File | Description |
adjacent_numbers.ogg | title: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh description: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh voice: Find the missing numbers. |
algebra_div.ogg | title: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh description: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh voice: Cuir an dà àireamh ri chèile agus sgrìobh do fhreagairt mus laigh am bailiùn san uisge. |
alphabet-sequence.ogg | title: description: voice: Move the helicopter to catch the clouds following the order of the alphabet. |
analog_electricity.ogg | title: description: voice: Learn how analog electricity works and create your own circuit. |
baby_keyboard.ogg | title: Faigh fiosrachadh air Braille description: Faigh fiosrachadh air Braille voice: Type any key on the keyboard and observe the result. |
baby_mouse.ogg | title: Gluais an luchag description: Gluais an luchag voice: Move the mouse or touch the screen and observe the result. |
baby_wordprocessor.ogg | title: description: voice: A simplistic word processor to play around with the keyboard |
balancebox.ogg | title: Cuir cuideam co-ionnan air a’ mheidh description: Cuir cuideam co-ionnan air a’ mheidh voice: Tilt the box to navigate the ball to the door. |
ballcatch.ogg | title: Thoir air a’ bhàla dol far a bheil Tux description: Thoir air a’ bhàla dol far a bheil Tux voice: Press the left and right arrows at the same time to send the ball straight on |
bargame_2players.ogg | title: description: voice: Briog air àireamh nam bàla a tha thu airson cur sna tuill agus an uairsin briog air a' phutan "OK". Buannaichidh am fear nach do chuir bàla san toll dearg. |
binary_bulb.ogg | title: description: voice: Turn on the right bulbs to represent the binary of the given decimal number. When you have achieved it, press OK |
calcudoku.ogg | title: description: voice: Anns na ciad leibheilean, tagh samhla agus briog air a cheann-uidhe. Sna leibheilean a leanas, sgrìobh àireamh anns gach raon. Chan fhaod gach samhla a nochdadh ach aon turas anns gach ràgh no colbh no, ma tha iad ann, anns gach fo-roinn. |
calendar.ogg | title: description: voice: Select the asked date on the calendar |
categorization.ogg | title: description: voice: Categorize the items into the correct group |
checkers.ogg | title: Cluich geama cuimhne claisneachd an aghaidh Tux description: Cluich geama cuimhne claisneachd an aghaidh Tux voice: play checkers against Tux |
checkers_2players.ogg | title: Cluich geama cuimhne claisneachd an aghaidh Tux description: Cluich geama cuimhne claisneachd an aghaidh Tux voice: play checkers with your friend |
chess.ogg | title: Cluich geama cuimhne claisneachd an aghaidh Tux description: Cluich geama cuimhne claisneachd an aghaidh Tux voice: play chess against Tux |
chess_2players.ogg | title: description: voice: play chess against your friend |
comparator.ogg | title: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh description: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh voice: Select the correct comparator sign for each pair of numbers in the list. |
digital_electricity.ogg | title: Lorg an giotàr-dealain description: Lorg an giotàr-dealain voice: Learn how digital electronics work and create your own circuit. |
drawletters.ogg | title: Litrichean simplidh description: Litrichean simplidh voice: Click on the selected points and draw the letter |
drawnumbers.ogg | title: Litrichean simplidh description: Litrichean simplidh voice: Draw the numbers by connecting the dots in the correct order. |
explore_monuments.ogg | title: Innealan-ciùil description: Innealan-ciùil voice: Explore Monuments around the world. |
family.ogg | title: Taimilis description: Taimilis voice: Let us understand what to call our relatives |
family_find_relative.ogg | title: Cunnt na nithean description: Cunnt na nithean voice: Click on a pair that defines the given relation |
find_the_day.ogg | title: Lorg an clàrsach description: Lorg an clàrsach voice: Briog air an dath cheart. |
followline.ogg | title: Stiùirich an stealladair description: Stiùirich an stealladair voice: Move the mouse or your finger along the pipe to stop the fire. |
football.ogg | title: An geama ball-coise description: An geama ball-coise voice: Drag a line from the ball to set the speed and direction of your kick. |
fractions_create.ogg | title: Cleachd toirt air falbh description: Cleachd toirt air falbh voice: Select the appropriate number of parts as described in the instructions. |
fractions_find.ogg | title: Lorg am bogsa description: Lorg am bogsa voice: Find the correct numerator and denominator of the represented fraction |
frieze.ogg | title: description: voice: Reproduce and complete the frieze model. |
graduated_line_read.ogg | title: description: voice: Find the value corresponding to the given spot on the graduated line. |
graduated_line_use.ogg | title: description: voice: Place the given value on the graduated line. |
grammar_analysis.ogg | title: description: voice: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words. |
grammar_classes.ogg | title: description: voice: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words. |
graph-coloring.ogg | title: description: voice: Color the graph so that no two adjacent nodes have the same color. |
gravity.ogg | title: description: voice: Move the spaceship to avoid hitting the planets and reach the space station. |
guess24.ogg | title: description: voice: Use the four numbers with given operators to find 24 |
learn_additions.ogg | title: Ionnsaich cur ris description: Ionnsaich cur ris voice: Briog air na lampaichean gus an cur dheth. |
learn_decimals.ogg | title: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh description: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh voice: Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area to represent the decimal number. |
learn_decimals_additions.ogg | title: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh description: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh voice: Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area to represent the result of the addition. |
learn_decimals_subtractions.ogg | title: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh description: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh voice: Briog air na lampaichean gus an cur dheth. |
learn_digits.ogg | title: Ag ionnsachadh an uaireadair description: Ag ionnsachadh an uaireadair voice: Briog air na lampaichean gus an cur dheth. |
learn_quantities.ogg | title: Ionnsaich cur ris description: Ionnsaich cur ris voice: Drag the arrow to select a number of oranges, and drag the oranges to the empty area to represent the requested quantity. |
learn_subtractions.ogg | title: Ionnsaich toirt air falbh description: Ionnsaich toirt air falbh voice: Briog air na lampaichean gus an cur dheth. |
left_right_click.ogg | title: Trèanadh nan àireamhan description: Trèanadh nan àireamhan voice: Move animals to their homes using a left click or right click on your mouse. |
letter-in-word.ogg | title: description: voice: Click on all the words containing the wanted letter. |
memory-case-association-tux.ogg | title: Geama cuimhne cuir ris an aghaidh Tux description: Geama cuimhne cuir ris an aghaidh Tux voice: Cuir àireamh agus am facal ceart còmhla. |
memory-case-association.ogg | title: Geama cuimhne cuir ris description: Geama cuimhne cuir ris voice: Cuir àireamh agus am facal ceart còmhla. |
morse_code.ogg | title: Faigh fiosrachadh air Braille description: Faigh fiosrachadh air Braille voice: Learn and practice the International Morse code |
nine_men_morris.ogg | title: Geama cuimhne cuir ris an aghaidh Tux description: Geama cuimhne cuir ris an aghaidh Tux voice: Click on the dot where you wish to place your piece and try to take all Tux's pieces. |
nine_men_morris_2players.ogg | title: description: voice: Briog air colbh gus bonn a leigeil às ann. Feuch ri loidhne de cheithir buinn a choileanadh airson buaidh a thoirt. |
numbers-odd-even.ogg | title: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh description: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh voice: Gluais an heileacoptair leis na saighdean agus glac na h-àireamhan sna neòil ann an òrdugh àireamhail. |
ordering_alphabets.ogg | title: Braille : A’ neo-ghlasadh a’ còd description: Braille : A’ neo-ghlasadh a’ còd voice: Arrange the letters in the correct order. |
ordering_chronology.ogg | title: description: voice: Arrange the given events in their chronological order. |
ordering_numbers.ogg | title: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh description: Geama cuimhne toirt air falbh voice: Cuir àireamh agus am facal ceart còmhla. |
ordering_sentences.ogg | title: description: voice: Arrange the given words to form a meaningful sentence. |
oware.ogg | title: Cluich geama cuimhne claisneachd an aghaidh Tux description: Cluich geama cuimhne claisneachd an aghaidh Tux voice: Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game |
oware_2players.ogg | title: description: voice: Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game |
path_decoding.ogg | title: description: voice: Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach the target. |
path_decoding_relative.ogg | title: description: voice: Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach the target. |
path_encoding.ogg | title: description: voice: Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target. |
path_encoding_relative.ogg | title: description: voice: Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target. |
penalty.ogg | title: Breab-peanais description: Breab-peanais voice: Dèan briogadh dùbailte air a' bhàla gus a bhreabadh. |
positions.ogg | title: Cur ris description: Cur ris voice: Find the correct position |
programmingMaze.ogg | title: description: voice: Arrange the instructions and traverse the correct path to reach the fish. |
renewable_energy.ogg | title: description: voice: Click on the different stages that go to make up the power supply. |
roman_numerals.ogg | title: description: voice: Learn and practice roman to arabic numerals conversion |
scalesboard_weight_avoirdupois.ogg | title: description: voice: Slaod na clachan-tomhais suas ach am bidh a' mheidh cothromaichte. |
share.ogg | title: description: voice: Share the candies equally among the specified number of children and notice that there may be a rest left |
simplepaint.ogg | title: description: voice: Select a color and paint the rectangles as you like to create a drawing. |
sketch.ogg | title: description: voice: Use the tools to draw images. |
solar_system.ogg | title: Faigh fiosrachadh air Braille description: Faigh fiosrachadh air Braille voice: Answer the questions presented and get a 100% correctness among the options. |
tens_complement_calculate.ogg | title: Lorg an trombaid description: Lorg an trombaid voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position. Then, select the result box to type the result. |
tens_complement_find.ogg | title: Lorg an trombaid description: Lorg an trombaid voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there. |
tens_complement_swap.ogg | title: description: voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position. |
tens_complement_use.ogg | title: description: voice: Decompose the operations to include a pair of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there. |
tic_tac_toe.ogg | title: Geama cuimhne claisneachd an aghaidh Tux description: Geama cuimhne claisneachd an aghaidh Tux voice: Click on the square which you wish to mark and try to mark 3 consecutive squares before Tux. |
tic_tac_toe_2players.ogg | title: description: voice: Click on the square which you wish to mark and try to mark 3 consecutive squares before Tux. |
vertical_addition.ogg | title: Cleachd cur ri chèile description: Cleachd cur ri chèile voice: Solve the given addition. |
vertical_subtraction.ogg | title: Cleachd toirt air falbh description: Cleachd toirt air falbh voice: Solve the given subtraction. |
vertical_subtraction_compensation.ogg | title: Cleachd toirt air falbh description: Cleachd toirt air falbh voice: Solve the given subtraction. |
File | Description |
try_again.ogg |
File | Description |
eswatini.ogg | |
maldives.ogg | |
mariana_islands.ogg | Cànan nan Tàidh |
samoan_islands.ogg | Cànan nan Tàidh |
south_sudan.ogg |
File | Description |
accountant.ogg | |
ache.ogg | |
acorn.ogg | |
actor.ogg | |
air_horn.ogg | |
alarmclock.ogg | |
alphabet.ogg | |
angry.ogg | |
ankle.ogg | |
ant.ogg | |
anteater.ogg | |
antelope.ogg | |
apple.ogg | |
apple_tree.ogg | |
appliance.ogg | |
apricot.ogg | |
arm.ogg | |
armchair.ogg | |
artichoke.ogg | |
artist.ogg | |
asparagus.ogg | |
astronaut.ogg | |
avocado.ogg | |
ax.ogg | |
baby_bottle.ogg | |
bald.ogg | |
ball_of_yarn.ogg | |
ball_soccer.ogg | |
banker_female.ogg | |
bathing_suit.ogg | |
bean.ogg | |
bear.ogg | |
beard.ogg | |
beat.ogg | |
beaver.ogg | |
bedroom.ogg | |
behind.ogg | |
bell.ogg | |
belly.ogg | |
big_top.ogg | |
blackberry.ogg | |
blackbird.ogg | |
blade.ogg | |
blueberry.ogg | |
blush.ogg | |
bolt.ogg | |
bookcase.ogg | |
bottom.ogg | |
boxer.ogg | |
breast.ogg | |
bricklayer.ogg | |
broccoli.ogg | |
bubble.ogg | |
bucket.ogg | |
buffalo.ogg | |
bulb.ogg | |
bull.ogg | |
bus.ogg | |
butcher.ogg | |
butter.ogg | |
butterfly.ogg | |
button.ogg | |
cabbage.ogg | |
cacao.ogg | |
cactus.ogg | |
camera.ogg | |
camp.ogg | a' campadh |
canary.ogg | |
canon.ogg | |
canyon.ogg | |
carafe.ogg | |
carnival.ogg | |
carpenter.ogg | |
carpet.ogg | |
cat_female.ogg | |
caterpillar.ogg | |
cauldron.ogg | |
cauliflower.ogg | |
cavern.ogg | |
celery.ogg | |
cereal.ogg | |
chain.ogg | |
chameleon.ogg | |
chandelier.ogg | |
cheek.ogg | |
chef.ogg | |
chimney.ogg | |
chores.ogg | |
christmas.ogg | |
cigar.ogg | |
circus.ogg | |
city.ogg | |
cleaning_lady.ogg | |
clothes_hanger.ogg | |
cloudy.ogg | |
clover.ogg | |
coast.ogg | |
cobra.ogg | |
coconut.ogg | |
cod.ogg | |
coffee.ogg | |
colt.ogg | |
cork.ogg | |
cough.ogg | |
couple.ogg | |
cradle.ogg | |
craft.ogg | |
creek.ogg | |
crepe.ogg | |
crib.ogg | cot mhòr |
cross.ogg | |
crystal.ogg | |
curtain.ogg | |
dad.ogg | dadaidh mòr |
daffodil.ogg | |
daisy.ogg | |
dam.ogg | |
dandelion.ogg | |
dart_board.ogg | |
date_fruit.ogg | |
deer.ogg | |
desert.ogg | |
dessert.ogg | |
diamond.ogg | |
dishcloth.ogg | |
doctor.ogg | |
doe.ogg | |
doll.ogg | |
dolphin.ogg | |
domino.ogg | |
doormat.ogg | |
doughnut.ogg | |
dove.ogg | |
dragonfly.ogg | |
drawer.ogg | |
drip.ogg | |
duck_mother.ogg | |
dwarf.ogg | |
eagle.ogg | |
egg.ogg | |
eggplant.ogg | |
elbow.ogg | |
electrician.ogg | |
elk.ogg | |
engine.ogg | |
engineer.ogg | |
eraser.ogg | |
eyelash.ogg | |
eyes.ogg | |
fairy.ogg | |
fall.ogg | thuit e |
fall_season.ogg | |
family.ogg | |
farmer.ogg | |
faucet.ogg | |
fawn.ogg | |
fear.ogg | |
feather.ogg | |
feed.ogg | |
femur.ogg | |
fig.ogg | |
finger.ogg | |
fire_extinguisher.ogg | |
fireman.ogg | |
fisherman.ogg | |
flacon.ogg | |
flamingo.ogg | |
fluff.ogg | |
foam.ogg | |
forest.ogg | |
fries.ogg | |
garage.ogg | |
garlic.ogg | |
glasses.ogg | |
golden.ogg | |
golf.ogg | |
goose.ogg | |
gorilla.ogg | |
grain.ogg | |
grandmother.ogg | |
grape.ogg | |
grapefruit.ogg | |
grill.ogg | |
guignol.ogg | |
guinea_pig.ogg | |
hair_dryer.ogg | |
half.ogg | |
ham.ogg | |
hamburger.ogg | |
hammer.ogg | |
handlebar.ogg | |
harp.ogg | |
hedgehog.ogg | |
heel.ogg | |
helmet.ogg | |
hill.ogg | |
hippopotamus.ogg | |
hive.ogg | |
hockey.ogg | |
horse.ogg | |
hospital.ogg | |
hot_dog.ogg | |
house.ogg | |
hummingbird.ogg | |
hunchbacked.ogg | |
husband.ogg | |
hyena.ogg | |
iceberg.ogg | |
iguana.ogg | |
ill.ogg | |
island.ogg | |
jacket.ogg | |
jaguar.ogg | |
jam.ogg | |
jay.ogg | |
jelly.ogg | |
jellyfish.ogg | |
job.ogg | |
jockey.ogg | |
joy.ogg | |
judo.ogg | |
juggler.ogg | |
kangaroo.ogg | |
keel.ogg | |
kernel.ogg | |
keyboard.ogg | |
kimono.ogg | |
king.ogg | |
kiss.ogg | |
kitchen.ogg | |
kitten.ogg | |
kiwi.ogg | |
koala.ogg | |
lady.ogg | |
ladybug.ogg | |
lama.ogg | |
lasso.ogg | |
laugh.ogg | |
lava.ogg | |
lawyer.ogg | |
leaf.ogg | |
leek.ogg | |
leg.ogg | |
lemon.ogg | |
lemonade.ogg | |
lemur.ogg | |
leopard.ogg | |
lettuce.ogg | |
librarian.ogg | |
lighthouse.ogg | |
lightning.ogg | |
lilac.ogg | |
lion.ogg | |
lion_cub.ogg | |
lizard.ogg | |
lobster.ogg | |
magnet.ogg | |
magnifying_glass.ogg | |
magpie.ogg | |
mail.ogg | |
man.ogg | |
mango.ogg | |
maple.ogg | |
marble.ogg | |
mashed_potatoes.ogg | |
mast.ogg | |
mattress.ogg | |
mauve.ogg | |
meal.ogg | |
meat.ogg | |
mechanic.ogg | |
medal.ogg | |
melon.ogg | |
merry-go-round.ogg | |
microphone.ogg | |
milk.ogg | |
mill.ogg | |
mimosa.ogg | |
mirror.ogg | |
mixer.ogg | |
mom.ogg | |
moon.ogg | |
moose.ogg | |
mosque.ogg | |
mother.ogg | |
motorcycle.ogg | |
mountain.ogg | |
mouse.ogg | |
movie.ogg | |
mower.ogg | |
muscle.ogg | |
music.ogg | |
musician.ogg | |
naked.ogg | |
navel.ogg | |
necklace.ogg | |
needle.ogg | |
newspaper.ogg | |
nightgown.ogg | |
nostril.ogg | |
notebook.ogg | |
number.ogg | |
nun.ogg | |
nurse.ogg | |
nurse_male.ogg | |
office.ogg | |
olive.ogg | |
onion.ogg | |
open.ogg | |
opossum.ogg | |
orchid.ogg | |
ostrich.ogg | |
otter.ogg | |
oyster.ogg | |
pacifier.ogg | |
pajamas.ogg | |
palm_tree.ogg | |
panda.ogg | |
panther.ogg | |
panties.ogg | |
pants.ogg | |
papaya.ogg | |
paper.ogg | |
parachute.ogg | |
parakeet.ogg | |
parrot.ogg | |
pea.ogg | |
peacock.ogg | |
peak.ogg | |
pear.ogg | |
pearl.ogg | |
pedal.ogg | |
pelican.ogg | |
peony.ogg | |
people.ogg | |
pepper.ogg | |
peppers.ogg | |
petal.ogg | |
phone.ogg | |
piano.ogg | |
pie.ogg | |
pigeon.ogg | |
pill.ogg | |
pillow.ogg | |
pilot.ogg | |
pine_cone.ogg | |
pip.ogg | |
pipe.ogg | |
piranha.ogg | |
pirate.ogg | |
pizza.ogg | |
planet.ogg | |
pliers.ogg | |
plumber.ogg | |
pocket.ogg | |
pod.ogg | |
police.ogg | |
pompon.ogg | |
pond.ogg | |
pony.ogg | |
popcorn.ogg | popcorn |
porthole.ogg | |
post.ogg | |
potato.ogg | |
president.ogg | |
priest.ogg | |
prison.ogg | |
prisoner.ogg | |
pull.ogg | |
pullover.ogg | |
pumpkin.ogg | |
pyramid.ogg | |
rabbit.ogg | |
rabbit_baby.ogg | |
race.ogg | |
radio.ogg | |
radish.ogg | |
raft.ogg | |
rain.ogg | |
raincoat.ogg | |
raspberry.ogg | |
razor.ogg | |
reptile.ogg | |
rhinoceros.ogg | |
rifle.ogg | |
rise.ogg | |
river.ogg | |
road.ogg | |
roast.ogg | |
robe.ogg | |
robot.ogg | |
rocket.ogg | |
rolling_pin.ogg | |
room.ogg | |
root.ogg | |
rowing.ogg | |
saddle.ogg | |
sailor.ogg | |
salamander.ogg | |
salmon.ogg | |
sandals.ogg | |
sash.ogg | |
sausage.ogg | |
scare.ogg | tha an t-eagal air |
school_bag.ogg | |
scissors.ogg | |
scorpion.ogg | |
screwdriver.ogg | |
sea.ogg | |
shadow.ogg | |
shave.ogg | |
sheep.ogg | |
shoelace.ogg | |
shovel.ogg | |
shutter.ogg | |
sidewalk.ogg | |
sister.ogg | |
skeleton.ogg | |
skimmer.ogg | |
slam.ogg | |
slim.ogg | |
slippers.ogg | |
sloppy.ogg | |
slot.ogg | |
sloth.ogg | |
slug.ogg | |
soap.ogg | |
sob.ogg | |
soldier.ogg | |
sole.ogg | |
sole_shoe.ogg | |
son.ogg | |
soup.ogg | |
spade.ogg | |
spark.ogg | |
sparrow.ogg | |
spatula.ogg | |
speak.ogg | |
spice.ogg | |
spider_web.ogg | |
spinach.ogg | |
spine.ogg | |
spinning_top.ogg | |
spool.ogg | |
spring_season.ogg | |
staircase.ogg | |
steam.ogg | |
steep.ogg | |
steeple.ogg | |
step.ogg | |
stinky.ogg | |
stitch.ogg | |
stomach.ogg | |
strainer.ogg | |
student.ogg | |
sugar.ogg | |
suitcase.ogg | |
summit.ogg | |
sweatshirt.ogg | |
table.ogg | |
tablecloth.ogg | |
tadpole.ogg | |
tail.ogg | |
tape_measure.ogg | |
taxi.ogg | |
teddy.ogg | |
television.ogg | |
temple.ogg | |
tennis.ogg | |
tent.ogg | |
text.ogg | |
thief.ogg | |
thumb.ogg | |
ticket.ogg | |
tiger.ogg | |
tin.ogg | |
tire.ogg | |
tissue.ogg | |
to_drink.ogg | |
toad.ogg | |
toaster.ogg | |
toe.ogg | |
tomatoe.ogg | |
tongs.ogg | |
tongue.ogg | |
train_station.ogg | |
triangle.ogg | |
tribe.ogg | |
trip.ogg | |
tulip.ogg | |
turkey.ogg | |
turnip.ogg | |
turtle.ogg | |
tusk.ogg | |
twin_boys.ogg | |
twin_girls.ogg | |
umbrella.ogg | |
uniform.ogg | |
vapor.ogg | |
vase.ogg | |
vegetable.ogg | |
vein.ogg | |
verdure.ogg | |
vest.ogg | |
viper.ogg | |
vowel.ogg | |
vulture.ogg | |
wall.ogg | |
walnut.ogg | |
wart.ogg | |
wasp.ogg | |
wave.ogg | |
wedding.ogg | |
weight.ogg | |
whale.ogg | |
wide.ogg | |
wife.ogg | |
window.ogg | |
window_glass.ogg | |
winter.ogg | |
wolf.ogg | |
woman.ogg | |
word.ogg | |
worker.ogg | |
world.ogg | |
wreath.ogg | |
yellow.ogg | |
yogurt.ogg | |
yum.ogg | blasta |
zebra.ogg | |
zipper.ogg |
ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/grammar_analysis/resource/grammar_analysis-gd.json Instructions to create this file
ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/grammar_classes/resource/grammar_classes-gd.json Instructions to create this file
ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/click_on_letter/resource/levels-gd.json Instructions to create this file
Page generated the 2025-03-20