Windows installer: fixed a potential directory erasing at uninstall or reinstall time. Properly erase all our files at unistallation time
Windows: updated the compilation chain for windows to compile against GTK 2.24
Desktop entry: Added the Education category
Compilation: Added ifdefs to compile with gdkpixbuf > 2.24 by Hans de Goede
Guessnumber: fixed a potential crash at exit time. Give focus on the entry box.
Braille fun: added audio feedback.
Braille alphabet: improved to audio play the letter to find
Baille lotto: fixed not to go back to the main menu at the end. Improved it a little bit the layour to accomodate with longer translated text. Added sound effects.
Shapegame: Fixed a random crash in shapegame activities that happened while dragging a piece. Minor, now clicking on the left/right image selector does not trig the ok check.
findit: Fixed to run on Windows 7
clockgame: the first levels now highlight the hour sectors to make them easier to recognize and to teach. (By Angelo Naselli)
Instruments activity: added a check for sound availability in the icon menu. Now the background music is muted when entering this activity.
Memory: minor fix in memory activity to fix their reference to their mandatory audio file. Without this, a little audio error does appear at run time in the activity icon.