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These files are missing

File Description
adjacent_numbers.ogg title: Finde beide Zahlen. description: Finde beide Zahlen. voice: Find the missing numbers.
advanced_colors.ogg title: Erweiterte Farben description: Erweiterte Farben voice: click on the required color
algebra_by.ogg title: Multiplikation von Zahlen description: Multiplikation von Zahlen voice: Multiply the two numbers together and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water
algebra_div.ogg title: Division von Zahlen description: Division von Zahlen voice: Find the result of the division and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water
algebra_minus.ogg title: Subtraktion von Zahlen description: Subtraktion von Zahlen voice: Subtract the two numbers and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water
algebra_plus.ogg title: Addition von Zahlen description: Addition von Zahlen voice: Add the two numbers together and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water
algorithm.ogg title: Logische Beziehungen description: Logische Beziehungen voice: Click on the missing items on the table and follow the logical sequence displayed above it.
align4.ogg title: Vier gewinnt (gegen Tux) description: Vier gewinnt (gegen Tux) voice: Click on the column where you wish your token to fall and try to align 4 tokens before Tux.
align4_2players.ogg title: Vier gewinnt (mit einem Freund) description: Vier gewinnt (mit einem Freund) voice: Click on the column where you wish your token to fall and try to align 4 tokens to win.
alphabet-sequence.ogg title: Reihenfolge im Alphabet description: Reihenfolge im Alphabet voice: Move the helicopter to catch the clouds following the order of the alphabet.
analog_electricity.ogg title: Analoge Elektrizität description: Analoge Elektrizität voice: Learn how analog electricity works and create your own circuit.
baby_keyboard.ogg title: Einfache Tastatur description: Einfache Tastatur voice: Type any key on the keyboard and observe the result.
baby_mouse.ogg title: Bewege die Maus description: Bewege die Maus voice: Move the mouse or touch the screen and observe the result.
baby_tangram.ogg title: Vervollständige das Puzzle description: Vervollständige das Puzzle voice: Move each puzzle piece, to obtain the completed puzzle. You can change their orientation by clicking on the arrows.
baby_wordprocessor.ogg title: Eine einfache Textverarbeitung description: Eine einfache Textverarbeitung voice: A simplistic word processor to play around with the keyboard
babymatch.ogg title: Zusammengehörige Teile description: Zusammengehörige Teile voice: Drag and drop the objects matching the pictures
babyshapes.ogg title: Vervollständige das Puzzle description: Vervollständige das Puzzle voice: Drag and drop the objects matching the shapes.
balancebox.ogg title: Kugelkiste description: Kugelkiste voice: Tilt the box to navigate the ball to the door.
ballcatch.ogg title: Wirf den Ball zu Tux description: Wirf den Ball zu Tux voice: Press the left and right arrows at the same time to send the ball straight on
bargame.ogg title: Kugelspiel (gegen Tux) description: Kugelspiel (gegen Tux) voice: Select the number of balls you wish to place in the holes and then click on the OK button. The winner is the one who hasn't put a ball in the red hole.
bargame_2players.ogg title: Kugelspiel (mit einem Freund) description: Kugelspiel (mit einem Freund) voice: Select the number of balls you wish to place in the holes and then click on the OK button. The winner is the one who hasn't put a ball in the red hole.
binary_bulb.ogg title: Binäre Lampen description: Binäre Lampen voice: Turn on the right bulbs to represent the binary of the given decimal number. When you have achieved it, press OK
braille_alphabets.ogg title: Entdecke die Brailleschrift description: Entdecke die Brailleschrift voice: Click on Tux to start and then re-create the Braille cells.
braille_fun.ogg title: Braille-Spiel description: Braille-Spiel voice: Create the Braille cell for the letter.
calcudoku.ogg title: Calcudoku description: Calcudoku voice: Select a number and click on its target position. Each number must appear only once in a row and in a column. The numbers in the cells of a cage must produce the given result when combined using the given operator.
calendar.ogg title: Kalender description: Kalender voice: Select the asked date on the calendar
canal_lock.ogg title: Bediene eine Schleuse description: Bediene eine Schleuse voice: You are responsible for the lock and you must help Tux pass through. Click on the valves to cause either a drop or an increase in the water level, and click on the gates to open or close a path.
categorization.ogg title: Zuordnung description: Zuordnung voice: Categorize the items into the correct group
checkers.ogg title: Spiele Dame (gegen Tux) description: Spiele Dame (gegen Tux) voice: play checkers against Tux
checkers_2players.ogg title: Spiele Dame (mit einem Freund) description: Spiele Dame (mit einem Freund) voice: play checkers with your friend
chess.ogg title: Spiel Schach (gegen Tux) description: Spiel Schach (gegen Tux) voice: play chess against Tux
chess_2players.ogg title: Spiel Schach (mit einem Freund) description: Spiel Schach (mit einem Freund) voice: play chess against your friend
chess_partyend.ogg title: Schach-Endspiele description: Schach-Endspiele voice: Click on a white chess piece and green boxes will appear to indicate all the movements that piece can make. Try and get the black king into checkmate.
chronos.ogg title: Zeitliche Abläufe description: Zeitliche Abläufe voice: Slide the pictures into the order that tells the story
click_on_letter.ogg title: Klicke auf einen Kleinbuchstaben description: Klicke auf einen Kleinbuchstaben voice: Click on the required letter. You can listen to it again by clicking on the mouth.
click_on_letter_up.ogg title: Klicke auf einen Großbuchstaben description: Klicke auf einen Großbuchstaben voice: Click on the required letter. You can listen to it again by clicking on the mouth.
clickanddraw.ogg title: Klicken und Zeichnen description: Klicken und Zeichnen voice: Click on the selected points and draw
clickgame.ogg title: Klick mich an description: Klick mich an voice: Catch the fish before they leave the aquarium.
clockgame.ogg title: Lerne die Uhrzeit description: Lerne die Uhrzeit voice: Drag and drop the needles of the clock to display the required time
color_mix.ogg title: Farben mischen description: Farben mischen voice: Match the color by moving the sliders on the tubes of paint
color_mix_light.ogg title: Lichtfarben mischen description: Lichtfarben mischen voice: Match the color by moving the sliders on the torches
colors.ogg title: Farben description: Farben voice: Click on the right color
comparator.ogg title: Zahlen vergleichen. description: Zahlen vergleichen. voice: Select the correct comparator sign for each pair of numbers in the list.
crane.ogg title: Baue das gleiche Modell description: Baue das gleiche Modell voice: Click on each item in turn, in the blue frame, and move them to reproduce the pattern from the pink frame.
details.ogg title: Finde die Details description: Finde die Details voice: Slide the images on their respective targets
digital_electricity.ogg title: Digitale Elektrizität description: Digitale Elektrizität voice: Learn how digital electronics work and create your own circuit.
drawletters.ogg title: Buchstaben malen description: Buchstaben malen voice: Click on the selected points and draw the letter
drawnumbers.ogg title: Zahlen malen description: Zahlen malen voice: Draw the numbers by connecting the dots in the correct order.
enumerate.ogg title: Zähle die Gegenstände description: Zähle die Gegenstände voice: Count the elements by organizing them then type the answer on your keyboard.
erase.ogg title: Bewege die Maus oder berühre den Bildschirm description: Bewege die Maus oder berühre den Bildschirm voice: Clear the window with your sponge and discover the hidden picture.
erase_2clic.ogg title: Klicke oder tippe zweimal description: Klicke oder tippe zweimal voice: Double tap or double click on the bricks to discover the hidden picture
erase_clic.ogg title: Klicken oder Berühren description: Klicken oder Berühren voice: Click or tap on the transparent bricks and discover the hidden picture.
explore_farm_animals.ogg title: Entdecke Tiere auf dem Bauernhof description: Entdecke Tiere auf dem Bauernhof voice: Learn about farmyard animals and the noises that they make.
explore_monuments.ogg title: Entdecke Denkmäler description: Entdecke Denkmäler voice: Explore Monuments around the world.
explore_world_animals.ogg title: Entdecke Tiere aus aller Welt description: Entdecke Tiere aus aller Welt voice: Learn about world animals and locate them on a map.
explore_world_music.ogg title: Entdecke Musik aus aller Welt description: Entdecke Musik aus aller Welt voice: Click on the suitcases to learn about music from around the world.
family.ogg title: Familie description: Familie voice: Let us understand what to call our relatives
family_find_relative.ogg title: Zeige auf die Verwandten description: Zeige auf die Verwandten voice: Click on a pair that defines the given relation
fifteen.ogg title: Das Fünfzehn-Spiel description: Das Fünfzehn-Spiel voice: Click or drag an element next to a free space, the element will move and release its space. You must put all the pieces in the correct order. The numbers on the pieces can help you.
find_the_day.ogg title: Finde den Tag description: Finde den Tag voice: Select the required day.
followline.ogg title: Steuere den Wasserschlauch description: Steuere den Wasserschlauch voice: Move the mouse or your finger along the pipe to stop the fire.
football.ogg title: Das Fußballspiel description: Das Fußballspiel voice: Drag a line from the ball to set the speed and direction of your kick.
fractions_create.ogg title: Bilde Brüche description: Bilde Brüche voice: Select the appropriate number of parts as described in the instructions.
fractions_find.ogg title: Finde die Brüche description: Finde die Brüche voice: Find the correct numerator and denominator of the represented fraction
frieze.ogg title: description: voice: Reproduce and complete the frieze model.
geo-country.ogg title: Finde die Region description: Finde die Region voice: Drag and drop the regions to complete the country maps.
geography.ogg title: Finde die Länder description: Finde die Länder voice: Drag and drop the objects to complete the map.
gletters.ogg title: Einfache Buchstaben description: Einfache Buchstaben voice: Type the letters on your keyboard before they reach the ground.
gnumch-equality.ogg title: Gleichheits-Zahlenmampfer description: Gleichheits-Zahlenmampfer voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the required numbers and press the space bar to swallow them.
gnumch-factors.ogg title: Faktoren-Zahlenmampfer description: Faktoren-Zahlenmampfer voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the factors of the displayed number and press space to swallow them.
gnumch-inequality.ogg title: Ungleichheits-Zahlenmapfer description: Ungleichheits-Zahlenmapfer voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the numbers that are different from the ones displayed and press the space bar to swallow them.
gnumch-multiples.ogg title: Vielfaches-Zahlenmampfer description: Vielfaches-Zahlenmampfer voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the multiples of the displayed number and press space to swallow them.
gnumch-primes.ogg title: Primzahlen-Mampfer description: Primzahlen-Mampfer voice: Guide the number eater with the arrow keys to the prime numbers and press space to swallow them.
graduated_line_read.ogg title: description: voice: Find the value corresponding to the given spot on the graduated line.
graduated_line_use.ogg title: description: voice: Place the given value on the graduated line.
grammar_analysis.ogg title: description: voice: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words.
grammar_classes.ogg title: description: voice: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words.
graph-coloring.ogg title: Einfärben von Graphen description: Einfärben von Graphen voice: Color the graph so that no two adjacent nodes have the same color.
gravity.ogg title: Schwerkraft description: Schwerkraft voice: Move the spaceship to avoid hitting the planets and reach the space station.
guess24.ogg title: description: voice: Use the four numbers with given operators to find 24
guesscount.ogg title: Errate die Rechnung description: Errate die Rechnung voice: Use the numbers and operations suggested to find the results proposed above.
guessnumber.ogg title: Errate eine Zahl description: Errate eine Zahl voice: Find out the number by typing a number from the range proposed.
hangman.ogg title: Das klassische Galgenmännchen-Spiel description: Das klassische Galgenmännchen-Spiel voice: A word is hidden, you must discover it letter by letter.
hanoi.ogg title: Einfache Türme von Hanoi description: Einfache Türme von Hanoi voice: Rebuild the same tower in the empty area as the one you see on the right hand side.
hanoi_real.ogg title: Die Türme von Hanoi description: Die Türme von Hanoi voice: Rebuild the model tower on the right support. Take care, no disc may be placed atop a smaller disc.
hexagon.ogg title: Sechseck description: Sechseck voice: Click on the hexagons to find the hidden object, the red zone indicates that you're close to it!
imagename.ogg title: Benenne Bilder description: Benenne Bilder voice: Drag and drop each item above its name.
instruments.ogg title: Musikinstrumente description: Musikinstrumente voice: Click on the correct musical instrument.
land_safe.ogg title: Sicher landen description: Sicher landen voice: Use the arrow keys to pilot your spaceship safely onto the landing pad.
lang.ogg title: Bereichere dein Vokabular description: Bereichere dein Vokabular voice: Select the language you want to learn then review the words before doing the exercises.
learn_additions.ogg title: Lerne die Addition description: Lerne die Addition voice: Click on the circles to give the operation's result.
learn_decimals.ogg title: Dezimalzahlen lernen description: Dezimalzahlen lernen voice: Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area to represent the decimal number.
learn_decimals_additions.ogg title: Additionen mit Dezimalzahlen description: Additionen mit Dezimalzahlen voice: Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area to represent the result of the addition.
learn_decimals_subtractions.ogg title: Subtraktionen mit Dezimalzahlen description: Subtraktionen mit Dezimalzahlen voice: Click on the squares to represent the result of the subtraction.
learn_digits.ogg title: Lerne die Zahlen description: Lerne die Zahlen voice: Click on the circles to match the given digit.
learn_quantities.ogg title: Mengen lernen description: Mengen lernen voice: Drag the arrow to select a number of oranges, and drag the oranges to the empty area to represent the requested quantity.
learn_subtractions.ogg title: Lerne die Subtraktion description: Lerne die Subtraktion voice: Click on the circles to give the operation's result.
left_right_click.ogg title: Mausklick-Training description: Mausklick-Training voice: Move animals to their homes using a left click or right click on your mouse.
leftright.ogg title: Finde die linken und die rechten Hände description: Finde die linken und die rechten Hände voice: Guess if the picture presents a left or right hand and click on the correct answer.
letter-in-word.ogg title: Buchstaben in Wörtern description: Buchstaben in Wörtern voice: Click on all the words containing the wanted letter.
lightsoff.ogg title: Lichter aus description: Lichter aus voice: Click on the lamps to turn them off.
louis-braille.ogg title: Die Geschichte von Louis Braille description: Die Geschichte von Louis Braille voice: Discover the history of Louis Braille.
magic-hat-minus.ogg title: Der Zauberhut description: Der Zauberhut voice: Click on the hat. How many stars are still hiding under the hat.
magic-hat-plus.ogg title: Der Zauberhut description: Der Zauberhut voice: Count the number of stars hidden under the hat and then click on the stars to indicate their number.
maze.ogg title: Labyrinth description: Labyrinth voice: Use the arrows keys or swipe the touch screen to help Tux find his way out.
mazeinvisible.ogg title: Unsichtbares Labyrinth description: Unsichtbares Labyrinth voice: Use the arrow keys or swipe the touch screen to guide Tux out. Use the maze icon or the space key to see the map.
mazerelative.ogg title: Relatives Labyrinth description: Relatives Labyrinth voice: Help Tux find his way out. Left and right are used to turn and up to go forward.
melody.ogg title: Melodie description: Melodie voice: Listen to the sound sequence played, and reproduce it by clicking on the xylophone's bars
memory-case-association-tux.ogg title: Buchstaben-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux description: Buchstaben-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux voice: Match the upper case card with its lower case pair.
memory-case-association.ogg title: Buchstaben-Gedächtnisspiel description: Buchstaben-Gedächtnisspiel voice: Match the upper case card with its lower case pair.
memory-enumerate.ogg title: Aufzählungs-Gedächtnisspiel description: Aufzählungs-Gedächtnisspiel voice: Match a number card with a card displaying the same number of butterflies.
memory-math-add-minus-mult-div-tux.ogg title: Grundrechenarten-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux description: Grundrechenarten-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-add-minus-mult-div.ogg title: Grundrechenarten-Gedächtnisspiel description: Grundrechenarten-Gedächtnisspiel voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-add-minus-tux.ogg title: Additions- und Subtraktions-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux description: Additions- und Subtraktions-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-add-minus.ogg title: Additions- und Subtraktions-Gedächtnisspiel description: Additions- und Subtraktions-Gedächtnisspiel voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-add-tux.ogg title: Additions-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux description: Additions-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-add.ogg title: Additions-Gedächtnistraining description: Additions-Gedächtnistraining voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-div-tux.ogg title: Divisions-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux description: Divisions-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-div.ogg title: Divisions-Gedächtnistraining description: Divisions-Gedächtnistraining voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-minus-tux.ogg title: Subtraktions-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux description: Subtraktions-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-minus.ogg title: Subtraktions-Gedächtnistraining description: Subtraktions-Gedächtnistraining voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-mult-div-tux.ogg title: Multiplikations- und Divisions-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux description: Multiplikations- und Divisions-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-mult-div.ogg title: Multiplikations- und Divisions-Gedächtnisspiel description: Multiplikations- und Divisions-Gedächtnisspiel voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-mult-tux.ogg title: Multiplikations-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux description: Multiplikations-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-math-mult.ogg title: Multiplikations-Gedächtnisspiel description: Multiplikations-Gedächtnisspiel voice: Turn over two cards to match the calculation with its answer.
memory-sound-tux.ogg title: Audio-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux. description: Audio-Gedächtnisspiel gegen Tux. voice: Click on an audio card and find its double.
memory-sound.ogg title: Audio-Gedächtnistraining description: Audio-Gedächtnistraining voice: Click on an audio card and find its double.
memory-tux.ogg title: Bilder-Memory gegen Tux description: Bilder-Memory gegen Tux voice: Click on a card and find its double.
memory-wordnumber.ogg title: Zahlwort-Gedächtnistraining description: Zahlwort-Gedächtnistraining voice: Match the numeric with the word.
memory.ogg title: Bildermemory description: Bildermemory voice: Click on a card and find its double.
mining.ogg title: Gold-Bergbau description: Gold-Bergbau voice: Looking at the rockwall, you can see a sparkle somewhere. Move the mouse cursor next to this sparkle and use the mousewheel or the zoom gesture to zoom in.
missing-letter.ogg title: Fehlende Buchstaben description: Fehlende Buchstaben voice: Find the missing letter and complete the word by clicking on one of the letters proposed on the side.
money.ogg title: Geld description: Geld voice: Click or tap on the money to pay.
money_back.ogg title: Gib Tux sein Wechselgeld description: Gib Tux sein Wechselgeld voice: Click on the money at the bottom of the screen to give Tux his change.
money_back_cents.ogg title: Gib Tux sein Wechselgeld, einschließlich Cents description: Gib Tux sein Wechselgeld, einschließlich Cents voice: Click on the money at the bottom of the screen to give Tux his change.
money_cents.ogg title: Geld mit Cents description: Geld mit Cents voice: Click on the money to pay.
morse_code.ogg title: Entdecke den internationalen Morsecode description: Entdecke den internationalen Morsecode voice: Learn and practice the International Morse code
mosaic.ogg title: Bau das Mosaik wieder auf description: Bau das Mosaik wieder auf voice: Put each item at the same place as in the given example.
nine_men_morris.ogg title: Mühle (gegen Tux) description: Mühle (gegen Tux) voice: Click on the dot where you wish to place your piece and try to take all Tux's pieces.
nine_men_morris_2players.ogg title: Mühle (mit einem Freund) description: Mühle (mit einem Freund) voice: Click on the dot where you wish to place your piece and try to take all your friend's pieces.
note_names.ogg title: Benenne die Note description: Benenne die Note voice: Identify the note and press the correct piano key
number_sequence.ogg title: Zahlenfolge description: Zahlenfolge voice: Draw the picture by touching the numbers in ascending order.
numbers-odd-even.ogg title: Gerade und ungerade Zahlen description: Gerade und ungerade Zahlen voice: Move the helicopter to catch the clouds having even or odd numbers, in the shown order.
ordering_alphabets.ogg title: Reihenfolge von Buchstaben description: Reihenfolge von Buchstaben voice: Arrange the letters in the correct order.
ordering_chronology.ogg title: Zeitliche Reihenfolge description: Zeitliche Reihenfolge voice: Arrange the given events in their chronological order.
ordering_numbers.ogg title: Reihenfolge von Zahlen description: Reihenfolge von Zahlen voice: Arrange the numbers in the correct order.
ordering_sentences.ogg title: Reihenfolge von Wörtern in Sätzen. description: Reihenfolge von Wörtern in Sätzen. voice: Arrange the given words to form a meaningful sentence.
oware.ogg title: Oware spielen (gegen Tux) description: Oware spielen (gegen Tux) voice: Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game
oware_2players.ogg title: Oware spielen (mit einem Freund) description: Oware spielen (mit einem Freund) voice: Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game
paintings.ogg title: Setze das Puzzle zusammen description: Setze das Puzzle zusammen voice: Catch and drop each piece on the points.
path_decoding.ogg title: Pfad verstehen description: Pfad verstehen voice: Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach the target.
path_decoding_relative.ogg title: Pfad verstehen description: Pfad verstehen voice: Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach the target.
path_encoding.ogg title: Pfadkodierung description: Pfadkodierung voice: Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target.
path_encoding_relative.ogg title: Pfadkodierung description: Pfadkodierung voice: Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target.
penalty.ogg title: Strafstoß description: Strafstoß voice: Double click or double tap on the goal, in order to score.
photo_hunter.ogg title: Bilderrätsel description: Bilderrätsel voice: look at the two pictures carefully and click where you see a difference
piano_composition.ogg title: Komponieren am Piano description: Komponieren am Piano voice: Learn to compose piano music using the octaves and the tools presented above the staff.
planegame.ogg title: Zahlen in Reihenfolge description: Zahlen in Reihenfolge voice: Move the helicopter with the arrow keys and catch the numbers in the clouds, in ascending order.
play_piano.ogg title: Spielen am Piano description: Spielen am Piano voice: Click on the keyboard keys that match the notes that you see and hear
play_rhythm.ogg title: Rhythmus spielen description: Rhythmus spielen voice: Click the drum to recreate the rhythm
positions.ogg title: Positionen description: Positionen voice: Find the correct position
programmingMaze.ogg title: description: voice: Arrange the instructions and traverse the correct path to reach the fish.
railroad.ogg title: Eisenbahn-Aktivität description: Eisenbahn-Aktivität voice: Observe the train and then click on the items to set up a similar train
readingh.ogg title: Horizontale Leseübung description: Horizontale Leseübung voice: Read a list of words and say if a given word is in it.
readingv.ogg title: Vertikale Leseübung description: Vertikale Leseübung voice: Read a list of words and say if a given word is in it.
redraw.ogg title: Zeichne das Bild nach description: Zeichne das Bild nach voice: Use the drawing tools to build an identical pattern on the right.
redraw_symmetrical.ogg title: Spiegle das Bild description: Spiegle das Bild voice: Use the drawing tools to reproduce symmetrically the pattern on the right.
renewable_energy.ogg title: Erneuerbare Energie description: Erneuerbare Energie voice: Click on the different stages that go to make up the power supply.
reversecount.ogg title: Intervalle zählen description: Intervalle zählen voice: Click on the domino and validate your choice with the OK button to indicate the number of ice blocks Tux will have to follow to eat a fish.
roman_numerals.ogg title: Römische Ziffern description: Römische Ziffern voice: Learn and practice roman to arabic numerals conversion
scalesboard.ogg title: Balanciere die Waage genau aus description: Balanciere die Waage genau aus voice: Drag the weights up to balance the scales.
scalesboard_weight.ogg title: Wiege mit dem Internationalen Einheitensystem description: Wiege mit dem Internationalen Einheitensystem voice: Drag the weights up to balance the scales.
scalesboard_weight_avoirdupois.ogg title: Wiege mit dem Imperialen Einheitensystem description: Wiege mit dem Imperialen Einheitensystem voice: Drag the weights up to balance the scales.
share.ogg title: Verteile die Süßigkeiten description: Verteile die Süßigkeiten voice: Share the candies equally among the specified number of children and notice that there may be a rest left
simplepaint.ogg title: description: voice: Select a color and paint the rectangles as you like to create a drawing.
sketch.ogg title: description: voice: Use the tools to draw images.
smallnumbers.ogg title: Zahlen mit Würfeln description: Zahlen mit Würfeln voice: Count the number on the dice and type it on your keyboard before it reaches the ground.
smallnumbers2.ogg title: Zahlen mit Dominosteinen description: Zahlen mit Dominosteinen voice: Count the numbers on the dominoes then type the result on your keyboard.
solar_system.ogg title: Sonnensystem description: Sonnensystem voice: Answer the questions presented and get a 100% correctness among the options.
submarine.ogg title: Steuere ein Unterseeboot description: Steuere ein Unterseeboot voice: Drive the submarine to the right end of the screen without colliding with any objects
sudoku.ogg title: Calcudoku description: Calcudoku voice: Select a number or a symbol and click its target area. Each symbol must appear only once in a row, in a column and in a subregion if any.
superbrain.ogg title: Superhirn description: Superhirn voice: Find out the right combination of colors. A dot framed in a black square means that you found the correct colour in the correct position, while a dot framed in a white square means it's the correct colour, but in the wrong position.
tangram.ogg title: Ein Tangram-Puzzle description: Ein Tangram-Puzzle voice: Click on each object to obtain the same figure. You can change their orientation by clicking on the arrows.
target.ogg title: Übe das Addieren mit einem Dartspiel description: Übe das Addieren mit einem Dartspiel voice: Click on the target to launch darts, then count your final score!
tens_complement_calculate.ogg title: Verwende das Zehnerkomplement description: Verwende das Zehnerkomplement voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position. Then, select the result box to type the result.
tens_complement_find.ogg title: Finde das Zehnerkomplement description: Finde das Zehnerkomplement voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there.
tens_complement_swap.ogg title: Vertausche das Zehnerkomplement description: Vertausche das Zehnerkomplement voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position.
tens_complement_use.ogg title: Verwende das Zehnerkomplement description: Verwende das Zehnerkomplement voice: Decompose the operations to include a pair of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there.
tic_tac_toe.ogg title: Tic Tac Toe (gegen Tux) description: Tic Tac Toe (gegen Tux) voice: Click on the square which you wish to mark and try to mark 3 consecutive squares before Tux.
tic_tac_toe_2players.ogg title: Tic Tac Toe (mit einem Freund) description: Tic Tac Toe (mit einem Freund) voice: Click on the square which you wish to mark and try to mark 3 consecutive squares before Tux.
traffic.ogg title: Ein Schiebe-Puzzle description: Ein Schiebe-Puzzle voice: Slide the cars to make a space so that the red car can go out of the box.
vertical_addition.ogg title: Übe das Addieren. description: Übe das Addieren. voice: Solve the given addition.
vertical_subtraction.ogg title: Übe das Subtrahieren. description: Übe das Subtrahieren. voice: Solve the given subtraction.
vertical_subtraction_compensation.ogg title: Übe das Subtrahieren. description: Übe das Subtrahieren. voice: Solve the given subtraction.
watercycle.ogg title: Wasserkreislauf description: Wasserkreislauf voice: Click on the various active elements that make up the water supply. Then press the shower button for Tux.
wordsgame.ogg title: Fallende Wörter description: Fallende Wörter voice: Type the words on your keyboard before they reach the ground.

Letters (de/alphabet/)

These files are missing

File Description
U00E4.ogg ä
U00F6.ogg ö
U00FC.ogg ü

Misc (de/misc/)

These files are missing

File Description

Colors (de/colors/)

These files are missing

File Description

Geography (de/geography/)

These files are missing

File Description
afghanistan.ogg Afghanistan
armenia.ogg Armenien
australia.ogg Australien
azerbaijan.ogg Aserbaidschan
bangladesh.ogg Bangladesch
bhutan.ogg Bhutan
brunei.ogg Brunei
cambodia.ogg Kambodscha
china.ogg China
cook_islands.ogg Cookinseln
cyprus.ogg Zypern
east_timor.ogg Osttimor
eswatini.ogg Eswatini
fiji.ogg Fidschi
french_polynesia.ogg Französisch-Polynesien
georgia.ogg Asien, Georgien
hawaii.ogg Hawaii
india.ogg Indien
indonesia.ogg Indonesien
iran.ogg Iran
iraq.ogg Irak
israel.ogg Israel
japan.ogg Japan
jordan.ogg Jordanien
kazakhstan.ogg Kasachstan
kiribati.ogg Kiribati
kuwait.ogg Kuwait
kyrgyzstan.ogg Kirgisistan
laos.ogg Laos
lebanon.ogg Libanon
malaysia.ogg Malaysia
maldives.ogg Malediven
mariana_islands.ogg Marianen-Inseln
marshall_islands.ogg Marshallinseln
micronesia.ogg Mikronesien
mongolia.ogg Mongolei
myanmar.ogg Myanmar
nepal.ogg Nepal
new_caledonia.ogg Neukaledonien
new_zealand.ogg Neuseeland
north_korea.ogg Nordkorea
oman.ogg Oman
pakistan.ogg Pakistan
palau.ogg Palau
papua_new_guinea.ogg Papua-Neuguinea
philippines.ogg Philippinen
pitcairn_islands.ogg Pitcairninseln
qatar.ogg Katar
republic_of_congo.ogg Republik Kongo
samoan_islands.ogg Salomonen
saudi_arabia.ogg Saudi-Arabien
solomon_islands.ogg Salomonen
south_korea.ogg Südkorea
south_sudan.ogg Südsudan
sri_lanka.ogg Sri Lanka
syria.ogg Syrien
taiwan.ogg Taiwan
tajikistan.ogg Tadschikistan
thailand.ogg Thailand
tonga.ogg Tonga
turkmenistan.ogg Turkmenistan
tuvalu.ogg Tuvalu
united_arab_emirates.ogg Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
us_minor.ogg United States Minor Outlying Islands
uzbekistan.ogg Usbekistan
vanuatu.ogg Vanuatu
vietnam.ogg Vietnam
yemen.ogg Jemen

Words (de/words/)

These files are missing

File Description
cook.ogg kochen
fall.ogg fallen
hamburger.ogg der Hamburger
hear.ogg hören
hug.ogg umarmen
joy.ogg joy
lip.ogg die Lippe
on.ogg darauf
popcorn.ogg das Popcorn
sleep.ogg schlafen
slope.ogg der Abhang
to_drink.ogg trinken
vapor.ogg der Dampf

ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/grammar_analysis/resource/grammar_analysis-de.json Instructions to create this file

ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/grammar_classes/resource/grammar_classes-de.json Instructions to create this file

ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/click_on_letter/resource/levels-de.json Instructions to create this file

Page generated the 2025-03-20