Just on time for Christmas and after 6 months of hard work we are
shipping GCompris 0.50. So far we have many fixes and improvements all
around in 563 commits done by 17 contributors and more than 20
Just looking at the 12 new activities:
Bruno: A single player and two player chess
activity. It shows the children the possibilities of each pieces and
is very easy to win against at first levels.
Bruno: An activity where the children listen to the
sound sequence played, and reproduce it by clicking on xylophone's
Siddhesh Suthar (part of GSoC): The children is
proposed a set of words. Each word is shown with a voice, a text and
an image. When done, an exercise asks him to find the right word given
the voice.
Pulkit Gupta: A puzzle with famous paintings.
Johnny Jazeix, A reading practice activity. Some
words are moving, it trains the children to read.
Sagar Chand Agarwal (part of GSoC): A scientific
simulation where the children click on the different stages to make up
the power supply.
Sagar Chand Agarwal (part of GSoC): The water
system. In it, the children has to click on different active elements:
sun, cloud, pumping station, and the sewage treatment plant, in order
to reactivate the entire water system.
Holger: A fine motor skill practice activity. The
children must navigate the ball to the door. Be careful to not make it
fall into the holes. On mobile it uses the accelerometer. For this
activity we have integrated the box2d engine (
https://github.com/qml-box2d/qml-box2d ).
Rajdeep Kaur: The classical hangman. The children
must guess the letters of the given word. To help, on every wrong try,
a part of the image representing the word will be revealed.
Languages supported: Brazilian Portuguese, British English,
Catalan, Catalan (Valencian), Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional,
Dutch, Finnish (92% translated), French, Galician, German, Italian,
Norwegian Nynorsk, Polish, Portuguese, Russian (98% translated),
Slovak (92% translated), Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish,
A loading overlay is now available to let the user know that some
actions (loading a level in an activity for example) is taking place
and can take some seconds. We also fixed visual glitches in some
activities due to a misuse of ColorOverlay and Colorize items.
Thanks to all of you who step by step make GCompris the outstanding
educational software it is now.
So far 2 years after the start of the Qt Quick port we completed
the rewrite of 114 activities out of the 140 of the Gtk+version. You
can check
the status
of the port. If we keep this momentum we can expect to announce
the completion of the port somewhere next year.
If you want to help, please make some posts in your community about GCompris.
The source code tarball
is available
here (GNU/Linux packagers are welcome)
For Android it is available on
the Google
play store.