Adding an explore activity

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GCompris has an explore activity template intended to make development of future activities of similar format easy. Explore activities feature an exploration of interesting topics pertaining to a certain grand theme. For example, themes might include music, landmarks, traditions, languages, etc. around the world, body parts, types of fruit, etc.

Format of an Explore Game

You must first select the theme you'd like to make your activity about, then choose a good background picture. This will be used as the home screen from which players may click on specific locations to learn more about that topic, and answer a question about the topic. The game is won when the player correctly answers all questions about all topics. The second level is available for all explore activities that incorporate sound associated with each location. The sound is played, and the student must click on the correct location on the map where the sound comes from.

Examples of Current Explore Games

  • Explore World Music:
    • Background photo: world map
    • Feature: locations around the world with unique music styles
    • Feature page: description of regional music, music clip, question
    • Level 2: music clips are played, children match to location

File:Explore world music1.jpg File:Explore world music2.jpg

  • Explore Farm Animals:
    • Background photo: farm with animals
    • Feature: animals located on the farm
    • Feature page: description of animal with appropriate animal sound, sound clip of animal sound, question
    • Level 2: animal sound clips are played, children match to animal

File:Explore farm animals1.jpg File:Explore farm animals2.jpg

Examples of Desired Explore Games

  • Explore Languages Around the World
    • this could include sound clips of each language!
  • Explore Landmarks Around the World
  • Explore Traditions Around the World
  • Explore Human Body Parts
  • Explore Types of Fruit (and/or vegetables)

Instructions to Develop an Explore Activity

The entire process of making an explore activity using the template will take about 1 - 4 hours, depending on your familiarity with GCompris and the complexity of your game. Enjoy! And if you run into any problems or have questions, please feel free to contact Beth Hadley (! (I'm always happy to help!)

  1. prepare to develop with GCompris by downloading the git repo, and ensuring you can run activities. See Beginner for help.
  2. create a new activity in GCompris: open the terminal and enter these lines:
  • cd GCompris (or navigate to your GCompris source code)
  • cd src
  • sh explore_name_of_activity
  1. open in your newly created activity
  2. replace the line with pythonplugindir with pythonplugindir=$path/../explore-activity
  3. delete from the activity folder, your activity won't need that
  4. create a resources directory in your activity folder, add a folder inside that with the name of the activity and the

(if you're unsure of this step, look at other previously made explore activities such as explore_world_music

  1. add the background picture you'd like to use to this resources/name_of_activity subfolder
  2. open up in the explore_activity folder, and find the boolean variable at the top

called RECORD_LOCATIONS. Set to True .

  1. Create a file named in the explore resourses directory,and enter the following text:

[common] background = name_of_background_file.jpg (or .png)

  1. open name_of_your_activity.xml and change the type tag to type="python:explore"
  2. run your activity (sh explore_name_of_activity-activity)
  3. **hopefully** you see your background picture! If so, continue, if not, troubleshoot or send an email to and she'll help you ;-)
  4. if your background picture isn't the right size, resize it using a tool like gimp. typical width resolution is between 700 and 800. if the picture isn't centered, you can center it by putting the following lines into the common tag in

backgroundx = (some number here, play around until it looks good. start with 20) backgroundy = (some number here, play around until it looks good. start with 20)

  1. click on the locations in your background picture that you'd like to use as features. Make a list to remind yourself which feature corresponds to which number
  2. close the program by clicking the red exit button (lower left)
  3. immediately open and change the RECORD_LOCATIONS variable to False

so that your data isn't overwritten

  1. open, and notice that some entries have been filled in for you (including the x and y coordinates of each location)
    1. This text file contains all the necessary information for your activity. Your file might look something like this right now:

[common] background = world.png credits = enter a list of credits and links to resources you used here creator = enter your name here! locationpic = enter the filename of the picture you would like to use to identify items to click on your background image completedlocationpic = enter the filename of the picture to be used as the identification picture after the player has answered the question correctly gamewonpic = enter the filename of the picture to be shown when the player wins the entire game game1text = enter the text to appear on your image for game1 game2text = enter the text to appear on your image for game2

[1] x = 263 y = 232 _title = Location Title Here _text = location text here image = image filepath here, located in resources/name_of_activity/ music = music file name here _question = enter question about topic here _answeroptions = provide comma-seperated list, of answer options here, The correct answer should, be listed FIRST.

    1. Start with the first section, [1]. It contains general information.
      • locationpic This is optional, if you don't enter one, the default is a red circle
      • completedlocationpic This is optional, if you don't enter one, the default is a green circle
      • gamewonpic This is optional, if you don't enter one, the default is a huge smiley face
      • game1text Enter the text you'd like to be displayed on the home page of level 1 (Maybe something like "Click on the locations to discover _____".
      • game2text Enter the text you'd like to be displayed on the home page of level 2 (Maybe something like "Click on the location that matches the music/animal sound". If your activity doesn't have music, delete this tag from and your activity won't have a level 2