
fireman.ogg | zimamoto |
fish.ogg | samaki |
fisherman.ogg | mvuvi |
fist.ogg | ngumi |
flacon.ogg | flacon |
flag.ogg | bendera |
flame.ogg | moto |
flamingo.ogg | yangeyange |
flash.ogg | flash |
flat.ogg | gorofa |
flies.ogg | nzi |
float.ogg | kuelea |
flour.ogg | unga |
flower.ogg | ua |
fluff.ogg | fluff |
flute.ogg | filimbi |
fly.ogg | kupaa |
foam.ogg | povu |
foot.ogg | mguu |
forest.ogg | msitu |
fork.ogg | uma |
fountain.ogg | chemchemi |
fox.ogg | mbweha |
freeze.ogg | kuganda |
friend.ogg | rafiki |
fries.ogg | chips |
frog.ogg | chura |
front.ogg | mbele |
fruit.ogg | matunda |
fudge.ogg | kashata |
full.ogg | kamili |
fur.ogg | manyoya |
game.ogg | mchezo |
garage.ogg | karakana |
garden.ogg | bustani |
garlic.ogg | vitunguu saumu |
gem.ogg | vito |
giant.ogg | jitu |
gift.ogg | zawadi |
giraffe.ogg | twiga |
girl.ogg | msichana |
glass.ogg | kioo |
glasses.ogg | miwani |
glove.ogg | glavu |
glue.ogg | gundi |
gnome.ogg | mbilikimo |
goat.ogg | mbuzi |
golden.ogg | dhahabu |
golf.ogg | gofu |
goose.ogg | bata maji |
gorilla.ogg | sokwe mtu |
grain.ogg | nafaka |
grandmother.ogg | bibi |
grape.ogg | mzabibu |
grapefruit.ogg | tunda la zabibu |
grass.ogg | nyasi |
grave.ogg | kaburi |
gray.ogg | kijivu |
green.ogg | kijani |
grill.ogg | grill |
grin.ogg | tabasamu |
ground.ogg | ardhi |
growl.ogg | kuunguruma |
guignol.ogg | guignol |
guinea_pig.ogg | nguruwe ya Guinea |
gum.ogg | bigijii |
hair.ogg | nywele |
hair_dryer.ogg | kikausha nywele |
half.ogg | nusu |
ham.ogg | nyama ya nguruwe |
hamburger.ogg | mkate nyama |
hammer.ogg | nyundo |
hand.ogg | mkono |
handlebar.ogg | mpini |
happy.ogg | furaha |
harp.ogg | kinubi |
hat.ogg | kofia |
hatch.ogg | kuangua |
hay.ogg | nyasi |
head.ogg | kichwa |
hear.ogg | kusikia |
heat.ogg | joto |
hedge.ogg | ua |
hedgehog.ogg | kalunguyeye |
heel.ogg | kisigino |
helmet.ogg | kofia |
hen.ogg | kuku |
herd.ogg | kundi |
high.ogg | juu |
hike.ogg | kupanda |
hill.ogg | kilima |
hip.ogg | nyonga |
hippopotamus.ogg | kiboko |
hit.ogg | piga |
hive.ogg | mzinga |
hockey.ogg | mpira wa magongo |
hole.ogg | shimo |
home.ogg | nyumbani |
hook.ogg | ndoano |
hop.ogg | ruka |
horse.ogg | farasi |
hose.ogg | bomba |
hospital.ogg | hospitali |
hot.ogg | moto |
hot_dog.ogg | |
hound.ogg | mbwa mwitu |
house.ogg | nyumba |
howl.ogg | yowe |
hug.ogg | kukumbatia |
huge.ogg | kubwa |
hummingbird.ogg | ndege aina ya hummingbird |
hunchbacked.ogg | mgongo pinda |
hunter.ogg | mwindaji |
husband.ogg | mume |
hut.ogg | kibanda |
hyena.ogg | fisi |
ice.ogg | barafu |
iceberg.ogg | barafu |
iguana.ogg | mjusi gurugunya |
ill.ogg | mgonjwa |
ink.ogg | wino |
island.ogg | kisiwa |
jacket.ogg | koti |
jaguar.ogg | jaguar |
jam.ogg | siagi |
jay.ogg | jay |
jelly.ogg | jeli |
jellyfish.ogg | jellyfish |
jewel.ogg | kito |
job.ogg | kazi |
jockey.ogg | joki |
jog.ogg | kukimbia |
joy.ogg | furaha |
judge.ogg | jaji |
judo.ogg | judo |
juggler.ogg | mcheshi |
juice.ogg | sharubati |
jump.ogg | kuruka |
kangaroo.ogg | kangaroo |
keel.ogg | |
kernel.ogg | punje |
keyboard.ogg | kibodi |
kimono.ogg | kimono |
king.ogg | mfalme |
kiss.ogg | kubusu |
kitchen.ogg | jikoni |
kite.ogg | kite |
kitten.ogg | paka |
kiwi.ogg | kiwi |
knee.ogg | goti |
kneel.ogg | kupiga magoti |
knife.ogg | kisu |
knight.ogg | knight |
knit.ogg | kuunganishwa |
knot.ogg | fundo |
koala.ogg | koala |
lad.ogg | kijana |
lady.ogg | mwanamke |
ladybug.ogg | ladybug |
lake.ogg | Ziwa |
lama.ogg | lama |
lamb.ogg | mwana-kondoo |
lamp.ogg | taa |
land.ogg | ardhi |
lane.ogg | njia |
lap.ogg | paja |
lasso.ogg | lasso |
laugh.ogg | kucheka |
lava.ogg | lava |
lawn.ogg | nyasi |
lawyer.ogg | Mwanasheria |
leaf.ogg | jani |
ledge.ogg | ukingo |
leek.ogg | leki |
left.ogg | kushoto |
leg.ogg | mguu |
lemon.ogg | limau |
lemonade.ogg | maji ya limau |
lemur.ogg | lemur |
leopard.ogg | chui |
lettuce.ogg | lettuce |
librarian.ogg | mkutubi |
lick.ogg | kulamba |
lid.ogg | kifuniko |
lift.ogg | kuinua |
light.ogg | mwanga |
lighthouse.ogg | mnara wa taa |
lightning.ogg | radi |
lilac.ogg | lilaki |
lime.ogg | chokaa |
line.ogg | mstari |
link.ogg | kiungo |
lion.ogg | simba |
lion_cub.ogg | mtoto wa simba |
lip.ogg | mdomo |
liquid.ogg | kioevu |
lizard.ogg | mjusi |
lobster.ogg | kamba |
log.ogg | logi |
look.ogg | kuangalia |
lunch.ogg | chakula cha mchana |
mad.ogg | wazimu |
magic.ogg | uchawi |
magnet.ogg | sumaku |
magnifying_glass.ogg | kioo cha kukuza |
magpie.ogg | majungu |
mail.ogg | barua |
man.ogg | mtu |
mane.ogg | mane |
mango.ogg | embe |
map.ogg | ramani |
maple.ogg | maple |
marble.ogg | marumaru |
mashed_potatoes.ogg | viazi zilizosokotwa |
mask.ogg | maski |
mast.ogg | mlingoti |
mat.ogg | mkeka |
match.ogg | mechi |
mate.ogg | mwenzio |
mattress.ogg | godoro |
mauve.ogg | mauve |
meal.ogg | chakula |
meat.ogg | nyama |
mechanic.ogg | fundi |
medal.ogg | medali |
meet.ogg | kukutana |
melon.ogg | Tikiti |
merry-go-round.ogg | merry-go-round |
mice.ogg | panya |
microphone.ogg | kipaza sauti |
milk.ogg | maziwa |
mill.ogg | kinu |
mimosa.ogg | mimosa |
mirror.ogg | kioo |
mixer.ogg | kichanganyaji |
mole.ogg | mole |
mom.ogg | mama |
moon.ogg | mwezi |
moose.ogg | moose |
mop.ogg | dekio |
mosque.ogg | msikiti |
mosquito.ogg | mbu |
mother.ogg | mama |
motorcycle.ogg | pikipiki |
mountain.ogg | mlima |
mouse.ogg | panya |
mouth.ogg | mdomo |
movie.ogg | filamu |
mower.ogg | mashine ya kufyeka majani |
mud.ogg | matope |
mug.ogg | kikombe |
mule.ogg | nyumbu |
muscle.ogg | misuli |
mushroom.ogg | uyoga |
music.ogg | Muziki |
musician.ogg | mwanamuziki |
naked.ogg | uchi |
nap.ogg | kulala usingizi |
navel.ogg | kitovu |
neck.ogg | shingo |
necklace.ogg | mkufu |
needle.ogg | sindano |
nest.ogg | kiota |
net.ogg | wavu |
newspaper.ogg | gazeti |
night.ogg | usiku |
nightgown.ogg | vazi la kulalia |
nose.ogg | pua |
nostril.ogg | puani |
notebook.ogg | daftari |
number.ogg | nambari |
nun.ogg | mtawa |
nurse.ogg | muuguzi |
nurse_male.ogg | muuguzi wa kiume |
nut.ogg | |
oar.ogg | kasia |
ocean.ogg | Bahari |
office.ogg | ofisi |
olive.ogg | mzeituni |
on.ogg | on |
onion.ogg | kitunguu |
open.ogg | wazi |
opossum.ogg | opossum |
orange-color.ogg | machungwa |
orange.ogg | machungwa |
orchid.ogg | orchid |
ostrich.ogg | mbuni |
otter.ogg | otter |
owl.ogg | bundi |
ox.ogg | ng'ombe |
oyster.ogg | chaza |
pacifier.ogg | |
page.ogg | ukurasa |
pair.ogg | jozi |
pajamas.ogg | pajama |
pal.ogg | rafiki |
palm_tree.ogg | mtende |
pan.ogg | kikaangio |
panda.ogg | panda |
panther.ogg | panther |
panties.ogg | chupi |
pants.ogg | suruali |
papaya.ogg | papai |
paper.ogg | karatasi |
parachute.ogg | parachuti |
parakeet.ogg | parakeet |
parrot.ogg | kasuku |
patch.ogg | kiraka |
path.ogg | njia |
paw.ogg | mguu |
pea.ogg | pea |
peach.ogg | peach |
peacock.ogg | tausi |
peak.ogg | kilele |
pear.ogg | peasi |
pearl.ogg | lulu |
peck.ogg | kudonoa |
pedal.ogg | kanyagio |
pelican.ogg | mwari |
pen.ogg | kalamu |
pencil.ogg | penseli |
peony.ogg | peony |
people.ogg | watu |
pepper.ogg | pilipili |
peppers.ogg | pilipili |
pet.ogg | kipenzi |
petal.ogg | petali |
phone.ogg | simu |
piano.ogg | piano |
picture.ogg | picha |
pie.ogg | pai |
pig.ogg | Nguruwe |
pigeon.ogg | njiwa |
pill.ogg | kidonge |
pillow.ogg | mto |
pilot.ogg | rubani |
pine.ogg | pine |
pine_cone.ogg | pine koni |
pink.ogg | Pink |
pip.ogg | bomba |
pipe.ogg | bomba |
piranha.ogg | piranha |
pirate.ogg | maharamia |
pizza.ogg | pizza |
plane.ogg | ndege |
planet.ogg | sayari |
plant.ogg | mmea |
plate.ogg | sahani |
play.ogg | kucheza |
pliers.ogg | koleo |
plow.ogg | kulima |
plum.ogg | plum |
plumber.ogg | fundi bomba |
pocket.ogg | mfukoni |
pod.ogg | ganda |
pole.ogg | nguzo |
police.ogg | polisi |
pompon.ogg | pomoni |
pond.ogg | bwawa |
pony.ogg | GPPony |
pool.ogg | bwawa |
popcorn.ogg | bisi |
pope.ogg | papa |
porthole.ogg | shimo |
post.ogg | chapisho |
pot.ogg | sufuria |
potato.ogg | viazi |
pounce.ogg | kuruka |
president.ogg | rais |
pretty.ogg | nzuri |
price.ogg | bei |
priest.ogg | padri |
prince.ogg | mwana mfalme |
princess.ogg | binti mfalme |
prison.ogg | jela |
prisoner.ogg | mfungwa |
prize.ogg | tuzo |
pug.ogg | pug |
pull.ogg | kuvuta |
pullover.ogg | sweta |
pumpkin.ogg | boga |
puppy.ogg | mtoto wa mbwa |
pyramid.ogg | piramidi |
quarrel.ogg | kugombana |
queen.ogg | malkia |
question.ogg | swali |
quilt.ogg | mto |
quiz.ogg | chemsha bongo |
rabbit.ogg | sungura |
rabbit_baby.ogg | sungura mtoto |
race.ogg | mbio |
radio.ogg | redio |
radish.ogg | figili |
raft.ogg | boti |
rag.ogg | tamba |
rage.ogg | hasira |
rain.ogg | mvua |
raincoat.ogg | koti la mvua |
rake.ogg | reki |
ramp.ogg | njia panda |
ran.ogg | kimbia |
raspberry.ogg | raspberry |
rat.ogg | panya |
razor.ogg | wembe |
read.ogg | kusoma |
red.ogg | nyekundu |
reptile.ogg | mtambaazi |
rhinoceros.ogg | kifaru |
rice.ogg | mchele |
ride.ogg | panda |
rifle.ogg | bunduki |
right.ogg | kulia |
rip.ogg | kurarua |
rise.ogg | kuinuka |
river.ogg | Mto |
road.ogg | barabara |
roast.ogg | choma |
robe.ogg | vazi |
robot.ogg | roboti |
rock.ogg | mwamba |
rocket.ogg | roketi |
rolling_pin.ogg | pini ya kusongesha |
roof.ogg | paa |
room.ogg | chumba |
root.ogg | mzizi |
rope.ogg | kamba |
rose.ogg | waridi |
round.ogg | duara |
rowing.ogg | kupiga makasia |
royal.ogg | kifalme |
rug.ogg | zulia |
run.ogg | kukimbia |
sad.ogg | huzuni |
saddle.ogg | tandiko |
sail.ogg | tanga |
sailor.ogg | baharia |
salamander.ogg | salamander |
salmon.ogg | salmoni |
sand.ogg | mchanga |
sandals.ogg | viatu |
sandwich.ogg | |
sash.ogg | ukanda |
sauce.ogg | mchuzi |
sausage.ogg | soseji |
scale.ogg | mizani |
scar.ogg | kovu |
scare.ogg | kutisha |
scarf.ogg | scarf |
school.ogg | shule |
school_bag.ogg | Begi la shule |
science.ogg | sayansi |
scissors.ogg | mkasi |
scorpion.ogg | nge |
scratch.ogg | kukwazuza |
scream.ogg | kupiga kelele |
screw.ogg | skurubu |
screwdriver.ogg | bisibisi |
scribble.ogg | kuandika |
sea.ogg | bahari |
seat.ogg | kiti |
see.ogg | kuona |
seed.ogg | mbegu |
shadow.ogg | kivuli |
shake.ogg | kutingisha |
shark.ogg | papa |
shave.ogg | Kunyoa |
shed.ogg | kumwaga |
sheep.ogg | Kondoo |
shelf.ogg | rafu |
shell.ogg | ganda |
ship.ogg | meli |
shirt.ogg | shati |
shoe.ogg | kiatu |
shoelace.ogg | kamba ya kiatu |
shop.ogg | Duka |
shore.ogg | ufukweni |
short.ogg | kaputula |
shovel.ogg | koleo |
shower.ogg | kuoga |
shrimp.ogg | uduvi |
shrub.ogg | kichaka |
shut.ogg | funga |
shutter.ogg | shutter |
sick.ogg | mgonjwa |
sidewalk.ogg | njia ya barabarani |
sign.ogg | ishara |
sing.ogg | kuimba |
sink.ogg | kuzama |
sip.ogg | kunywa |
sister.ogg | dada |
sit.ogg | kukaa |
skate.ogg | skate |
skeleton.ogg | mifupa |
ski.ogg | Skii |
skimmer.ogg | skimmer |
skin.ogg | ngozi |
skirt.ogg | sketi |
skunk.ogg | mbwembwe |
sky.ogg | anga |
slam.ogg | kubamiza |
sled.ogg | |
sleep.ogg | kulala |
sleeve.ogg | sleeve |
sleigh.ogg | sleigh |
slide.ogg | slaidi |
slim.ogg | mwembamba |
slime.ogg | lami |
slippers.ogg | ndala |
slope.ogg | mteremko |
sloppy.ogg | mzembe |
slot.ogg | yanayopangwa |
sloth.ogg | mvivu |
slug.ogg | konokono |
small.ogg | ndogo |
smell.ogg | kunusa |
smile.ogg | tabasamu |
smock.ogg | |
smoke.ogg | moshi |
smooch.ogg | kulainisha |
snack.ogg | vitafunio |
snail.ogg | konokono |
snake.ogg | nyoka |
sneaker.ogg | raba |
sniff.ogg | kunusa |
snow.ogg | theluji |
soap.ogg | sabuni |
sob.ogg | kulia |
sock.ogg | soksi |
soldier.ogg | askari |
sole.ogg | pekee |
sole_shoe.ogg | kiatu pekee |
son.ogg | mwana |
soup.ogg | supu |
spade.ogg | koleo |
spaghetti.ogg | tambi |
spark.ogg | cheche |
sparrow.ogg | shomoro |
spatula.ogg | upawa |
speak.ogg | kuongea |
spear.ogg | mkuki |
spice.ogg | viungo |
spider.ogg | buibui |
spider_web.ogg | utando wa buibui |
spike.ogg | mwiba |
spill.ogg | kumwaga |
spinach.ogg | mchicha |
spine.ogg | mgongo |
spinning_top.ogg | inazunguka juu |
splash.ogg | kupiga |
splatter.ogg | splatter |
sponge.ogg | sifongo |
spool.ogg | spool |
spoon.ogg | kijiko |
sport.ogg | mchezo |
spot.ogg | onesha/doa |
spray.ogg | kunyunyizia |
spread.ogg | kusambaza |
spring.ogg | kudunda |
spring_season.ogg | msimu wa masika |
sprinkle.ogg | nyunyuzia |
square.ogg | miraba minne. |
squash.ogg | boga |
squat.ogg | kuchuchumaa |
squid.ogg | ngisi |
squirrel.ogg | squirrel |
squirt.ogg | kuchuruzika |
stack.ogg | msururu |
stage.ogg | jukwaa |
staircase.ogg | ngazi |
stamp.ogg | muhuri |
stand.ogg | kusimama |
star.ogg | nyota |
stare.ogg | kutazama |
starfish.ogg | samaki nyota |
steam.ogg | mvuke |
steep.ogg | mwinuko |
steeple.ogg | mnara |
stem.ogg | shina |
step.ogg | hatua |
stew.ogg | kitoweo |
stick.ogg | fimbo |
sting.ogg | kuuma |
stinky.ogg | inanuka |
stitch.ogg | kushona |
stomach.ogg | tumbo |
stone.ogg | jiwe |
stop.ogg | kuacha |
store.ogg | duka |
stove.ogg | jiko |
straight.ogg | moja kwa moja |
strainer.ogg | kichujio |
straw.ogg | mrija |
strawberry.ogg | strawberry |
stream.ogg | mkondo |
street.ogg | mtaani |
stretch.ogg | kunyoosha |
string.ogg | kamba |
stripe.ogg | mstari |
strong.ogg | nguvu |
student.ogg | mwanafunzi |
study.ogg | kusoma |
stump.ogg | kisiki |
sugar.ogg | sukari |
suit.ogg | suti |
suitcase.ogg | sanduku |
summer.ogg | majira ya joto |
summit.ogg | mkutano wa kilele |
sun.ogg | jua |
swan.ogg | swan |
sweat.ogg | jasho |
sweatshirt.ogg | sweta |
swim.ogg | kuogelea |
table.ogg | meza |
tablecloth.ogg | kitambaa cha meza |
tadpole.ogg | kiluwiluwi |
tag.ogg | tagi |
tail.ogg | mkia |
tall.ogg | mrefu |
tape_measure.ogg | kipimo cha mkanda |
taxi.ogg | teksi |
teach.ogg | kufundisha |
teacher.ogg | mwalimu |
tear.ogg | kurarua |
teddy.ogg | |
teeth.ogg | meno |
television.ogg | televisheni |
temple.ogg | hekalu |
tennis.ogg | tenisi |
tent.ogg | hema |
text.ogg | maandishi |
thick.ogg | nene |
thief.ogg | mwizi |
thigh.ogg | paja |
think.ogg | kufikiria |
thread.ogg | uzi |
throat.ogg | koo |
throw.ogg | kutupa |
thumb.ogg | kidole gumba |
tick.ogg | tiki |
ticket.ogg | tiketi |
tiger.ogg | simbamarara |
time.ogg | wakati |
tin.ogg | kopo |
tire.ogg | tairi |
tired.ogg | uchovu |
tissue.ogg | tishu |
to_drink.ogg | kunywa |
toad.ogg | chura |
toaster.ogg | kibaniko |
toe.ogg | kidole cha mguu |
toilet.ogg | choo |
tomatoe.ogg | nyanya |
tongs.ogg | koleo |
tongue.ogg | ulimi |
tool.ogg | chombo |
top.ogg | juu |
torch.ogg | mwenge |
touch.ogg | kugusa |
towel.ogg | taulo |
toy.ogg | mwanasesere |
trail.ogg | njia |
train.ogg | treni |
train_station.ogg | kituo cha treni |
trap.ogg | mtego |
trash.ogg | takataka |
tray.ogg | trei |
treat.ogg | kutibu |
tree.ogg | mti |
triangle.ogg | pembetatu |
tribe.ogg | kabila |
trip.ogg | safari |
truck.ogg | lori |
tube.ogg | bomba |
tulip.ogg | tulip |
tune.ogg | wimbo |
turkey.ogg | bata mzinga |
turnip.ogg | turnip |
turtle.ogg | kasa |
tusk.ogg | pembe za ndovu |
twin_boys.ogg | wavulana mapacha |
twin_girls.ogg | wasichana mapacha |
umbrella.ogg | mwavuli |
under.ogg | chini |
uniform.ogg | sare |
van.ogg | gari |
vapor.ogg | mvuke |
vase.ogg | |
vegetable.ogg | mboga |
vein.ogg | mshipa |
verdure.ogg | verdure |
vest.ogg | fulana |
vet.ogg | daktari wa mifugo |
viper.ogg | nyoka |
vowel.ogg | vokali |
vulture.ogg | tai |
wag.ogg | kugonga |
walk.ogg | kutembea |
wall.ogg | ukuta |
walnut.ogg | walnut |
wart.ogg | wart |
wash.ogg | kuosha |
wasp.ogg | nyigu |
watch.ogg | saa |
water.ogg | maji |
wave.ogg | wimbi |
wedding.ogg | harusi |
wedge.ogg | kabari |
weight.ogg | uzito |
wet.ogg | ubichi |
whale.ogg | nyangumi |
wheat.ogg | ngano |
wheel.ogg | gurudumu |
whisk.ogg | whisk |
whisper.ogg | kunong'ona |
white.ogg | nyeupe |
wide.ogg | pana |
wife.ogg | mke |
wig.ogg | wigi |
win.ogg | kushinda |
wind.ogg | upepo |
window.ogg | dirisha |
window_glass.ogg | kioo cha dirisha |
wing.ogg | mrengo |
winter.ogg | Majira ya baridi |
wolf.ogg | mbwa Mwitu |
woman.ogg | mwanamke |
wood.ogg | mbao |
word.ogg | neno |
worker.ogg | mfanyakazi |
world.ogg | dunia |
wreath.ogg | shada la maua |
wrench.ogg | supana |
wrist.ogg | mkono |
write.ogg | kuandika |
yellow.ogg | njano |
yogurt.ogg | mtindi |
yum.ogg | tamu |
zebra.ogg | pundamilia |
zipper.ogg | zipu |
zoo.ogg | zoo |
ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/wordsgame/resource/default-sw.json Instructions to create this file
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Page generated the 2025-03-20