adjacent_numbers.ogg |
title: Nájdi susediace čísla description: Nájdi susediace čísla voice: Find the missing numbers. |
advanced_colors.ogg |
title: Zložitejšie farby description: Zložitejšie farby voice: kliknite na požadovanú farbu |
algebra_by.ogg |
title: Násobenie čísel description: Násobenie čísel voice: Multiply the two numbers together and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water |
algebra_div.ogg |
title: Delenie čísel description: Delenie čísel voice: Find the result of the division and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water |
algebra_minus.ogg |
title: Odčítavanie čísel description: Odčítavanie čísel voice: Subtract the two numbers and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water |
algebra_plus.ogg |
title: Sčítavanie čísel description: Sčítavanie čísel voice: Add the two numbers together and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water |
algorithm.ogg |
title: Logické asociácie description: Logické asociácie voice: Click on the missing items on the table and follow the logical sequence displayed above it. |
align4.ogg |
title: Zarovnať štyri (proti tučniakovi) description: Zarovnať štyri (proti tučniakovi) voice: Click on the column where you wish your token to fall and try to align 4 tokens before Tux. |
align4_2players.ogg |
title: Usporiadať štyri (s priateľom) description: Usporiadať štyri (s priateľom) voice: Click on the column where you wish your token to fall and try to align 4 tokens to win. |
alphabet-sequence.ogg |
title: Abecedná sekvencia description: Abecedná sekvencia voice: Presunúť vrtuľník, aby chytal mraky nasledujúce poradie abecedy. |
analog_electricity.ogg |
title: Analógová elektrina description: Analógová elektrina voice: Learn how analog electricity works and create your own circuit. |
baby_keyboard.ogg |
title: Moja prvá klávesnica description: Moja prvá klávesnica voice: Type any key on the keyboard and observe the result. |
baby_mouse.ogg |
title: Moja prvá myš description: Moja prvá myš voice: Move the mouse or touch the screen and observe the result. |
baby_tangram.ogg |
title: Jednoduchá skladačka description: Jednoduchá skladačka voice: Move each puzzle piece, to obtain the completed puzzle. You can change their orientation by clicking on the arrows. |
baby_wordprocessor.ogg |
title: Môj prvý textový editor description: Môj prvý textový editor voice: A simplistic word processor to play around with the keyboard |
babymatch.ogg |
title: Zodpovedajúce položky description: Zodpovedajúce položky voice: Drag and drop the objects matching the pictures |
babyshapes.ogg |
title: Doplniť tvary description: Doplniť tvary voice: Drag and drop the objects matching the shapes. |
balancebox.ogg |
title: Rovnovážna krabička description: Rovnovážna krabička voice: Tilt the box to navigate the ball to the door. |
ballcatch.ogg |
title: Prihrávanie lopty tučniakovi Tuxovi. description: Prihrávanie lopty tučniakovi Tuxovi. voice: Press the left and right arrows at the same time to send the ball straight on |
bargame.ogg |
title: Barová hra (proti Tuxovi) description: Barová hra (proti Tuxovi) voice: Kliknite na počet lôpt, ktoré chcete umiestniť do dier a kliknite na tlačidlo OK. Vyhráva ten, kto nemusel vložiť loptu do červenej diery. |
bargame_2players.ogg |
title: Barová hra (s priateľom) description: Barová hra (s priateľom) voice: Kliknite na počet lôpt, ktoré chcete umiestniť do dier a kliknite na tlačidlo OK. Vyhráva ten, kto nemusel vložiť loptu do červenej diery. |
binary_bulb.ogg |
title: Binárne žiarovky description: Binárne žiarovky voice: Zapnite správne žiarovky tak, aby reprezentovali binárne číslo daného desiatkového čísla. Po dosiahnutí stlačte OK. |
braille_alphabets.ogg |
title: Objavovanie Braillovho systému description: Objavovanie Braillovho systému voice: Click on Tux to start and then re-create the Braille cells. |
braille_fun.ogg |
title: Zábava s Braillovým písmom description: Zábava s Braillovým písmom voice: Create the Braille cell for the letter. |
calcudoku.ogg |
title: Kalkudoku description: Kalkudoku voice: Select a number and click on its target position. Each number must appear only once in a row and in a column. The numbers in the cells of a cage must produce the given result when combined using the given operator. |
calendar.ogg |
title: Kalendár description: Kalendár voice: Select the asked date on the calendar |
canal_lock.ogg |
title: Obsluhovanie plavebnej komory description: Obsluhovanie plavebnej komory voice: You are responsible for the lock and you must help Tux pass through. Click on the valves to cause either a drop or an increase in the water level, and click on the gates to open or close a path. |
categorization.ogg |
title: Kategorizácia description: Kategorizácia voice: Kategorizujte prvky do správnych skupín |
checkers.ogg |
title: Hrať Dámu (proti Tuxovi) description: Hrať Dámu (proti Tuxovi) voice: hrať šach proti Tuxovi |
checkers_2players.ogg |
title: Hrať dámu (s kamarátom) description: Hrať dámu (s kamarátom) voice: hrajte dámu s vašim priateľom |
chess.ogg |
title: Hrať Šachy (proti Tuxovi) description: Hrať Šachy (proti Tuxovi) voice: hrať šach proti Tuxovi |
chess_2players.ogg |
title: Hrať šach (s kamarátom) description: Hrať šach (s kamarátom) voice: hrať šach proti svojmu priateľovi |
chess_partyend.ogg |
title: Koniec šachovej partie description: Koniec šachovej partie voice: Click on a white chess piece and green boxes will appear to indicate all the movements that piece can make. Try and get the black king into checkmate. |
chronos.ogg |
title: Chronos description: Chronos voice: Slide the pictures into the order that tells the story |
click_on_letter.ogg |
title: Klikni na malé písmenko description: Klikni na malé písmenko voice: Click on the required letter. You can listen to it again by clicking on the mouth. |
click_on_letter_up.ogg |
title: Klikni na veľké písmenko description: Klikni na veľké písmenko voice: Click on the required letter. You can listen to it again by clicking on the mouth. |
clickanddraw.ogg |
title: Klikni a kresli description: Klikni a kresli voice: Click on the selected points and draw |
clickgame.ogg |
title: Klikni na mňa description: Klikni na mňa voice: Catch the fish before they leave the aquarium. |
clockgame.ogg |
title: Učenie sa hodín description: Učenie sa hodín voice: Drag and drop the needles of the clock to display the required time |
color_mix.ogg |
title: Miešanie pigmentových farieb description: Miešanie pigmentových farieb voice: Match the color by moving the sliders on the tubes of paint |
color_mix_light.ogg |
title: Miešanie farieb svetla description: Miešanie farieb svetla voice: Match the color by moving the sliders on the torches |
colors.ogg |
title: Farby description: Farby voice: Klikni na správnu farbu |
comparator.ogg |
title: Porovnať čísla description: Porovnať čísla voice: Select the correct comparator sign for each pair of numbers in the list. |
crane.ogg |
title: Postav rovnaký model description: Postav rovnaký model voice: Click on each item in turn, in the blue frame, and move them to reproduce the pattern from the pink frame. |
details.ogg |
title: Nájsť podrobnosti description: Nájsť podrobnosti voice: Posuňte obrázky na ich jednotlivé ciele |
digital_electricity.ogg |
title: Digitálna elektrina description: Digitálna elektrina voice: Learn how digital electronics work and create your own circuit. |
drawletters.ogg |
title: Kresliť písmená description: Kresliť písmená voice: Kliknite na vybrané body a nakreslite list |
drawnumbers.ogg |
title: Kresliť čísla description: Kresliť čísla voice: Nakresli čísla prepojením bodov v správnom poradí. |
enumerate.ogg |
title: Spočítaj predmety description: Spočítaj predmety voice: Count the elements by organizing them then type the answer on your keyboard. |
erase.ogg |
title: Pohnúť myšou alebo sa dotknúť obrazovky description: Pohnúť myšou alebo sa dotknúť obrazovky voice: Clear the window with your sponge and discover the hidden picture. |
erase_2clic.ogg |
title: Dvakrát poklepať alebo dvakrát kliknúť description: Dvakrát poklepať alebo dvakrát kliknúť voice: Double tap or double click on the bricks to discover the hidden picture |
erase_clic.ogg |
title: Kliknúť alebo poklepať description: Kliknúť alebo poklepať voice: Click or tap on the transparent bricks and discover the hidden picture. |
explore_farm_animals.ogg |
title: Objav farmárske zvieratá description: Objav farmárske zvieratá voice: Learn about farmyard animals and the noises that they make. |
explore_monuments.ogg |
title: Objavte pamiatky description: Objavte pamiatky voice: Objavte pamiatky sveta. |
explore_world_animals.ogg |
title: Objavte zvieratá sveta description: Objavte zvieratá sveta voice: Learn about world animals and locate them on a map. |
explore_world_music.ogg |
title: Objavte svetovú hudbu description: Objavte svetovú hudbu voice: Click on the suitcases to learn about music from around the world. |
family.ogg |
title: Rodina description: Rodina voice: Let us understand what to call our relatives |
family_find_relative.ogg |
title: Ukážte príbuzných description: Ukážte príbuzných voice: Click on a pair that defines the given relation |
fifteen.ogg |
title: Hra pätnásť description: Hra pätnásť voice: Click or drag an element next to a free space, the element will move and release its space. You must put all the pieces in the correct order. The numbers on the pieces can help you. |
find_the_day.ogg |
title: Nájdite deň description: Nájdite deň voice: Vyberte požadovaný deň. |
followline.ogg |
title: Ovládanie polievacej hadice description: Ovládanie polievacej hadice voice: Move the mouse or your finger along the pipe to stop the fire. |
football.ogg |
title: Futbalová hra description: Futbalová hra voice: Drag a line from the ball to set the speed and direction of your kick. |
fractions_create.ogg |
title: Vytvor zlomky description: Vytvor zlomky voice: Select the appropriate number of parts as described in the instructions. |
fractions_find.ogg |
title: Zisti zlomky description: Zisti zlomky voice: Find the correct numerator and denominator of the represented fraction |
frieze.ogg |
title: description: voice: Reproduce and complete the frieze model. |
geo-country.ogg |
title: Vyhľadať oblasť description: Vyhľadať oblasť voice: Drag and drop the regions to complete the country maps. |
geography.ogg |
title: Vyhľadať kraje description: Vyhľadať kraje voice: Drag and drop the objects to complete the map. |
gletters.ogg |
title: Jednoduché písmená description: Jednoduché písmená voice: Type the letters on your keyboard before they reach the ground. |
gnumch-equality.ogg |
title: Gnumch rovnosť description: Gnumch rovnosť voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the required numbers and press the space bar to swallow them. |
gnumch-factors.ogg |
title: Gnumch delitele description: Gnumch delitele voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the factors of the displayed number and press space to swallow them. |
gnumch-inequality.ogg |
title: Gnumch nerovnosť description: Gnumch nerovnosť voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the numbers that are different from the ones displayed and press the space bar to swallow them. |
gnumch-multiples.ogg |
title: Gnumch násobky description: Gnumch násobky voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the multiples of the displayed number and press space to swallow them. |
gnumch-primes.ogg |
title: Gnumch prvočísla description: Gnumch prvočísla voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the prime numbers and press space to swallow them. |
graduated_line_read.ogg |
title: description: voice: Find the value corresponding to the given spot on the graduated line. |
graduated_line_use.ogg |
title: description: voice: Place the given value on the graduated line. |
grammar_analysis.ogg |
title: description: voice: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words. |
grammar_classes.ogg |
title: description: voice: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words. |
graph-coloring.ogg |
title: Farbenie grafov description: Farbenie grafov voice: Vyfarbite graf tak, aby žiadne dva susedné uzly nemali rovnakú farbu. |
gravity.ogg |
title: Gravitácia description: Gravitácia voice: Move the spaceship to avoid hitting the planets and reach the space station. |
guess24.ogg |
title: description: voice: Use the four numbers with given operators to find 24 |
guesscount.ogg |
title: Počet uhádnutí description: Počet uhádnutí voice: Use the numbers and operations suggested to find the results proposed above. |
guessnumber.ogg |
title: Hádaj číslo description: Hádaj číslo voice: Find out the number by typing a number from the range proposed. |
hangman.ogg |
title: Klasická hra Kat description: Klasická hra Kat voice: A word is hidden, you must discover it letter by letter. |
hanoi.ogg |
title: Zjednodušené Hanojské veže description: Zjednodušené Hanojské veže voice: Rebuild the same tower in the empty area as the one you see on the right hand side. |
hanoi_real.ogg |
title: Hanojské veže description: Hanojské veže voice: Rebuild the model tower on the right support. Take care, no disc may be placed atop a smaller disc. |
hexagon.ogg |
title: Šesťuholník description: Šesťuholník voice: Click on the hexagons to find the hidden object, the red zone indicates that you're close to it! |
imagename.ogg |
title: Pomenuj obrázok description: Pomenuj obrázok voice: Pretiahnite každú položku nad jej názov. |
instruments.ogg |
title: Hudobné nástroje description: Hudobné nástroje voice: Click on the correct musical instrument. |
land_safe.ogg |
title: Bezpečné pristátie description: Bezpečné pristátie voice: Use the arrow keys to pilot your spaceship safely onto the landing pad. |
lang.ogg |
title: Obohaťte si slovnú zásobu description: Obohaťte si slovnú zásobu voice: Select the language you want to learn then review the words before doing the exercises. |
learn_additions.ogg |
title: Učiť sa sčítavanie description: Učiť sa sčítavanie voice: Kliknite na lampy na ich vypnutie. |
learn_decimals.ogg |
title: Naučte sa desatinné čísla description: Naučte sa desatinné čísla voice: Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area to represent the decimal number. |
learn_decimals_additions.ogg |
title: Sčítavanie s desatinnými čislami description: Sčítavanie s desatinnými čislami voice: Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area to represent the result of the addition. |
learn_decimals_subtractions.ogg |
title: Odčítavanie s desatinnými číslami description: Odčítavanie s desatinnými číslami voice: Kliknite na lampy na ich vypnutie. |
learn_digits.ogg |
title: Učiť sa číslice description: Učiť sa číslice voice: Kliknite na lampy na ich vypnutie. |
learn_quantities.ogg |
title: Učiť sa množstvá description: Učiť sa množstvá voice: Drag the arrow to select a number of oranges, and drag the oranges to the empty area to represent the requested quantity. |
learn_subtractions.ogg |
title: Učiť sa odčítavať description: Učiť sa odčítavať voice: Kliknite na lampy na ich vypnutie. |
left_right_click.ogg |
title: Cvičenie klikania myšou description: Cvičenie klikania myšou voice: Move animals to their homes using a left click or right click on your mouse. |
leftright.ogg |
title: Nájdi svoju ľavú a pravú ruku description: Nájdi svoju ľavú a pravú ruku voice: Guess if the picture presents a left or right hand and click on the correct answer. |
letter-in-word.ogg |
title: Písmená v ktorom slove description: Písmená v ktorom slove voice: Click on all the words containing the wanted letter. |
lightsoff.ogg |
title: Svetlá sú vypnuté description: Svetlá sú vypnuté voice: Kliknite na lampy na ich vypnutie. |
louis-braille.ogg |
title: História Louisa Brailla description: História Louisa Brailla voice: Objavte históriu Louisa Brailleho. |
magic-hat-minus.ogg |
title: Čarodejníkov klobúk description: Čarodejníkov klobúk voice: Click on the hat. How many stars are still hiding under the hat. |
magic-hat-plus.ogg |
title: Čarodejníkov klobúk description: Čarodejníkov klobúk voice: Count the number of stars hidden under the hat and then click on the stars to indicate their number. |
maze.ogg |
title: Bludisko description: Bludisko voice: Use the arrows keys or swipe the touch screen to help Tux find his way out. |
mazeinvisible.ogg |
title: Neviditeľné bludisko description: Neviditeľné bludisko voice: Use the arrow keys or swipe the touch screen to guide Tux out. Use the maze icon or the space key to see the map. |
mazerelative.ogg |
title: Relatívne bludisko description: Relatívne bludisko voice: Help Tux find his way out. Left and right are used to turn and up to go forward. |
melody.ogg |
title: Melódia description: Melódia voice: Listen to the sound sequence played, and reproduce it by clicking on the xylophone's bars |
memory-case-association-tux.ogg |
title: Pexeso spojenia písmen rôznych veľkostí proti Tuxovi description: Pexeso spojenia písmen rôznych veľkostí proti Tuxovi voice: Match the upper case card with its lower case pair. |
memory-case-association.ogg |
title: Pexeso spojenia rôznych veľkostí description: Pexeso spojenia rôznych veľkostí voice: Match the upper case card with its lower case pair. |
memory-enumerate.ogg |
title: Počítacie Pexeso description: Počítacie Pexeso voice: Match a number card with a card displaying the same number of butterflies. |
memory-math-add-minus-mult-div-tux.ogg |
title: Pexeso na všetky operácie proti Tuxovi description: Pexeso na všetky operácie proti Tuxovi voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-add-minus-mult-div.ogg |
title: Pexeso na všetky operácie description: Pexeso na všetky operácie voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-add-minus-tux.ogg |
title: Pexeso na sčítanie a odčítanie proti Tuxovi description: Pexeso na sčítanie a odčítanie proti Tuxovi voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-add-minus.ogg |
title: Pexeso na sčítanie a odčítanie description: Pexeso na sčítanie a odčítanie voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-add-tux.ogg |
title: Pexeso so sčítavaním proti Tuxovi description: Pexeso so sčítavaním proti Tuxovi voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-add.ogg |
title: Pexeso Sčítavanie description: Pexeso Sčítavanie voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-div-tux.ogg |
title: Pexeso na delenie proti Tuxovi description: Pexeso na delenie proti Tuxovi voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-div.ogg |
title: Pexeso Delenie description: Pexeso Delenie voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-minus-tux.ogg |
title: Pexeso na odčítanie proti Tuxovi description: Pexeso na odčítanie proti Tuxovi voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-minus.ogg |
title: Pexeso na odčítavanie description: Pexeso na odčítavanie voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-mult-div-tux.ogg |
title: Pexeso na násobenie a delenie proti Tuxovi description: Pexeso na násobenie a delenie proti Tuxovi voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-mult-div.ogg |
title: Pexeso na násobenie a delenie description: Pexeso na násobenie a delenie voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-mult-tux.ogg |
title: Pexeso na násobenie proti Tuxovi description: Pexeso na násobenie proti Tuxovi voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-math-mult.ogg |
title: Pexeso na násobenie description: Pexeso na násobenie voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer. |
memory-sound-tux.ogg |
title: Zvukové Pexeso proti Tuxovi description: Zvukové Pexeso proti Tuxovi voice: Click on an audio card and find its double. |
memory-sound.ogg |
title: Zvukové pexeso description: Zvukové pexeso voice: Click on an audio card and find its double. |
memory-tux.ogg |
title: Pexeso obrázkami proti Tuxovi description: Pexeso obrázkami proti Tuxovi voice: Kliknite na kartu a nájdite jeho dvojicu. |
memory-wordnumber.ogg |
title: Pexeso so slovnými čislami description: Pexeso so slovnými čislami voice: Priraďte číslo k slovu. |
memory.ogg |
title: Pexeso s obrázkami description: Pexeso s obrázkami voice: Kliknite na kartu a nájdite jeho dvojicu. |
mining.ogg |
title: Dolovanie zlata description: Dolovanie zlata voice: Looking at the rockwall, you can see a sparkle somewhere. Move the mouse cursor next to this sparkle and use the mousewheel or the zoom gesture to zoom in. |
missing-letter.ogg |
title: Chýbajúce písmeno description: Chýbajúce písmeno voice: Find the missing letter and complete the word by clicking on one of the letters proposed on the side. |
money.ogg |
title: Peniaze description: Peniaze voice: Kliknite alebo ťuknite na peniaze na zaplatenie. |
money_back.ogg |
title: Dajte Tuxovi jeho drobné description: Dajte Tuxovi jeho drobné voice: Click on the money at the bottom of the screen to give Tux his change. |
money_back_cents.ogg |
title: Dajte Tuxovi jeho drobné, vrátane centov description: Dajte Tuxovi jeho drobné, vrátane centov voice: Click on the money at the bottom of the screen to give Tux his change. |
money_cents.ogg |
title: Peniaze s centmi description: Peniaze s centmi voice: Kliknite na peniaze na zaplatenie. |
morse_code.ogg |
title: Objavovanie Morzeovky description: Objavovanie Morzeovky voice: Learn and practice the International Morse code |
mosaic.ogg |
title: Poskladaj mozaiku description: Poskladaj mozaiku voice: Vložte každú položku na rovnaké miesto, ako daný príklad. |
nine_men_morris.ogg |
title: Mlyn (proti tučniakovi) description: Mlyn (proti tučniakovi) voice: Click on the dot where you wish to place your piece and try to take all Tux's pieces. |
nine_men_morris_2players.ogg |
title: Deväť mužov (s priateľom) description: Deväť mužov (s priateľom) voice: Click on the dot where you wish to place your piece and try to take all your friend's pieces. |
note_names.ogg |
title: Pomenujte túto notu description: Pomenujte túto notu voice: Identify the note and press the correct piano key |
number_sequence.ogg |
title: Sekvencia čísel description: Sekvencia čísel voice: Nakresli čísla prepojením bodov v správnom poradí. |
numbers-odd-even.ogg |
title: Párne a nepárne čísla description: Párne a nepárne čísla voice: Presuňte vrtuľník, aby ste chytili mraky, ktoré majú párne alebo nepárne čísla |
ordering_alphabets.ogg |
title: Zoraďovanie písmen description: Zoraďovanie písmen voice: Nakresli čísla prepojením bodov v správnom poradí. |
ordering_chronology.ogg |
title: Usporiadanie časovej postupnosti. description: Usporiadanie časovej postupnosti. voice: Arrange the given events in their chronological order. |
ordering_numbers.ogg |
title: Zoraďovanie čísel description: Zoraďovanie čísel voice: Nakresli čísla prepojením bodov v správnom poradí. |
ordering_sentences.ogg |
title: Zoraďovanie viet description: Zoraďovanie viet voice: Arrange the given words to form a meaningful sentence. |
oware.ogg |
title: Hrať oware (proti Tuxovi) description: Hrať oware (proti Tuxovi) voice: Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game |
oware_2players.ogg |
title: Hrať oware (s kamarátom) description: Hrať oware (s kamarátom) voice: Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game |
paintings.ogg |
title: Zložiť puzzle description: Zložiť puzzle voice: Catch and drop each piece on the points. |
path_decoding.ogg |
title: Dekódovanie cesty description: Dekódovanie cesty voice: Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach the target. |
path_decoding_relative.ogg |
title: Dekódovanie cesty description: Dekódovanie cesty voice: Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach the target. |
path_encoding.ogg |
title: Kódovanie cesty description: Kódovanie cesty voice: Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target. |
path_encoding_relative.ogg |
title: Kódovanie cesty description: Kódovanie cesty voice: Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target. |
penalty.ogg |
title: Pokutový kop description: Pokutový kop voice: Dvojitým kliknutím alebo poklepaním na loptu pre strelenie gólu. |
photo_hunter.ogg |
title: Lovec fotiek description: Lovec fotiek voice: look at the two pictures carefully and click where you see a difference |
piano_composition.ogg |
title: Klavírne komponovanie description: Klavírne komponovanie voice: Learn to compose piano music using the octaves and the tools presented above the staff. |
planegame.ogg |
title: Poradie čísel description: Poradie čísel voice: Presuňte vrtuľník šípkami, aby ste chytili čísla v mrakoch, v správnom poradí. |
play_piano.ogg |
title: Hrajte na klavíri description: Hrajte na klavíri voice: Click on the keyboard keys that match the notes that you see and hear |
play_rhythm.ogg |
title: Hrajte rytmus description: Hrajte rytmus voice: Click the drum to recreate the rhythm |
positions.ogg |
title: Umiestnenie description: Umiestnenie voice: Find the correct position |
programmingMaze.ogg |
title: description: voice: Arrange the instructions and traverse the correct path to reach the fish. |
railroad.ogg |
title: Železnica description: Železnica voice: Observe the train and then click on the items to set up a similar train |
readingh.ogg |
title: Cvičenie vodorovného čítania description: Cvičenie vodorovného čítania voice: Čítajte zoznam slov a precvičte si, či dané slovo je tam. |
readingv.ogg |
title: Cvičenie zvislého čítania description: Cvičenie zvislého čítania voice: Čítajte zoznam slov a precvičte si, či dané slovo je tam. |
redraw.ogg |
title: Prekresliť daný obrázok description: Prekresliť daný obrázok voice: Use the drawing tools to build an identical pattern on the right. |
redraw_symmetrical.ogg |
title: Zrkadliť daný obrázok description: Zrkadliť daný obrázok voice: Use the drawing tools to reproduce symmetrically the pattern on the right. |
renewable_energy.ogg |
title: Obnoviteľná energia description: Obnoviteľná energia voice: Click on the different stages that go to make up the power supply. |
reversecount.ogg |
title: Spočítaj intervaly description: Spočítaj intervaly voice: Click on the domino and validate your choice with the OK button to indicate the number of ice blocks Tux will have to follow to eat a fish. |
roman_numerals.ogg |
title: Rímske čísla description: Rímske čísla voice: Learn and practice roman to arabic numerals conversion |
scalesboard.ogg |
title: Správne vyvážte váhy description: Správne vyvážte váhy voice: Drag the weights up to balance the scales. |
scalesboard_weight.ogg |
title: Vyvažovanie pomocou medzinárodnej sústavy jednotiek description: Vyvažovanie pomocou medzinárodnej sústavy jednotiek voice: Drag the weights up to balance the scales. |
scalesboard_weight_avoirdupois.ogg |
title: Vyvažovanie pomocou imperiálnej sústavy jednotiek. description: Vyvažovanie pomocou imperiálnej sústavy jednotiek. voice: Drag the weights up to balance the scales. |
share.ogg |
title: Rozdeľte cukrovinky description: Rozdeľte cukrovinky voice: Share the candies equally among the specified number of children and notice that there may be a rest left |
simplepaint.ogg |
title: description: voice: Vyberte farbu a vymaľujte obdĺžniky, ako sa vám páči, aby ste vytvorili kresbu. |
sketch.ogg |
title: description: voice: Use the tools to draw images. |
smallnumbers.ogg |
title: Čísla s kockami description: Čísla s kockami voice: Count the number on the dice and type it on your keyboard before it reaches the ground. |
smallnumbers2.ogg |
title: Čísla s dominom description: Čísla s dominom voice: Count the numbers on the dominoes then type the result on your keyboard. |
solar_system.ogg |
title: Slnečná sústava description: Slnečná sústava voice: Answer the questions presented and get a 100% correctness among the options. |
submarine.ogg |
title: Riadiť ponorku description: Riadiť ponorku voice: Drive the submarine to the right end of the screen without colliding with any objects |
sudoku.ogg |
title: description: voice: Select a number or a symbol and click its target area. Each symbol must appear only once in a row, in a column and in a subregion if any. |
superbrain.ogg |
title: Super mozog description: Super mozog voice: Find out the right combination of colors. A dot framed in a black square means that you found the correct colour in the correct position, while a dot framed in a white square means it's the correct colour, but in the wrong position. |
tangram.ogg |
title: Puzzle hra tangram description: Puzzle hra tangram voice: Click on each object to obtain the same figure. You can change their orientation by clicking on the arrows. |
target.ogg |
title: Precvičovanie sčítania pomocou terčovej hry description: Precvičovanie sčítania pomocou terčovej hry voice: Click on the target to launch darts, then count your final score! |
tens_complement_calculate.ogg |
title: Použiť doplnok desiatky description: Použiť doplnok desiatky voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position. Then, select the result box to type the result. |
tens_complement_find.ogg |
title: Nájdi doplnok desiatky description: Nájdi doplnok desiatky voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there. |
tens_complement_swap.ogg |
title: Vymeniť doplnok desiatky description: Vymeniť doplnok desiatky voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position. |
tens_complement_use.ogg |
title: Použiť doplnok desiatky description: Použiť doplnok desiatky voice: Decompose the operations to include a pair of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there. |
tic_tac_toe.ogg |
title: Piškvorky (proti Tuxovi) description: Piškvorky (proti Tuxovi) voice: Click on the square which you wish to mark and try to mark 3 consecutive squares before Tux. |
tic_tac_toe_2players.ogg |
title: Piškvorky (s kamarátom) description: Piškvorky (s kamarátom) voice: Click on the square which you wish to mark and try to mark 3 consecutive squares before Tux. |
traffic.ogg |
title: Hra s posúvaním blokov description: Hra s posúvaním blokov voice: Slide the cars to make a space so that the red car can go out of the box. |
vertical_addition.ogg |
title: Precvičovanie sčítavania. description: Precvičovanie sčítavania. voice: Solve the given addition. |
vertical_subtraction.ogg |
title: Precvičovanie odčítania description: Precvičovanie odčítania voice: Solve the given subtraction. |
vertical_subtraction_compensation.ogg |
title: Precvičovanie odčítania. description: Precvičovanie odčítania. voice: Solve the given subtraction. |
watercycle.ogg |
title: Vodný cyklus description: Vodný cyklus voice: Click on the various active elements that make up the water supply. Then press the shower button for Tux. |
wordsgame.ogg |
title: Padajúce slová description: Padajúce slová voice: Type the words on your keyboard before they reach the ground. |