ERROR: Failed to load po file /poqm/kngcompris_qt.po
ERROR: Failed to load po file /po/kn/gcompris_voices.po
File | Description |
adjacent_numbers.ogg | title: Find the adjacent numbers description: Find the adjacent numbers voice: Find the missing numbers. |
algebra_div.ogg | title: Division of numbers description: Division of numbers voice: Find the result of the division and type in your answer before the balloon lands in the water |
alphabet-sequence.ogg | title: Alphabet sequence description: Alphabet sequence voice: Move the helicopter to catch the clouds following the order of the alphabet. |
analog_electricity.ogg | title: Analog electricity description: Analog electricity voice: Learn how analog electricity works and create your own circuit. |
baby_keyboard.ogg | title: My first keyboard description: My first keyboard voice: Type any key on the keyboard and observe the result. |
baby_mouse.ogg | title: My first mouse description: My first mouse voice: Move the mouse or touch the screen and observe the result. |
baby_wordprocessor.ogg | title: My first word processor description: My first word processor voice: A simplistic word processor to play around with the keyboard |
balancebox.ogg | title: Balance box description: Balance box voice: Tilt the box to navigate the ball to the door. |
ballcatch.ogg | title: Make the ball go to Tux description: Make the ball go to Tux voice: Press the left and right arrows at the same time to send the ball straight on |
bargame_2players.ogg | title: Bargame (with a friend) description: Bargame (with a friend) voice: Select the number of balls you wish to place in the holes and then click on the OK button. The winner is the one who hasn't put a ball in the red hole. |
binary_bulb.ogg | title: Binary bulbs description: Binary bulbs voice: Turn on the right bulbs to represent the binary of the given decimal number. When you have achieved it, press OK |
calcudoku.ogg | title: Calcudoku description: Calcudoku voice: Select a number and click on its target position. Each number must appear only once in a row and in a column. The numbers in the cells of a cage must produce the given result when combined using the given operator. |
calendar.ogg | title: Calendar description: Calendar voice: Select the asked date on the calendar |
categorization.ogg | title: Categorization description: Categorization voice: Categorize the items into the correct group |
checkers.ogg | title: Play checkers (against Tux) description: Play checkers (against Tux) voice: play checkers against Tux |
checkers_2players.ogg | title: Play checkers (with a friend) description: Play checkers (with a friend) voice: play checkers with your friend |
chess.ogg | title: Play chess (against Tux) description: Play chess (against Tux) voice: play chess against Tux |
chess_2players.ogg | title: Play chess (with a friend) description: Play chess (with a friend) voice: play chess against your friend |
comparator.ogg | title: Compare numbers description: Compare numbers voice: Select the correct comparator sign for each pair of numbers in the list. |
digital_electricity.ogg | title: Digital electricity description: Digital electricity voice: Learn how digital electronics work and create your own circuit. |
drawletters.ogg | title: Draw letters description: Draw letters voice: Click on the selected points and draw the letter |
drawnumbers.ogg | title: Draw numbers description: Draw numbers voice: Draw the numbers by connecting the dots in the correct order. |
explore_monuments.ogg | title: Explore monuments description: Explore monuments voice: Explore Monuments around the world. |
family.ogg | title: Family description: Family voice: Let us understand what to call our relatives |
family_find_relative.ogg | title: Point the relatives description: Point the relatives voice: Click on a pair that defines the given relation |
find_the_day.ogg | title: Find the day description: Find the day voice: Select the required day. |
followline.ogg | title: Control the hose-pipe description: Control the hose-pipe voice: Move the mouse or your finger along the pipe to stop the fire. |
football.ogg | title: The football game description: The football game voice: Drag a line from the ball to set the speed and direction of your kick. |
fractions_create.ogg | title: Create the fractions description: Create the fractions voice: Select the appropriate number of parts as described in the instructions. |
fractions_find.ogg | title: Find the fractions description: Find the fractions voice: Find the correct numerator and denominator of the represented fraction |
frieze.ogg | title: Frieze description: Frieze voice: Reproduce and complete the frieze model. |
graduated_line_read.ogg | title: Read a graduated line description: Read a graduated line voice: Find the value corresponding to the given spot on the graduated line. |
graduated_line_use.ogg | title: Use a graduated line description: Use a graduated line voice: Place the given value on the graduated line. |
grammar_analysis.ogg | title: Grammatical analysis description: Grammatical analysis voice: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words. |
grammar_classes.ogg | title: Grammatical classes description: Grammatical classes voice: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words. |
graph-coloring.ogg | title: Graph coloring description: Graph coloring voice: Color the graph so that no two adjacent nodes have the same color. |
gravity.ogg | title: Gravity description: Gravity voice: Move the spaceship to avoid hitting the planets and reach the space station. |
guess24.ogg | title: Guess 24 description: Guess 24 voice: Use the four numbers with given operators to find 24 |
learn_additions.ogg | title: Learn addition description: Learn addition voice: Click on the circles to give the operation's result. |
learn_decimals.ogg | title: Learn decimal numbers description: Learn decimal numbers voice: Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area to represent the decimal number. |
learn_decimals_additions.ogg | title: Addition with decimal numbers description: Addition with decimal numbers voice: Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area to represent the result of the addition. |
learn_decimals_subtractions.ogg | title: Subtraction with decimal numbers description: Subtraction with decimal numbers voice: Click on the squares to represent the result of the subtraction. |
learn_digits.ogg | title: Learn digits description: Learn digits voice: Click on the circles to match the given digit. |
learn_quantities.ogg | title: Learn quantities description: Learn quantities voice: Drag the arrow to select a number of oranges, and drag the oranges to the empty area to represent the requested quantity. |
learn_subtractions.ogg | title: Learn subtraction description: Learn subtraction voice: Click on the circles to give the operation's result. |
left_right_click.ogg | title: Mouse click training description: Mouse click training voice: Move animals to their homes using a left click or right click on your mouse. |
letter-in-word.ogg | title: Letter in which word description: Letter in which word voice: Click on all the words containing the wanted letter. |
memory-case-association-tux.ogg | title: Case association memory game against Tux description: Case association memory game against Tux voice: Match the upper case card with its lower case pair. |
memory-case-association.ogg | title: Case association memory game description: Case association memory game voice: Match the upper case card with its lower case pair. |
morse_code.ogg | title: Discover the International Morse code description: Discover the International Morse code voice: Learn and practice the International Morse code |
nine_men_morris.ogg | title: Nine men's morris (against Tux) description: Nine men's morris (against Tux) voice: Click on the dot where you wish to place your piece and try to take all Tux's pieces. |
nine_men_morris_2players.ogg | title: Nine men's morris (with a friend) description: Nine men's morris (with a friend) voice: Click on the dot where you wish to place your piece and try to take all your friend's pieces. |
numbers-odd-even.ogg | title: Even and odd numbers description: Even and odd numbers voice: Move the helicopter to catch the clouds having even or odd numbers, in the shown order. |
ordering_alphabets.ogg | title: Ordering letters description: Ordering letters voice: Arrange the letters in the correct order. |
ordering_chronology.ogg | title: Ordering chronology description: Ordering chronology voice: Arrange the given events in their chronological order. |
ordering_numbers.ogg | title: Ordering numbers description: Ordering numbers voice: Arrange the numbers in the correct order. |
ordering_sentences.ogg | title: Ordering sentences description: Ordering sentences voice: Arrange the given words to form a meaningful sentence. |
oware.ogg | title: Play oware (against Tux) description: Play oware (against Tux) voice: Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game |
oware_2players.ogg | title: Play oware (with a friend) description: Play oware (with a friend) voice: Capture at least 25 seeds to win the game |
path_decoding.ogg | title: Path decoding description: Path decoding voice: Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach the target. |
path_decoding_relative.ogg | title: Relative path decoding description: Relative path decoding voice: Click on the grid squares following the given directions to help Tux reach the target. |
path_encoding.ogg | title: Path encoding description: Path encoding voice: Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target. |
path_encoding_relative.ogg | title: Relative path encoding description: Relative path encoding voice: Use the arrows to move Tux along the path and reach the target. |
penalty.ogg | title: Penalty kick description: Penalty kick voice: Double click or double tap on the goal, in order to score. |
positions.ogg | title: Positions description: Positions voice: Find the correct position |
programmingMaze.ogg | title: Program the path description: Program the path voice: Arrange the instructions and traverse the correct path to reach the fish. |
renewable_energy.ogg | title: Renewable energy description: Renewable energy voice: Click on the different stages that go to make up the power supply. |
roman_numerals.ogg | title: Roman numerals description: Roman numerals voice: Learn and practice roman to arabic numerals conversion |
scalesboard_weight_avoirdupois.ogg | title: Balance using the imperial system of units description: Balance using the imperial system of units voice: Drag the weights up to balance the scales. |
share.ogg | title: Share pieces of candy description: Share pieces of candy voice: Share the candies equally among the specified number of children and notice that there may be a rest left |
simplepaint.ogg | title: Draw in a grid description: Draw in a grid voice: Select a color and paint the rectangles as you like to create a drawing. |
sketch.ogg | title: Sketch description: Sketch voice: Use the tools to draw images. |
solar_system.ogg | title: Solar system description: Solar system voice: Answer the questions presented and get a 100% correctness among the options. |
tens_complement_calculate.ogg | title: Calculate with ten's complement description: Calculate with ten's complement voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position. Then, select the result box to type the result. |
tens_complement_find.ogg | title: Find ten's complement description: Find ten's complement voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there. |
tens_complement_swap.ogg | title: Swap ten's complement description: Swap ten's complement voice: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position. |
tens_complement_use.ogg | title: Use ten's complement description: Use ten's complement voice: Decompose the operations to include a pair of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there. |
tic_tac_toe.ogg | title: Tic tac toe (against Tux) description: Tic tac toe (against Tux) voice: Click on the square which you wish to mark and try to mark 3 consecutive squares before Tux. |
tic_tac_toe_2players.ogg | title: Tic tac toe (with a friend) description: Tic tac toe (with a friend) voice: Click on the square which you wish to mark and try to mark 3 consecutive squares before Tux. |
vertical_addition.ogg | title: Vertical addition description: Vertical addition voice: Solve the given addition. |
vertical_subtraction.ogg | title: Vertical subtraction description: Vertical subtraction voice: Solve the given subtraction. |
vertical_subtraction_compensation.ogg | title: Vertical subtraction (compensation) description: Vertical subtraction (compensation) voice: Solve the given subtraction. |
ERROR: Missing resource file /src/activities/gletters/resource/default-kn.json Instructions to create this file
File | Description |
try_again.ogg |
File | Description |
afghanistan.ogg | Afghanistan |
africa.ogg | Africa |
albania.ogg | Albania |
algeria.ogg | Algeria |
america.ogg | America |
angola.ogg | Angola |
antarctica.ogg | Antarctica |
argentina.ogg | Argentina |
armenia.ogg | Armenia |
asia.ogg | Asia |
australia.ogg | Australia |
austria.ogg | Austria |
azerbaijan.ogg | Azerbaijan |
bahamas.ogg | Bahamas |
bangladesh.ogg | Bangladesh |
belarus.ogg | Belarus |
belgium.ogg | Belgium |
belize.ogg | Belize |
benin.ogg | Benin |
bhutan.ogg | Bhutan |
bolivia.ogg | Bolivia |
bosnia_herzegovina.ogg | Bosnia Herzegovina |
botswana.ogg | Botswana |
brazil.ogg | Brazil |
brunei.ogg | Brunei |
bulgaria.ogg | Bulgaria |
burkina_faso.ogg | Burkina Faso |
burundi.ogg | Burundi |
cambodia.ogg | Cambodia |
cameroon.ogg | Cameroon |
canada.ogg | Canada |
central_african_republic.ogg | Central African Republic |
chad.ogg | Chad |
chile.ogg | Chile |
china.ogg | China |
colombia.ogg | Colombia |
cook_islands.ogg | Cook Islands |
costa_rica.ogg | Costa Rica |
croatia.ogg | Croatia |
cuba.ogg | Cuba |
cyprus.ogg | Cyprus |
czechia.ogg | Czechia |
democratic_republic_of_congo.ogg | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
denmark.ogg | Denmark |
djibouti.ogg | Djibouti |
dominican_republic.ogg | Dominican Republic |
east_timor.ogg | East Timor |
ecuador.ogg | Ecuador |
egypt.ogg | Egypt |
equatorial_guinea.ogg | Equatorial Guinea |
eritrea.ogg | Eritrea |
estonia.ogg | Estonia |
eswatini.ogg | Eswatini |
ethiopia.ogg | Ethiopia |
europe.ogg | Europe |
fiji.ogg | Fiji |
finland.ogg | Finland |
france.ogg | France |
french_guiana.ogg | French Guiana |
french_polynesia.ogg | French Polynesia |
gabon.ogg | Gabon |
gambia.ogg | Gambia |
georgia.ogg | Asia |
germany.ogg | Germany |
ghana.ogg | Ghana |
greece.ogg | Greece |
greenland.ogg | Greenland |
guatemala.ogg | Guatemala |
guinea.ogg | Guinea |
guinea_bissau.ogg | Guinea Bissau |
guyana.ogg | Guyana |
haiti.ogg | Haiti |
hawaii.ogg | Hawaii |
honduras.ogg | Honduras |
hungary.ogg | Hungary |
iceland.ogg | Iceland |
india.ogg | India |
indonesia.ogg | Indonesia |
iran.ogg | Iran |
iraq.ogg | Iraq |
ireland.ogg | Ireland |
israel.ogg | Israel |
italy.ogg | Italy |
ivory_coast.ogg | Ivory Coast |
jamaica.ogg | Jamaica |
japan.ogg | Japan |
jordan.ogg | Jordan |
kazakhstan.ogg | Kazakhstan |
kenya.ogg | Kenya |
kiribati.ogg | Kiribati |
kuwait.ogg | Kuwait |
kyrgyzstan.ogg | Kyrgyzstan |
laos.ogg | Laos |
latvia.ogg | Latvia |
lebanon.ogg | Lebanon |
lesotho.ogg | Lesotho |
liberia.ogg | Liberia |
libya.ogg | Libya |
lithuania.ogg | Lithuania |
madagascar.ogg | Madagascar |
malawi.ogg | Malawi |
malaysia.ogg | Malaysia |
maldives.ogg | Maldives |
mali.ogg | Mali |
mariana_islands.ogg | Mariana Islands |
marshall_islands.ogg | Marshall Islands |
mauritania.ogg | Mauritania |
mexico.ogg | Mexico |
micronesia.ogg | Micronesia |
moldova.ogg | Moldova |
mongolia.ogg | Mongolia |
moroco.ogg | Morocco |
mozambique.ogg | Mozambique |
myanmar.ogg | Myanmar |
namibia.ogg | Namibia |
nepal.ogg | Nepal |
netherland.ogg | The Netherlands |
new_caledonia.ogg | New Caledonia |
new_zealand.ogg | New Zealand |
nicaragua.ogg | Nicaragua |
niger.ogg | Niger |
nigeria.ogg | Nigeria |
north_korea.ogg | North Korea |
norway.ogg | Norway |
oceania.ogg | Oceania |
oman.ogg | Oman |
pakistan.ogg | Pakistan |
palau.ogg | Palau |
panama.ogg | Panama |
papua_new_guinea.ogg | Papua New Guinea |
paraguay.ogg | Paraguay |
peru.ogg | Peru |
philippines.ogg | Philippines |
pitcairn_islands.ogg | Pitcairn Islands |
poland.ogg | Poland |
portugal.ogg | Portugal |
puerto_rico.ogg | Puerto Rico |
qatar.ogg | Qatar |
republic_of_congo.ogg | Republic of the Congo |
romania.ogg | Romania |
russia.ogg | Russia |
rwanda.ogg | Rwanda |
salvador.ogg | El Salvador |
samoan_islands.ogg | Samoan Islands |
saudi_arabia.ogg | Saudi Arabia |
senegal.ogg | Senegal |
serbia.ogg | Serbia |
sierra_leone.ogg | Sierra Leone |
slovakia.ogg | Slovak Republic |
solomon_islands.ogg | Solomon Islands |
somalia.ogg | Somalia |
south_africa.ogg | South Africa |
south_korea.ogg | South Korea |
south_sudan.ogg | South Sudan |
spain.ogg | Spain |
sri_lanka.ogg | Sri Lanka |
sudan.ogg | Sudan |
suriname.ogg | Suriname |
sweden.ogg | Sweden |
switz.ogg | Switzerland |
syria.ogg | Syria |
taiwan.ogg | Taiwan |
tajikistan.ogg | Tajikistan |
tanzania.ogg | Tanzania |
thailand.ogg | Thailand |
togo.ogg | Togo |
tonga.ogg | Tonga |
tunisia.ogg | Tunisia |
turkey.ogg | Turkey |
turkmenistan.ogg | Turkmenistan |
tuvalu.ogg | Tuvalu |
uganda.ogg | Uganda |
ukraine.ogg | Ukraine |
united_arab_emirates.ogg | United Arab Emirates |
united_kingdom.ogg | United Kingdom |
uruguay.ogg | Uruguay |
us_minor.ogg | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
usa.ogg | United States of America |
uzbekistan.ogg | Uzbekistan |
vanuatu.ogg | Vanuatu |
venezuela.ogg | Venezuela |
vietnam.ogg | Vietnam |
western_sahara.ogg | Western Sahara |
yemen.ogg | Yemen |
zambia.ogg | Zambia |
zimbabwe.ogg | Zimbabwe |
ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/lang/resource/content-kn.json Instructions to create this file
ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/wordsgame/resource/default-kn.json Instructions to create this file
ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/grammar_analysis/resource/grammar_analysis-kn.json Instructions to create this file
ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/grammar_classes/resource/grammar_classes-kn.json Instructions to create this file
ERROR: missing resource file /src/activities/click_on_letter/resource/levels-kn.json Instructions to create this file
Page generated the 2025-03-20