
GCompris Main Menu
screenshot root

administration root

Tuairisgeul: Select an activity to run it.

Ro-ghoireas: Some of the activities are game orientated, but still educational.

Amas: GCompris is a high quality educational software suite, including a large number of activities for children aged 2 to 10.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Select an icon to enter an activity or to display a list of activities in a category.
At the bottom of the screen is the GCompris control bar. Notice that you can hide or show the bar by touching its anchor.

The following icons are displayed:
(note that each icon is displayed only if available in the current activity)
  • Home - Exit an activity, go back to menu (Ctrl+W or Escape key)
  • Arrows - Display the current level. Click to select another level
  • Lips - Repeat the question
  • Question Mark - Help
  • Reload - Start the activity from the beginning again
  • Tool - The configuration menu
  • Three lines - The activity settings menu
  • G - About GCompris
  • Quit - Quit GCompris (Ctrl+Q)
The stars show suitable age groups for each activity:
  • 1, 2 or 3 yellow stars - from 2 to 6 years old
  • 1, 2 or 3 red stars - 7 years and up
If there are two different star icons on an activity, the first one shows the minimum difficulty, and the second one the maximum difficulty.

Keyboard shortcuts:
  • Ctrl+B: Show or Hide the control bar
  • Ctrl+F: Toggle full screen
  • Ctrl+S: Toggle the activity section bar
A baby word processor
icon baby_wordprocessor.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot baby_wordprocessor

computer keyboard reading letters baby_wordprocessor

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: A simplistic word processor to let the children play around with a keyboard and see letters.

Amas: Discover the keyboard and the letters.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Just type on the real or virtual keyboard like in a word processor.
Clicking on the 'Title' button will make the text bigger. Similarly, the 'subtitle' button will make the text slightly less bigger. Clicking on 'paragraph' will remove the formatting.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate inside the text
  • Shift + Arrows: select a part of the text
  • Ctrl + A: select all the text
  • Ctrl + C: copy selected text
  • Ctrl + X: cut selected text
  • Ctrl + V: paste copied or cut text
  • Ctrl + D: delete selected text
  • Ctrl + Z: undo
  • Ctrl + Shift + Z: redo
A simple drawing activity
icon simplepaint.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot simplepaint

fun simplepaint

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Create your own drawing.

Amas: Enhance creative skills.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Select a color and paint the rectangles as you like to create a drawing.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: paint
  • Tab: switch between the color selector and the painting area
A sliding-block puzzle game
icon traffic.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot traffic

discovery logic traffic

Holger Kaelberer & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Remove the red car from the parking lot through the gate on the right.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each car can only move either horizontally or vertically. You must make some room in order to let the red car move through the gate on the right.

  • "Car Start Engine" by henrique85n, (, CC BY 3.0, extract
Addition and subtraction memory game
icon memory-math-add-minus.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot memory-math-add-minus

math memory arithmetic memory-math-add-minus

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match an addition or a subtraction with its result.

Ro-ghoireas: Additions and subtractions.

Amas: Practice additions and subtractions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either an operation (an addition or a subtraction), or a result. You have to match the operations with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Addition and subtraction memory game against Tux
icon memory-math-add-minus-tux.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot memory-math-add-minus-tux

math memory arithmetic memory-math-add-minus-tux

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match an addition or a subtraction with its result, playing against Tux.

Ro-ghoireas: Additions and subtractions.

Amas: Practice additions and subtractions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either an operation (an addition or a subtraction), or a result. You have to match the operations with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Addition memory game
icon memory-math-add.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot memory-math-add

math memory arithmetic memory-math-add

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match an addition with its result.

Ro-ghoireas: Additions.

Amas: Practice additions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either an addition, or a result. You have to match the additions with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Addition memory game against Tux
icon memory-math-add-tux.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot memory-math-add-tux

math memory arithmetic memory-math-add-tux

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match an addition with its result, playing against Tux.

Ro-ghoireas: Additions.

Amas: Practice additions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either an addition, or a result. You have to match the additions with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Addition of numbers
icon algebra_plus.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot algebra_plus

math addition arithmetic algebra_plus

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Practice the addition of numbers.

Ro-ghoireas: Simple addition. Can recognize written numbers.

Amas: Learn to find the sum of two numbers within a limited period of time.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: An addition is displayed on the screen. Quickly find the result and use your computer's keyboard or the on-screen keypad to type it. You have to be fast and submit the answer before the penguins land in their balloon!

Keyboard controls:
  • Digits: type your answer
  • Backspace: delete the last digit in your answer
  • Enter: validate your answer
Additions with decimal numbers
icon learn_decimals_additions.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot learn_decimals_additions

math arithmetic learn_decimals_additions

Mariam Fahmy & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn additions with decimal numbers.

Amas: Learn additions with decimal numbers by counting how many squares are needed to represent the result.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: An addition with two decimal numbers is displayed. Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area. Repeat these steps until the number of dropped bars corresponds to the result of the addition, and click on the OK button to validate your answer.

If the answer is correct, type the corresponding result, and click on the OK button to validate your answer.

Keyboard controls:
  • Enter: validate your answer
  • Numbers: type the result
Advanced colors
icon advanced_colors.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot advanced_colors

reading colors vocabulary advanced_colors

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Select the butterfly of the correct color.

Ro-ghoireas: Can read.

Amas: Learn to recognize unusual colors.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: You will see dancing butterflies of different colors and a question. You have to find the correct butterfly and touch it.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: select an item
Align four (against Tux)
icon align4.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot align4

strategy align4

Bharath M S & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Arrange four tokens in a row.

Amas: Create a line of 4 tokens either horizontally (lying down), vertically (standing up) or diagonally.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Play with Tux. Take turns to click the line in which you want to drop a token. The first player to create a line of 4 tokens wins.
You can use the arrow buttons to manually select the difficulty level. Tux will play better when you increase the level.

Keyboard controls:
  • Left arrow: move the token to the left
  • Right arrow: move the token to the right
  • Space or Down arrow: drop the token
Align four (with a friend)
icon align4_2players.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot align4_2players

strategy align4_2players

Bharath M S & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Arrange four tokens in a row.

Amas: Create a line of 4 tokens either horizontally (lying down), vertically (standing up) or diagonally.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Play with a friend. Take turns to click the line in which you want to drop a token. The first player to create a line of 4 tokens wins.

Keyboard controls:
  • Left arrow: move the token to the left
  • Right arrow: move the token to the right
  • Space or Down arrow: drop the token
All operations memory game
icon memory-math-add-minus-mult-div.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot memory-math-add-minus-mult-div

math memory arithmetic memory-math-add-minus-mult-div

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match an operation with its result.

Ro-ghoireas: Additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions.

Amas: Practice additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either an operation, or a result. You have to match the operations with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
All operations memory game against Tux
icon memory-math-add-minus-mult-div-tux.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot memory-math-add-minus-mult-div-tux

math memory arithmetic memory-math-add-minus-mult-div-tux

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match an operation with its result, playing against Tux.

Ro-ghoireas: Additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions.

Amas: Practice additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either an operation, or a result. You have to match the operations with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Alphabet sequence
icon alphabet-sequence.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot alphabet-sequence

reading letters alphabet-sequence

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Move the helicopter to catch the clouds following the order of the alphabet.

Ro-ghoireas: Can decode letters.

Amas: Alphabet sequence.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Catch the alphabet letters. With a keyboard use the arrow keys to move the helicopter. With a pointing device you just click or tap on the target location. To know which letter you have to catch you can either remember it or check the bottom right corner.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: move the helicopter
Analog electricity
icon analog_electricity.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot analog_electricity

sciences experiment analog_electricity

Aiswarya Kaitheri Kandoth & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Create and simulate an analog electric schema.

Ro-ghoireas: Requires some basic understanding of the concept of electricity.

Amas: Create an analog electric schema with a real time simulation.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Drag electrical components from the selector and drop them in the working area. In the working area, you can move the components by dragging them. To delete a component or wire, select the deletion tool on top of the component selector, and select the component or wire. You can click on the component and then on the rotate buttons to rotate it or on the info button to get information about it. You can click on the switch to open and close it. Likewise, you can change the rheostat value by dragging its slider. To connect two terminals, click on the first terminal, then on the second terminal. To deselect a terminal, click on any empty area. For repairing a broken bulb or LED, click on it after disconnecting it from the circuit. The simulation is updated in real time by any user action.

Urram: The electric simulation engine is from edX: <>.
Assemble the puzzle
icon paintings.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot paintings

discovery arts puzzle paintings

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drag and Drop the pieces to rebuild the original paintings.

Ro-ghoireas: Mouse-manipulation: movement, drag and drop.

Amas: Spatial representation.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Drag the pieces to the right place to rebuild the painting.
Audio memory game
icon memory-sound.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot memory-sound

discovery memory music memory-sound

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match the sound pairs.

Amas: Train your audio memory.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card plays a sound when you flip it, and each card has a twin with exactly the same sound. Click on a card to hear its hidden sound, and try to match the twins. You can only flip two cards at once, so you need to remember where a sound is, while you search for its twin. When you flip the twins, they both disappear.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Audio memory game against Tux
icon memory-sound-tux.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot memory-sound-tux

discovery memory music memory-sound-tux

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match the sound pairs, playing against Tux.

Amas: Train your audio memory.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card plays a sound when you flip it, and each card has a twin with exactly the same sound. Click on a card to hear its hidden sound, and try to match the twins. You can only flip two cards at once, so you need to remember where a sound is, while you search for its twin. When you flip the twins, they both disappear.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Baby keyboard
icon baby_keyboard.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot baby_keyboard

computer keyboard letters numeration baby_keyboard

Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: A simple activity to discover the keyboard.

Amas: Discover the keyboard.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Type any key on the keyboard.
Letters, numbers and other character keys will display the corresponding character on the screen.
If there is a corresponding voice it will be played, else it will play a bleep sound.
Other keys will just play a click sound.
Baby mouse
icon baby_mouse.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot baby_mouse

computer mouse baby_mouse

Mariam Fahmy & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Move the mouse or touch the screen and observe the result.

Ro-ghoireas: Mouse-manipulation.

Amas: Provide audio-visual feedback when using the mouse to help discovering its usage for young children.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: The screen has 3 sections:
  • The leftmost column contains 4 ducks, clicking on one of them produces a sound and an animation.
  • The central area contains a blue duck, moving the mouse cursor or doing a drag gesture on a touchscreen makes the blue duck move.
  • The arrows area, clicking on one of them makes the blue duck move in the corresponding direction.
Doing a simple click in the central area shows a marker at the click position.
Baby puzzle
icon baby_tangram.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot baby_tangram

puzzle baby_tangram

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: The objective is to assemble the baby puzzle.

Ro-ghoireas: Mouse-manipulation.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Move a piece by dragging it. Use the rotation button if necessary. More complicated levels can be found in tangram activity.
Balance box
icon balancebox.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot balancebox

mobile fun balancebox

Holger Kaelberer & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Navigate the ball to the door by tilting the box.

Amas: Practice fine motor skills and basic counting.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Navigate the ball to the door. Be careful not to make it fall into the holes. Numbered-contact buttons in the box need to be touched in the correct order to unlock the door. You can move the ball by tilting your mobile device. On desktop platforms use the arrow keys to simulate tilting.

In the activity settings menu you can choose between the default 'Built-in' level set and one that you can define yourself ('User'). To create a level set, select the 'user' level set and start the level editor by clicking on the corresponding button.

In the level editor you can create your own levels. Choose one of the editing tools on the side to modify the map cells of the currently active level in the editor:
  • Cross: clear a map cell completely
  • Horizontal Wall: add/remove a horizontal wall on the lower edge of a cell
  • Vertical Wall: add/remove a vertical wall on the right edge of a cell
  • Hole: add/remove a hole on a cell
  • Ball: set the starting position of the ball
  • Door: Set the door position
  • Contact: add/remove a contact button. With the spin-box you can adjust the value of the contact button. It is not possible to set a value more than once on a map.
All tools (except the clear-tool) toggle their respective target on the clicked cell: An item can be placed by clicking on an empty cell, and by clicking again on the same cell with the same tool, you can remove it again.

You can test a modified level by clicking on the 'Test' button on the side of the editor view. You can return from testing mode by clicking on the home-button on the bar or by pressing escape on your keyboard or the back-button on your mobile device.

In the editor you can change the level currently edited by using the arrow buttons on the bar. Back in the editor you can continue editing the current level and test it again if needed.When your level is finished you can save it to a file by clicking on the 'Save' button on the side.

To return to the activity settings click on the home-button on the bar or press Escape on your keyboard or the back button on your mobile device.

Finally, to load your level set, click on the 'Load saved levels' button.
Balance the scales properly
icon scalesboard.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot scalesboard

math measures scalesboard

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drag and Drop some weights to balance the scales.

Amas: Mental calculation, arithmetic equality.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: To balance the scales, move some weights to the left or the right side (on higher levels). The weights can be arranged in any order.
Balance using the International System of Units
icon scalesboard_weight.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot scalesboard_weight

math measures scalesboard_weight

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drag and Drop some masses to balance the scales and calculate the weight.

Amas: Mental calculation, arithmetic equality, unit conversion.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: To balance the scales, move some masses to the left or the right side (on higher levels). They can be arranged in any order. Take care of the weight and the unit of the masses, remember that a kilogram (kg) is 1000 grams (g).
Balance using the imperial system of units
icon scalesboard_weight_avoirdupois.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot scalesboard_weight_avoirdupois

math measures scalesboard_weight_avoirdupois

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drag and Drop some masses to balance the scales and calculate the weight.

Amas: Mental calculation, arithmetic equality, unit conversion.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: To balance the scales, move some masses to the left or the right side (on higher levels). They can be arranged in any order. Take care of the weight and the unit of the masses, remember that a pound (lb) is 16 ounce (oz).
Bargame (against Tux)
icon bargame.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot bargame

strategy bargame

Utkarsh Tiwari & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Select the number of balls you wish to place in the holes and then click on the OK button. The winner is the one who hasn't put a ball in the red hole.

Ro-ghoireas: Ability to count.

Amas: Don't put the ball in the last hole.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the ball icon to select a number of balls, then click on the OK button to place the balls in the holes. You win if Tux has to place the last ball. If you want Tux to begin, just click on him.
You can use the arrow buttons to manually select the difficulty level. Tux will play better when you increase the level.
Bargame (with a friend)
icon bargame_2players.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot bargame_2players

strategy bargame_2players

Utkarsh Tiwari & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Select the number of balls you wish to place in the holes and then click on the OK button. The winner is the one who hasn't put a ball in the red hole.

Ro-ghoireas: Ability to count.

Amas: Don't put the ball in the last hole.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the ball icon to select a number of balls, then click on the OK button to place the balls in the holes. You win if your friend has to place the last ball.
Binary bulbs
icon binary_bulb.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot binary_bulb

sciences experiment binary_bulb

Rajat Asthana & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: This activity helps you to learn the concept of conversion from decimal number system to binary number system.

Ro-ghoireas: Decimal number system.

Amas: To get familiar with the binary number system.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Turn on the right bulbs to represent the binary of the given decimal number. When you have achieved it, press OK.
Braille fun
icon braille_fun.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot braille_fun

reading braille letters braille_fun

Arkit Vora & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Practice braille letters.

Ro-ghoireas: Braille alphabet.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Create the braille cells for the letters on the banner. Check the braille chart by clicking on the blue braille cell icon if you need some help.

Keyboard controls:
  • Space: open or close the braille chart
Build the same model
icon crane.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot crane

puzzle crane

Stefan Toncu & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drive the crane and copy the model.

Ro-ghoireas: Mouse/keyboard manipulation.

Amas: Practice motor-coordination.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Move the items in the blue frame to match their position in the model frame. To select an item, just click on it. Next to the crane, you will find four arrows that let you move the selected item. You can also swipe up/down/left/right to move the selected item.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: move the selected item
  • Space or Enter or Tab: select the next item
icon calcudoku.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot calcudoku

math arithmetic calcudoku

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Solve the Calcudoku.

Ro-ghoireas: Completing the puzzle requires patience and arithmetic abilities.

Amas: Develop your logical reasoning skills: data linking, deduction and spatial location while using calculation.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Select a number in the list and click on its target position to fill the grid. Each number must appear only once in a row and in a column. Cages are groups of cells providing information on how to fill them. Cages made of more than one cell provide a result and an operator: all the numbers in the cage, when combined using the operator, must produce the result. Cages made of only one cell directly provide the number to enter.
icon calendar.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot calendar

math measures calendar

Amit Sagtani & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Read the instructions and select the correct date on the calendar.

Ro-ghoireas: Concept of week, month and year.

Amas: Learn how to use a calendar.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Read the instructions and select the correct date on the calendar, and then validate your answer by clicking on the OK button.

In some levels, you need to find the day of the week for a given date. In this case, click on the corresponding day of the week in the list.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate through the answers
  • Space or Enter: validate your answer
Case association memory game
icon memory-case-association.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot memory-case-association

reading letters memory-case-association

Aman Kumar Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to find the uppercase and lowercase of the same letter.

Ro-ghoireas: Knowing alphabets.

Amas: Learning lowercase and uppercase letters, memory.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding a letter, lowercase or uppercase. You have to match the lowercase and uppercase of the same letter.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Case association memory game against Tux
icon memory-case-association-tux.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot memory-case-association-tux

reading letters memory-case-association-tux

Aman Kumar Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to find the uppercase and lowercase of the same letter, playing against Tux.

Ro-ghoireas: Knowing alphabets.

Amas: Learning lowercase and uppercase letters, memory.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding a letter, lowercase or uppercase. You have to match the lowercase and uppercase of the same letter.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
icon categorization.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot categorization

reading vocabulary categorization

Divyam Madaan & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Categorize the items into correct and incorrect groups.

Ro-ghoireas: Can drag items using a mouse or touchscreen.

Amas: Build conceptual thinking and enrich knowledge.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Review the instructions and then drag and drop the items as specified.
icon chronos.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot chronos

sciences history chronos

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drag and Drop the items to organize the story.

Ro-ghoireas: Tell a short story.

Amas: Sort the pictures into the order that tells the story.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Pick the pictures on the side and put them on the dots in the right order. Then, click on the OK button to validate your answer.

Urram: Moon photo is copyright NASA. The transportation images are copyright Franck Doucet. Dates of Transportation are based on those found in <>.
Click and draw
icon clickanddraw.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot clickanddraw

computer mouse clickanddraw

Emmanuel Charruau & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Draw the picture by clicking on the selected points.

Ro-ghoireas: Can move the mouse and click accurately on points.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Draw the picture by clicking on each point in sequence. Each time a point is selected the next blue one appears.
Click on a lowercase letter
icon click_on_letter.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot click_on_letter

reading letters click_on_letter

Holger Kaelberer & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Listen to a letter and click on it.

Ro-ghoireas: Visual letter-recognition.

Amas: Letter-name recognition.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A letter is spoken. Click on the matching letter in the main area. You can listen to the letter again by clicking on the mouth icon.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space: select an item
  • Tab: repeat the question
Click on an uppercase letter
icon click_on_letter_up.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot click_on_letter_up

reading letters click_on_letter_up

Holger Kaelberer & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Listen to a letter and click on it.

Ro-ghoireas: Visual letter-recognition.

Amas: Letter-name recognition.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A letter is spoken. Click on the matching letter in the main area. You can listen to the letter again by clicking on the mouth icon.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space: select an item
  • Tab: repeat the question
Click on me
icon clickgame.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot clickgame

computer mouse clickgame

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Catch all the swimming fish before they leave the fish tank.

Ro-ghoireas: Can move mouse and click on the correct place.

Amas: Motor coordination: moving the hand precisely.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Catch all the moving fish by clicking or touching them with your finger.
Click or tap
icon erase_clic.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot erase_clic

computer mouse erase_clic

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Click or tap to erase the area and discover the background.

Ro-ghoireas: Mouse-manipulation.

Amas: Motor-coordination.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click or tap on the blocks to make them disappear.
icon colors.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot colors

reading color vocabulary colors

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Click on the right color.

Ro-ghoireas: Identifying colors.

Amas: This activity teaches you to recognize different colors.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Listen to the color and click on the matching duck.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: select an answer
  • Tab: repeat the question
Compare numbers
icon comparator.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot comparator

math numeration comparator

Aastha Chauhan , Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Compare the numbers and choose the corresponding sign.

Amas: Learn how to compare number values.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Select a pair of numbers in the list. Then select the correct comparison symbol for this pair. When each line contains a symbol, select the OK button to validate the answers.

If some answers are incorrect, a cross icon will appear on the corresponding lines. Correct the errors, then select the OK button again.

Keyboard controls:
  • Up and Down arrows: select a pair of numbers in the list
  • Left and Right arrows: select a symbol button
  • Space: if a symbol button is selected, enter this symbol
  • Return: validate the answers
  • <, > or =: enter the corresponding symbol
Complete the puzzle
icon babyshapes.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot babyshapes

computer babyshapes

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drag and Drop the shapes on their respective targets.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Complete the puzzle by dragging each piece on the side to the matching spot.

Urram: The dog is provided by Andre Connes and released under the GPL
Control the hose-pipe
icon followline.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot followline

computer mouse followline

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: The fireman needs to stop the fire, but the hose is blocked.

Amas: Fine motor coordination.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Move the mouse or your finger over the lock which is represented as a red part in the hose-pipe. This will move it, bringing it, part by part, up to the fire. Be careful, if you move off the hose, the lock will go backward.
Count and color the circles
icon learn_digits.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot learn_digits

math numeration learn_digits

Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn digits from 0 to 9.

Amas: Learn digits by counting their corresponding value.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A digit is displayed on the screen. Fill the corresponding number of circles and validate your answer.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space: select or deselect a circle
  • Enter: validate your answer
  • Tab: say the digit again
Count intervals
icon reversecount.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot reversecount

math numeration reversecount

Emmanuel Charruau & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Tux is hungry. Help him find fish by counting to the correct ice spot.

Ro-ghoireas: Can read numbers on a domino.

Amas: Tux is hungry. Help him find fish by counting to the correct ice spot.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the domino to show how many ice spots there are between Tux and the fish. Click the domino with the right mouse button to count backwards. When done, click on the OK button or hit the Enter key.
Count the items
icon enumerate.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot enumerate

math numeration enumerate

Thib ROMAIN & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Place the items in the best way to count them.

Ro-ghoireas: Basic enumeration.

Amas: Numeration training.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: First, properly organize the items so that you can count them. Then, click on an item of the answers list in the top left area and enter the corresponding answer with the keyboard.

Keyboard controls:
  • Up arrow: select next item
  • Down arrow: select previous item
  • Digits: enter your answer for the selected item
  • Enter: validate your answer (if the 'Validate answers' option is set to 'OK button')
Create the fractions
icon fractions_create.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot fractions_create

math arithmetic fractions_create

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: A shape split in equal parts is displayed on screen.
Select the appropriate number of parts as described in the instructions.
Digital electricity
icon digital_electricity.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot digital_electricity

sciences experiment digital_electricity

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Create and simulate a digital electric schema.

Ro-ghoireas: Requires some basic understanding of the concept of digital electronics.

Amas: Create a digital electric schema with a real time simulation of it.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Drag electrical components from the side bar and drop them in the working area.
  • To connect two terminals with a wire, click on a first terminal, then on a second terminal.
  • The simulation is updated in real time by any user action.
  • In the working area, you can move the components by dragging them.
  • In the side bar, you can click on the tool icon to access the tool menu.
  • To delete a component or a wire, select the delete tool (cross icon) from the tool menu, and click on the component or on the wire you want to delete.
  • To deselect a terminal or the delete tool, click on any empty area.
  • You can rotate the selected component using the rotate buttons (circle arrow icons) from the tool menu.
  • You can read information about the selected component using the info button (i icon) from the tool menu.
  • You can zoom in or out the working area using the + and - keys, using the zoom buttons from the tool menu, or using pinch gestures on a touchscreen.
  • You can pan the working area by clicking on an empty area and dragging it.
  • You can click on a switch component to open and close it.
Discover the International Morse code
icon morse_code.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot morse_code

reading letters morse_code

Souradeep Barua , Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn how to communicate with the International Morse code.

Ro-ghoireas: Knowledge of alphabets and digits.

Amas: You have to send and receive letters and digits in International Morse code.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: You are either asked to send a message in Morse code or convert the received Morse code message to letters or digits. To learn the Morse code, you can have a look at the translation map which contains the code for all the letters and digits.
Discover the braille system
icon braille_alphabets.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot braille_alphabets

reading letters braille braille_alphabets

Arkit Vora & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn and memorize the braille system.

Amas: Let children discover the braille system.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: The screen has 3 sections: an interactive braille cell, an instruction telling you the character to reproduce, and at the top the braille characters to use as a reference. Each level teaches a set of 10 characters. Reproduce the requested character in the interactive braille cell.

You can open the braille chart by clicking on the blue braille cell icon.

Keyboard controls:
  • Digits: 1 to 6 select/deselect the corresponding dots
  • Space: open or close the braille chart
Division memory game
icon memory-math-div.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot memory-math-div

math memory arithmetic memory-math-div

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match a division with its result.

Ro-ghoireas: Divisions

Amas: Practice divisions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either a division, or a result. You have to match the divisions with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Division memory game against Tux
icon memory-math-div-tux.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot memory-math-div-tux

math memory arithmetic memory-math-div-tux

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match a division with its result, playing against Tux.

Ro-ghoireas: Divisions.

Amas: Practice divisions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either a division, or a result. You have to match the divisions with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Division of numbers
icon algebra_div.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot algebra_div

math division arithmetic algebra_div

Sayan Biswas & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Practice the division operation.

Ro-ghoireas: Division of small numbers.

Amas: Find the result of the division within a limited period of time.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A division is displayed on the screen. Quickly find the result and use your computer's keyboard or the on-screen keypad to type it. You have to be fast and submit the answer before the penguins in their balloon land!

Keyboard controls:
  • Digits: type your answer
  • Backspace: delete the last digit in your answer
  • Enter: validate your answer
Double tap or double click
icon erase_2clic.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot erase_2clic

computer mouse erase_2clic

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Double tap or double click to erase the area and discover the background image.

Ro-ghoireas: Mouse-manipulation.

Amas: Motor-coordination.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Double tap or double click on the blocks to make them disappear.
Draw letters
icon drawletters.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot drawletters

reading letters drawletters

Nitish Chauhan & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Connect the dots to draw the letters.

Amas: Learning how to draw letters in a funny way.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Draw the letters by connecting the dots in the correct order.
Draw numbers
icon drawnumbers.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot drawnumbers

math numeration drawnumbers

Nitish Chauhan & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Connect the dots to draw numbers from 0 to 9.

Amas: Learning how to draw numbers in a funny way.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Draw the numbers by connecting the dots in the correct order.
End of chess game
icon chess_partyend.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot chess_partyend

strategy chess_partyend

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Play the end of the chess game against Tux.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: In this activity you discover the chess game by playing only the end of a game. It displays the possible target positions for any selected piece which helps the children understand how pieces moves.

You can achieve a mate sooner if you follow these simple rules:
Trying to drive your opponent's king in the corner.
Explanation: this way your opponent's king would have only 3 directions to move instead of 8 from a better position.
'Making a trap'. Use your pawns as baits.
Explanation: this way you can lure your opponent out of his 'comfort zone'.
Be patient enough.
Explanation: don't rush too quick, be patient. Let yourself think a little bit and try to predict your opponent's future moves, so that you can catch him or secure your pieces from his attacks.

Single click on undo button will undo one move. Single click on redo button will redo one move. To undo all the moves, press and hold the undo button for 3 seconds.

Urram: The chess engine is p4wn <>.
Enrich your vocabulary
icon lang.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot lang

reading vocabulary lang

siddhesh suthar & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Complete language learning activities.

Ro-ghoireas: Reading.

Amas: Enrich your vocabulary in your native language or in a foreign one.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Review a set of words. Each word is shown with a voice, a text and an image.
When done, you will have some exercises to recognize the text from the voice and the image, then only from the voice, and finally an exercise to type the text.

In the configuration, you can select the language you want to learn.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: select an item from the list
  • Enter: validate your answer when the OK button is visible
  • Tab: repeat the word

Urram: Images originally released by the Art4Apps project ( under CC BY-SA 3.0 license. Upscaled and smoothed derivative images.
Enumeration memory game
icon memory-enumerate.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot memory-enumerate

math numeration memory-enumerate

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match a number with a picture.

Amas: Numeration training, memory.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either a picture with a number of items, or a number. You have to match the numbers with the corresponding pictures.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Even and odd numbers
icon numbers-odd-even.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot numbers-odd-even

math numeration numbers-odd-even

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Move the helicopter to catch the clouds having even or odd numbers.

Amas: Numeration training.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Catch the clouds with an odd or even number, in the right order. With a keyboard, use the arrow keys to move the helicopter. With a pointing device, just click or tap on the target location. To know which number you have to catch you can either remember it or check the number on the bottom right corner.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: move the helicopter
Explore farm animals
icon explore_farm_animals.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot explore_farm_animals

sciences experiment explore_farm_animals

Djalil Mesli & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn about farm animals, what sounds they make, and interesting facts.

Amas: Learn to associate animal sounds with the animal name and what the animal looks like.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: There are three levels in this game.

In level one, players enjoy exploring each animal on the screen. Click on an animal and learn about it, what its name is, what sound it makes, and what it looks like. Study well this information, because you will be tested in level 2 and 3.

In level two, a random animal sound is played and you must find which animal makes this sound. Click on the corresponding animal. If you'd like to hear the animal sound repeated, click on the play button.

In level three, a random text prompt is displayed and you must click on the animal that matches the text.
Explore monuments
icon explore_monuments.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot explore_monuments

sciences geography explore_monuments

Ayush Agrawal & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Explore monuments around the world.

Ro-ghoireas: Knowledge of different monuments.

Amas: Learn about various monuments from around the world and remember their location.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the spots to learn about the monuments and then locate them on the map.

Urram: Photos taken from Wikipedia.
  • "Chichen Itza 3" by Daniel Schwen (, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • "1 cristor redentor 2014" by Chensiyuan (, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • "Taj Mahal, Agra, India" by Yann (,_Agra,_India.jpg), CC BY-SA 4.0
Explore world animals
icon explore_world_animals.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot explore_world_animals

sciences experiment explore_world_animals

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn about world animals, interesting facts and their location on a map.

Amas: Learn about various wild animals from around the world and remember where they live.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: There are two levels in this game.

In level one, players enjoy exploring each animal on the screen. Click on the question mark, and learn about the animal, what its name is, and what it looks like. Study well this information, because you will be tested in level 2.

In level two, a random text prompt is displayed and you must click on the animal that matches the text.
Explore world music
icon explore_world_music.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot explore_world_music

discovery music explore_world_music

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn about the music of the world.

Amas: Develop a better understanding of the variety of music present in the world.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: There are three levels in this activity.

In the first level, enjoy exploring music from around the world. Click on each suitcase to learn about the music from that area, and listen to a short sample. Study well, because you will be tested in level 2 and 3.

In the second level you will hear a sample of music, and you must select the location that corresponds to this music. Click on the play button if you'd like to hear the music again.

In the third level, you must select the location that matches the text description on the screen.

Urram: Images from,
  • "Onalaska-Practice6" by Tom Harpel (, CC BY 2.0
  • "Australia Aboriginal Culture 009" by Steve Evans (, CC BY 2.0
  • "Lunny irvine o flynn glackin" by candyschwartz (, CC BY 2.0
  • "08-rock-n-roll" by Karel Schmiedberger (, CC BY 3.0
  • "The Wind that Shakes the Barley" by peakfiddler (, CC BY 3.0
Falling words
icon wordsgame.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot wordsgame

computer keyboard reading words wordsgame

Holger Kaelberer & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Type the falling words before they reach the ground.

Ro-ghoireas: Keyboard manipulation.

Amas: Keyboard training.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Type the complete word as it falls, before it reaches the ground.
icon family.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot family

sciences history family

Rajdeep Kaur & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Select the name you should call this family member.

Ro-ghoireas: Reading skills.

Amas: Learn the relationships in a family, according to the lineal system used in most Western societies.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A family tree is shown.
The circles are linked with lines to mark the relations. Married couples are marked with a ring on the link.
You are the person in the white circle. Select the name you should call the person in the orange circle.
Find ten's complement
icon tens_complement_find.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot tens_complement_find

math arithmetic tens_complement_find

Samarth Raj & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Find the ten's complement of each number.

Ro-ghoireas: Numbers from 1 to 10 and additions.

Amas: Learn to find ten's complement.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there.
When all the lines are completed, press the OK button to validate the answers. If some answers are incorrect, a cross icon will appear on the corresponding lines. To correct the errors, click on the wrong numbers to remove them and repeat the previous steps.
Find the adjacent numbers
icon adjacent_numbers.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot adjacent_numbers

math numeration adjacent_numbers

Alexandre Laurent & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Find the missing adjacent numbers.

Amas: Learn to order numbers.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Find the requested numbers and drag them to the corresponding spot.
Find the day
icon find_the_day.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot find_the_day

math measures find_the_day

Amit Sagtani & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Find the correct date and select it on the calendar.

Ro-ghoireas: Basics of calendar.

Amas: Learn how to count days and find a date on a calendar.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Read the instructions and perform the requested calculation to find the date. Then select this date on the calendar, and validate your answer by clicking on the OK button.

In some levels, you need to find the day of the week for a given date. In this case, click on the corresponding day of the week in the list.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate through the answers
  • Space or Enter: validate your answer
Find the details
icon details.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot details

discovery arts details

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drag and Drop the shapes on their respective targets.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Complete the puzzle by dragging each piece on the side to the matching space in the puzzle.

Urram: The images are from Wikimedia Commons.
  • "Chateau de Chenonceau 2008" by Ra-smit (, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • "Egeskov Slot spejling" by Malene Thyssen (, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • "Eilean Donan castle - 95mm" by Guillaume Piolle (, CC BY 3.0
  • "DK Fanoe Windmill01" by Cnyborg (, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • "Pyramids at Gizah" by Ricardo Liberato (, CC BY-SA 2.0
  • "Louvre 2007 02 24 c" by Benh LIEU SONG (, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • "Nagoya Castle(Edit2)" by Base64 (, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • "NotreDameDeParis" by Sanchezn (, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • "Castle Neuschwanstein" by Softeis (, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • "Sydney Opera House - Dec_2008" by David Iliff (, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • "Taj Mahal in March 2004" by Dhirad (, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • "Tour Eiffel Wikimedia Commons" by Benh LIEU SONG (, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • "Tower Bridge London Feb 2006" by David Iliff (, CC BY-SA 4.0
Find the fractions
icon fractions_find.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot fractions_find

math arithmetic fractions_find

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Find the correct numerator and denominator of the represented fraction.
Find your left and right hands
icon leftright.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot leftright

puzzle leftright

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Determine if a hand is a right or a left hand.

Amas: Distinguish right and left hands from different points of view. Spatial representation.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: You can see a hand: is it a left hand or a right hand? Click on the left button, or the right button depending on the displayed hand.

Keyboard controls:
  • Left arrow: left hand answer
  • Right arrow: right hand answer
icon frieze.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot frieze

discovery logic frieze

Bruno ANSELME & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Reproduce and complete the frieze.

Amas: Learn algorithms.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Reproduce the frieze on top. On some levels, you may have to complete the frieze or to reproduce it after you've memorized it.
Keyboard controls:
  • Left and right arrows: select a token
  • Space: add selected token to the frieze
  • Backspace or Delete: remove last token from the frieze
  • Enter: validate the answer
  • Tab: switch between editing the frieze and viewing the model
Give Tux his change
icon money_back.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot money_back

math money measures money_back

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Practice money usage by giving Tux his change.

Ro-ghoireas: Can count.

Amas: Tux bought different items from you and shows you his money. You must give him back his change. At higher levels, several items are displayed, and you must first calculate the total price.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the coins or on the notes at the bottom of the screen to pay. If you want to remove a coin or a note, click on it on the upper screen area.

Keyboard controls:
  • Left and Right arrows: navigate inside an area
  • Space or Enter: select an item
  • Tab: navigate between the bottom and the top areas
Give Tux his change, including cents
icon money_back_cents.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot money_back_cents

math money measures money_back_cents

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Practice money usage by giving Tux his change.

Ro-ghoireas: Can count.

Amas: Tux bought different items from you and shows you his money. You must give him back his change. At higher levels, several items are displayed, and you must first calculate the total price.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the coins or on the notes at the bottom of the screen to pay. If you want to remove a coin or a note, click on it on the upper screen area.

Keyboard controls:
  • Left and Right arrows: navigate inside an area
  • Space or Enter: select an item
  • Tab: navigate between the bottom and the top areas
Gnumch equality
icon gnumch-equality.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot gnumch-equality

math arithmetic gnumch-equality

Manuel Tondeur & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Guide the Number Muncher to the expressions that equal the number at the bottom of the screen.

Amas: Practice addition, multiplication, division and subtraction.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Guide the Number Muncher to the expressions that equal the number at the bottom of the screen.

If you have a keyboard you can use the arrow keys to move and press space to swallow the numbers. With a mouse you can click on the block next to your position to move and click again to swallow the numbers. With a touch screen you can do like with a mouse or swipe anywhere in the direction you want to move and tap to swallow the numbers.

Take care to avoid the Troggles.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space: swallow the numbers
Gnumch factors
icon gnumch-factors.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot gnumch-factors

math arithmetic gnumch-factors

Manuel Tondeur & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Guide the Number Muncher to all the factors of the number at the bottom of the screen.

Amas: Learn about multiples and factors.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: The factors of a number are all the numbers that divide that number evenly. For example, the factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3 and 6. 4 is not a factor of 6 because 6 cannot be divided into 4 equal pieces. If one number is a multiple of a second number, then the second number is a factor of the first number. You can think of multiples as families, and factors are the people in those families. So 1, 2, 3 and 6 all fit into the 6 family, but 4 belongs to another family.

If you have a keyboard you can use the arrow keys to move and press space to swallow the numbers. With a mouse you can click on the block next to your position to move and click again to swallow the numbers. With a touch screen you can do like with a mouse or swipe anywhere in the direction you want to move and tap to swallow the numbers.

Take care to avoid the Troggles.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space: swallow the numbers
Gnumch inequality
icon gnumch-inequality.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot gnumch-inequality

math arithmetic gnumch-inequality

Manuel Tondeur & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Guide the Number Muncher to all the expressions that do not equal the number at the bottom of the screen.

Amas: Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: If you have a keyboard you can use the arrow keys to move and press space to swallow the numbers. With a mouse you can click on the block next to your position to move and click again to swallow the numbers. With a touch screen you can do like with a mouse or swipe anywhere in the direction you want to move and tap to swallow the numbers.

Take care to avoid the Troggles.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space: swallow the numbers
Gnumch multiples
icon gnumch-multiples.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot gnumch-multiples

math arithmetic gnumch-multiples

Manuel Tondeur & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Guide the Number Muncher to all the multiples of the number at the bottom of the screen.

Amas: Learn about multiples and factors.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: The multiples of a number are all the numbers that are equal to the original number times another number. For example, 24, 36, 48 and 60 are all multiples of 12. 25 is not a multiple of 12 because there isn't any number that can be multiplied by 12 to get 25. If one number is a factor of a second number, then the second number is a multiple of the first number. You can think of multiples as families, and factors are the people who belong to those families. The factor 5, has parents 10, grandparents 15, great-grandparents 20, great-great-grandparents 25, and every extra step of 5 is another great- in front! But the number 5 does not belong to the 8 or 23 families. You can't fit any number of 5s into 8 or 23 with nothing left over. So 8 isn't a multiple of 5, nor is 23. Only 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ... are multiples (or families or steps) of 5.

If you have a keyboard you can use the arrow keys to move and press space to swallow the numbers. With a mouse you can click on the block next to your position to move and click again to swallow the numbers. With a touch screen you can do like with a mouse or swipe anywhere in the direction you want to move and tap to swallow the numbers.

Take care to avoid the Troggles.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space: swallow the numbers
Gnumch primes
icon gnumch-primes.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot gnumch-primes

math arithmetic gnumch-primes

Manuel Tondeur & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Guide the Number Muncher to all the prime numbers.

Amas: Learn about prime numbers.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Prime numbers are numbers that are only divisible by themselves and 1. For example, 3 is a prime number, but 4 isn't (because 4 is divisible by 2). You can think of prime numbers as very small families: they only ever have two people in them! Only themselves and 1. You can't fit any other numbers into them with nothing left over. 5 is one of these lonely numbers (only 5 × 1 = 5), but you can see that 6 has 2 and 3 in its family as well (6 × 1 = 6, 2 × 3 = 6). So 6 is not a prime number.

If you have a keyboard you can use the arrow keys to move and press space to swallow the numbers. With a mouse you can click on the block next to your position to move and click again to swallow the numbers. With a touch screen you can do like with a mouse or swipe anywhere in the direction you want to move and tap to swallow the numbers.

Take care to avoid the Troggles.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space: swallow the numbers
Grammatical analysis
icon grammar_analysis.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot grammar_analysis

reading words grammar_analysis

Bruno ANSELME & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Identify grammatical classes in the given sentences.

Amas: Learn to identify grammatical classes.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Assign the requested grammatical classes to the corresponding words.
Select a grammatical class from the list, then select the box under a word and assign it the class.
Leave the box blank if no class matches.
Keyboard controls:
  • Up and down arrows or tabulation: switch between classes and words
  • Left and right arrows: select items in classes or words
  • Space: assign the selected class to the selected word and then select the next word
  • Backspace: select the previous word
  • Enter: validate your answer
Grammatical classes
icon grammar_classes.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot grammar_classes

reading words grammar_classes

Bruno ANSELME & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Identify grammatical classes in the given sentences.

Amas: Learn to identify grammatical classes.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Assign the requested grammatical class to the corresponding words.
Select the grammatical class from the list, then select the box under a word and assign it the class.
Leave the box blank if the class doesn't match.
Keyboard controls:
  • Up and down arrows or tabulation: switch between classes and words
  • Left and right arrows: select items in classes or words
  • Space: assign the selected class to the selected word and then select the next word
  • Backspace: select the previous word
  • Enter: validate your answer
Graph coloring
icon graph-coloring.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot graph-coloring

discovery logic graph-coloring

Akshat Tandon & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Color the graph so that no two adjacent nodes have the same color.

Ro-ghoireas: Ability to distinguish different colors/shapes, sense of positions.

Amas: Learn to distinguish between different colors/shapes and learn about relative positions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Place colors/shapes on the graph so that no two adjacent nodes have the same color. Select a node, then select an item in the list to place it on the node.

Keyboard controls:
  • Right and Left arrows: navigate
  • Space: select an item
icon gravity.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot gravity

sciences experiment gravity

Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Introduction to the concept of gravity.

Amas: Move the spaceship to avoid hitting the planets and reach the space station.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Move the spaceship with the left and right keys, or with the buttons on the screen for mobile devices. Try to stay near the center of the screen and anticipate by looking at the size and direction of the arrow showing the gravity force.

Keyboard controls:
  • Left and Right arrows: move the spaceship
Guess 24
icon guess24.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot guess24

math arithmetic guess24

Bruno ANSELME & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Calculate to find 24.

Ro-ghoireas: Being able to calculate using additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions.

Amas: Learn to calculate using the four operators.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Use the four numbers with given operators to find 24.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate inside numbers and operators
  • Space, Return or Enter: select or deselect current value or operator
  • Operator keys (+, -, *, /): select operator
  • Backspace or Delete: cancel last operation
  • Tabulation: switch between numbers and operators
Guess a number
icon guessnumber.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot guessnumber

math numeration guessnumber

Thib ROMAIN & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Help Tux escape the cave by finding the hidden number.

Ro-ghoireas: Numbers.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Read the instructions that give you the range of the number to find. Enter a number in the top right entry box. You will be told if your number is higher or lower than the one to find. Then try again until you find the correct answer. The distance between Tux and the right side of the screen represents how far you are from the number to find. If Tux is over or under the vertical center of the screen, it means your number is over or under the number to find.

Keyboard controls:
  • Digits: enter a number
  • Backspace: erase a number
icon guesscount.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot guesscount

math arithmetic guesscount

Rahul Yadav & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Guess the algebraic expression and drag the tiles to get a result equal to the Guesscount.

Ro-ghoireas: Knowledge of arithmetic operations.

Amas: Intuition and practice of algebraic-like calculations.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Drag the appropriate numbers and the operators to the boxes to obtain the number to guess in the instruction.
icon hexagon.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot hexagon

fun hexagon

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Find the strawberry by clicking on the blue fields.

Amas: Logic-training activity.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Try to find the strawberry under the blue fields. The fields become redder as you get closer.
Horizontal reading practice
icon readingh.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot readingh

reading words readingh

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Read a list of words and say if a given word is in it.

Ro-ghoireas: Reading.

Amas: Reading training in a limited time.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A word is shown on the board. A list of words, displayed horizontally, will appear and disappear. Did the given word appear in the list?
Invisible maze
icon mazeinvisible.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot mazeinvisible

fun maze mazeinvisible

Stephane Mankowski & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Guide Tux out of the invisible maze.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Use the arrow keys or swipe the screen to move Tux to the door. Use the maze icon or the spacebar to switch between invisible and visible modes. Visible mode just gives you an indication of your position, like a map. You cannot move Tux in visible mode.

At the first levels, Tux walks comfortably, one step on each move request, through the maze.

For larger mazes, there is a special walking mode, called "run-fast-mode". If this run-fast-mode is enabled, Tux will run all the way automatically until he reaches a fork and you have to decide which way to go further.

You can see whether this mode is enabled or not, by looking at Tux's feet: If Tux is barefooted, "run-fast-mode" is disabled. And if he wears red sport shoes, "run-fast-mode" is enabled.

At higher levels, run-fast-mode will be enabled automatically. If you want to use this feature in earlier levels or want to disable it in advanced levels, click on the "barefoot / sportshoe" icon in the upper left corner of the screen to toggle the run-fast-mode.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space: switch between invisible and visible modes
Land safe
icon land_safe.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot land_safe

sciences experiment land_safe

Matilda Bernard (Gtk+), Holger Kaelberer (Qt Quick) & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Pilot the spaceship towards the green landing area.

Amas: Understand the acceleration caused by the gravity.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: The acceleration caused by the gravity experienced by the spaceship is directly proportional to the mass of the planet and inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center of the planet. Thus, with every planet the acceleration will differ and as the spaceship comes closer and closer to the planet the acceleration increases.

In first levels, use the up/down keys to control the thrust and the right/left keys to control the direction. On touch screens you can control the rocket through the corresponding on-screen buttons.

In higher levels, you can use the right/left keys to rotate the spaceship. By rotating the spaceship you can trigger an acceleration in non-vertical direction using the up/down keys.

The landing platform is green if your speed is fine for a safe landing.

The accelerometer on the right border shows your rocket's overall vertical acceleration including gravitational force. In the upper green area of the accelerometer your acceleration is higher than the gravitational force, in the lower red area it's lower, and on the blue baseline in the yellow middle area the two forces cancel each other out.

Keyboard controls:
  • Up and Down arrows: control the thrust of the rear engine
  • Left and Right arrows: at first levels, move to the sides; at higher levels, rotate the spaceship
Learn additions
icon learn_additions.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot learn_additions

math arithmetic learn_additions

Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn additions with small numbers.

Amas: Learn additions by counting their result.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: An addition is displayed on the screen. Calculate the result, fill the corresponding number of circles and validate your answer.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space: select or deselect a circle
  • Enter: validate your answer
Learn decimal numbers
icon learn_decimals.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot learn_decimals

math numeration learn_decimals

Mariam Fahmy & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn decimals with small numbers.

Amas: Learn decimals by counting how many squares are needed to represent the decimal number.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A decimal number is displayed. Drag the arrow to select a part of the bar, and drag the selected part of the bar to the empty area. Repeat these steps until the number of dropped bars corresponds to the displayed decimal number. Then click on the OK button to validate your answer.

Keyboard controls:
  • Enter: validate your answer
Learn quantities
icon learn_quantities.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot learn_quantities

math numeration learn_quantities

Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn to represent a quantity of objects.

Amas: Learn quantities by counting how many oranges are needed to represent the requested quantity.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A quantity is requested. Drag the arrow to select a number of oranges, and drag the selected oranges to the empty area. Repeat these steps until the number of dropped oranges corresponds to the requested quantity. Then click on the OK button to validate your answer.

Keyboard controls:
  • Enter: validate your answer
Learn subtractions
icon learn_subtractions.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot learn_subtractions

math arithmetic learn_subtractions

Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn subtractions with small numbers.

Amas: Learn subtractions by counting their result.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A subtraction is displayed on the screen. Calculate the result, fill the corresponding number of circles and validate your answer.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space: select or deselect a circle
  • Enter: validate your answer
Learning clock
icon clockgame.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot clockgame

math measures clockgame

Stephane Mankowski & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn how to tell the time on an analog clock.

Ro-ghoireas: The concept of time.

Amas: Learn units of time (hours, minutes and seconds). Set the time on an analog clock.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Set the clock to the given time. Drag the different hands to control their respective unit. The shortest hand indicates the hours, a longer hand indicates the minutes, and the longest hand indicates the seconds.
Letter in which word
icon letter-in-word.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot letter-in-word

reading words letter-in-word

Akshat Tandon & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: A letter is written. Some words are displayed, and you must find the word or the words in which this letter appears.

Ro-ghoireas: Spelling, letter recognition.

Amas: Select all the words which contain the given letter.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A letter is displayed on the flag attached to the plane. Select all the words in the list containing this letter and then press the OK button.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space: select an item
  • Enter: validate your answer
Lights off
icon lightsoff.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot lightsoff

discovery logic lightsoff

Stephane Mankowski & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: The goal is to turn off all the lights.

Amas: The goal is to turn off all the lights.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: The effect of pressing a window is to toggle the state of that window, and of its immediate vertical and horizontal neighbors. You must turn off all the lights. If you click on Tux, the solution is shown.

Urram: The solver algorithm is described on Wikipedia. To know more about the Lights Off game: <>
Locate the countries
icon geography.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot geography

sciences geography geography

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drag and Drop the items to complete the map.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Drag and drop the map pieces to their correct locations to complete the map.
Locate the region
icon geo-country.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot geo-country

sciences geography geo-country

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drag and Drop the regions to complete the country maps.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Drag and drop different regions of the country to their correct locations to complete the map.
Logical associations
icon algorithm.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot algorithm

discovery logic algorithm

Bharath M S & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Complete the arrangement of fruit.

Amas: Logic training activity.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Look at the two sequences. Each fruit in the first sequence has been replaced by another fruit in the second sequence. Complete the second sequence by using the correct fruit, after studying this pattern.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: select an item
Make the ball go to Tux
icon ballcatch.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot ballcatch

computer keyboard ballcatch

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Press the left and right arrow keys at the same time, to make the ball go in a straight line.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Press the left and right arrow keys at the same time, to make the ball go in a straight line. On a touch screen you have to touch the two hands at the same time.
Matching items
icon babymatch.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot babymatch

reading vocabulary babymatch

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drag and drop the items to match them.

Ro-ghoireas: Cultural references.

Amas: Motor coordination. Conceptual matching.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: In the main board area, a set of objects is displayed. In the side panel, another set of objects is shown. Each object in the side panel corresponds logically to one object in the main board area. Drag each object from the side panel to the correct spot in the main area.
icon maze.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot maze

fun maze maze

Stephane Mankowski & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Help Tux get out of this maze.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Use the arrow keys or swipe the screen to move Tux to the door.

In first levels, Tux walks comfortably, one step on each move request, through the maze.

For larger mazes, there is a special walking mode, called "run-fast-mode". If this run-fast-mode is enabled, Tux will run all the way automatically until he reaches a fork and you have to decide which way to go further.

You can see whether this mode is enabled or not, by looking at Tux's feet: If Tux is barefoot, "run-fast-mode" is disabled. And if he wears red sport shoes, "run-fast-mode" is enabled.

At higher levels, run-fast-mode will be enabled automatically. If you want to use this feature in earlier levels or want to disable it in advanced levels, click on the "barefoot / sportshoe" icon in the upper left corner of the screen to toggle the run-fast-mode.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
icon melody.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot melody

discovery memory music melody

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Reproduce a sound sequence.

Ro-ghoireas: Move and click the mouse.

Amas: Ear-training activity.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Listen to the sound sequence played, and repeat it by clicking on the xylophone's bars. You can listen again the sound sequence by clicking on the repeat button.
Memory game with images
icon memory.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot memory

fun memory memory

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to find the matching pairs.

Ro-ghoireas: Mouse-manipulation.

Amas: Train your memory and remove all the cards.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card has a picture on the hidden side, and each card has a twin with exactly the same picture. Click on a card to see its hidden picture, and try to match the twins. You can only flip two cards at once, so you need to remember where a picture is, while you look for its twin. When you flip the twins, they both disappear.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card

  • "Card Flip" by f4ngy, (, CC BY 3.0
Memory game with images against Tux
icon memory-tux.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot memory-tux

fun memory memory-tux

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to find the matching pairs, playing against Tux.

Ro-ghoireas: Mouse-manipulation.

Amas: Train your memory and remove all the cards.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card has a picture on the hidden side, and each card has a twin with exactly the same picture. Click on a card to see its hidden picture, and try to match the twins. You can only flip two cards at once, so you need to remember where a picture is, while you look for its twin. When you flip the twins, they both disappear.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Mining for gold
icon mining.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot mining

computer mouse mining

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Use the mousewheel to approach the rockwall and look for gold nuggets.

Ro-ghoireas: You should be familiar with moving the mouse and clicking.

Amas: Learn to use the mousewheel or the zoom / pinch gesture to zoom in and out.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Looking at the rockwall, you can see a sparkle somewhere. Move next to this sparkle and use the mousewheel or the zoom gesture to zoom in. When you reach the maximum zoom level, a gold nugget will appear at the position of the sparkle. Click on the gold nugget to collect it.

After collecting the nugget, use the mousewheel or the pinch gesture to zoom out again. When you reach the minimum zoom level, another sparkle will appear, showing the next gold nugget to collect. Collect enough nuggets to complete the level.

The wagon in the lower right corner of the screen will tell you the number of already collected nuggets and the total number of nuggets to collect in this level.

Urram: Thanks to the Tuxpaint team for providing the following sounds under GPL:
  • realrainbow.ogg - used when a new gold nugget appears
  • metalpaint.wav - remixed and used when a gold nugget is collected
Mirror the given image
icon redraw_symmetrical.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot redraw_symmetrical

puzzle redraw_symmetrical

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Draw the image on the empty grid as if you saw it in a mirror.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: First, select the proper color from the toolbar. Click on the grid and drag to paint, then release the click to stop painting.

Keyboard controls:
  • Digits: select a color
  • Arrows: navigate in the grid
  • Space or Enter: paint
Missing letter
icon missing-letter.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot missing-letter

reading words missing-letter

Amit Tomar & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Find the missing letter to complete the word.

Ro-ghoireas: Word reading.

Amas: Training reading skills.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A picture is displayed in the main area, and an incomplete word is written under the picture. Click on the missing letter to complete the word, or type the letter on your keyboard.

Keyboard controls:
  • Tab: repeat the word
Mixing light colors
icon color_mix_light.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot color_mix_light

sciences experiment color color_mix_light

Stephane Mankowski & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Discover light color mixing.

Amas: Mix primary colors to match the given color.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: This activity teaches how mixing primary light colors works (additive mixing).

Mixing light colors is just the opposite of mixing paint colors. The more light you add, the lighter the resulting color becomes. Primary colors of light are red, green and blue.

Change the color by moving the sliders on the torches or by clicking on the + and - buttons. Then click on the OK button to validate your answer.
Mixing paint colors
icon color_mix.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot color_mix

sciences experiment color color_mix

Stephane Mankowski & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Discover paint color mixing.

Amas: Mix primary colors to match the given color.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: This activity teaches how mixing primary paint colors works (subtractive mixing).

Paints and inks absorb different colors of the light falling on it, subtracting it from what you see. The more ink you add, the more light is absorbed, and the darker the resulting color becomes. We can mix just three primary colors to make many new colors. The primary colors for paint/ink are cyan (a special shade of blue), magenta (a special shade of pink), and yellow.

Change the color by moving the sliders on the tubes of paint or by clicking on the + and - buttons. Then click on the OK button to validate your answer.
icon money.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot money

math money measures money

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Practice money usage.

Ro-ghoireas: Can count.

Amas: You must buy different items and give the exact price. At higher levels, several items are displayed, and you must first calculate the total price.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click or tap on the coins or on the notes at the bottom of the screen to pay. If you want to remove a coin or a note, click or tap on it on the upper screen area.

Keyboard controls:
  • Left and Right arrows: navigate inside an area
  • Space or Enter: select an item
  • Tab: navigate between the bottom and the top areas
Money with cents
icon money_cents.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot money_cents

math money measures money_cents

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Practice money usage including cents.

Ro-ghoireas: Can count.

Amas: You must buy the different items and give the exact price. At higher levels, several items are displayed, and you must first calculate the total price.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the coins or on the notes at the bottom of the screen to pay. If you want to remove a coin or a note, click on it on the upper screen area.

Keyboard controls:
  • Left and Right arrows: navigate inside an area
  • Space or Enter: select an item
  • Tab: navigate between the bottom and the top areas
Mouse click training
icon left_right_click.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot left_right_click

computer mouse left_right_click

Samarth Raj & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Move animals to their homes using a left click or right click on your mouse.

Ro-ghoireas: Mouse-manipulation.

Amas: Using the mouse. Left and right click training.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A left click on a fish will move it to the pond. A right click on a monkey will move it to the tree. A message will show if you make the wrong click.
Move the mouse or touch the screen
icon erase.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot erase

computer mouse erase

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Move the mouse or touch the screen to erase the area and discover the background.

Ro-ghoireas: Mouse-manipulation.

Amas: Motor-coordination.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Move the mouse or touch the screen on the blocks to make them disappear.

  • "Alpaca" by Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons (,_B%C3%B6rnste,_Alpakas_--_2020_--_5338.jpg), CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Pollinationn" by aussiegall (, CC BY 2.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Butterfly" by © 2014 Jee & Rani Nature Photography (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: non-linear rescaling, cropping, sharpening
  • "Calf" by Basile Morin (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Camels" by Alexandr frolov (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Caterpillar" by Ivar Leidus (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Chamaeleo chamaeleon Samos Griechenland" by Benny Trapp (, CC BY 3.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Cheetah" by Charles J. Sharp (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Dolphin" by טל שמע (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening, removed a few spots
  • "Flying fox" by Andrew Mercer (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening, removed a few spots
  • "Hylobates lar - Kaeng Krachan WB" by JJ Harrison (, CC BY 3.0, changes: cropping
  • "Goat" by JoachimKohlerBremen (,_Belalp_2014.jpg), CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Gorilla" by Charles J. Sharp (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Gosling" by Stephan Sprinz (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Heron" by Stephan Sprinz (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping
  • "Horse" by Eatcha (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "A posing kitten" by GalgenTX (, CC BY 2.0, changes: cropping, colour adjustment, sharpening
  • "Long nosed monkey" by Charles J. Sharp (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Macaque" by PJeganathan (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Meerkats" by Charles J. Sharp (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Northern harrier" by Frank Schulenburg (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Nubian ibex" by Rhododendrites (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: non-linear rescaling, cropping, sharpening
  • "Penguin" Photo: Gordon Leggett / Wikimedia Commons (,_Antarctica.jpg), CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: non-linear rescaling, cropping, sharpening
  • "Rhinoceros" by Charles J. Sharp (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Spoonbills" by Ryzhkov Sergey (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Squirrel" by Роман Наумов (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Swans" by Charles J. Sharp (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
  • "Toucan" by LG Nyqvist (, CC BY-SA 4.0, changes: cropping, sharpening
Multiplication and division memory game
icon memory-math-mult-div.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot memory-math-mult-div

math memory arithmetic memory-math-mult-div

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match a multiplication or a division with its result.

Ro-ghoireas: Multiplications, divisions.

Amas: Practice multiplications and divisions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either an operation (a multiplication or a division), or a result. You have to match the operations with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Multiplication and division memory game against Tux
icon memory-math-mult-div-tux.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot memory-math-mult-div-tux

math memory arithmetic memory-math-mult-div-tux

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match a multiplication or a division with its result, playing against Tux.

Ro-ghoireas: Multiplications, divisions.

Amas: Practice multiplications and divisions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either an operation (a multiplication or a division), or a result. You have to match the operations with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Multiplication memory game
icon memory-math-mult.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot memory-math-mult

math memory arithmetic memory-math-mult

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match a multiplication with its result.

Ro-ghoireas: Multiplications.

Amas: Practice multiplications.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either a multiplication, or a result. You have to match the multiplications with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Multiplication memory game against Tux
icon memory-math-mult-tux.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot memory-math-mult-tux

math memory arithmetic memory-math-mult-tux

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match a multiplication with its result, playing against Tux.

Ro-ghoireas: Multiplications.

Amas: Practice multiplications.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either a multiplication, or a result. You have to match the multiplications with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Multiplication of numbers
icon algebra_by.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot algebra_by

math multiplication arithmetic algebra_by

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Practice the multiplication operation.

Ro-ghoireas: Multiplication tables from 1 to 10.

Amas: Learn to multiply numbers within a limited period of time.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A multiplication is displayed on the screen. Quickly find the result and use your computer's keyboard or the on-screen keypad to type the product of the numbers. You have to be fast and submit the answer before the penguins in their balloon land!

Keyboard controls:
  • Digits: type your answer
  • Backspace: delete the last digit in your answer
  • Enter: validate your answer
Music instruments
icon instruments.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot instruments

discovery music instruments

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Click on the correct musical instruments.

Amas: Learn to recognize musical instruments.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the correct musical instrument.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: select an item
  • Tab: repeat the instrument sound
Name that note
icon note_names.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot note_names

discovery music note_names

Aman Kumar Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn the names of the notes, in bass and treble clef.

Amas: Develop a good understanding of note position and naming convention. Prepare for the 'Play Piano' and 'Piano Composition' activities.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Identify the notes correctly and score 100% to complete a level.
Name the image
icon imagename.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot imagename

reading words imagename

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drag and Drop each item above its name.

Ro-ghoireas: Reading.

Amas: Vocabulary and reading.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Drag each image from the side to the corresponding name in the main area. Click on the OK button to check your answer.
Nine men's morris (against Tux)
icon nine_men_morris.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot nine_men_morris

strategy nine_men_morris

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet


Amas: Form mills (lines of 3 pieces) to remove Tux's pieces until he has only 2 pieces left or can not move anymore.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Play with Tux. First take turns to place nine pieces, and then take turns to move your pieces.
You can use the arrow buttons to manually select the difficulty level. Tux will play better when you increase the level.
Nine men's morris (with a friend)
icon nine_men_morris_2players.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot nine_men_morris_2players

strategy nine_men_morris_2players

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet


Amas: Form mills (lines of 3 pieces) to remove your opponent's pieces until your opponent has only 2 pieces left or can not move anymore.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Play with a friend. First take turns to place nine pieces, and then take turns to move your pieces.
Number sequence
icon number_sequence.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot number_sequence

math numeration number_sequence

Emmanuel Charruau & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Touch the numbers in the right order.

Amas: Can count.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Draw the picture by clicking on each number in the right order.
Numbers in order
icon planegame.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot planegame

math numeration planegame

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Move the helicopter to catch the clouds in the correct order.

Amas: Numeration training.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Catch the clouds in increasing order. With a keyboard, use the arrow keys to move the helicopter. With a pointing device, just click or tap on the target location. To know which number you have to catch you can either remember it or check the number on the bottom right corner.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: move the helicopter
Numbers with dice
icon smallnumbers.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot smallnumbers

computer keyboard math numeration smallnumbers

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Count the number of dots on the dice before it reaches the ground.

Ro-ghoireas: Counting skills.

Amas: In a limited time, count the number of dots.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Type the number of dots you see on each falling dice.

Keyboard controls:
  • Digits: type your answer
Numbers with dominoes
icon smallnumbers2.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot smallnumbers2

math numeration smallnumbers2

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Count the number on the domino before it reaches the ground.

Ro-ghoireas: Counting skills.

Amas: Count a number in a limited time.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Type the number you see on each falling domino.

Keyboard controls:
  • Digits: type your answer
Operate a canal lock
icon canal_lock.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot canal_lock

sciences experiment canal_lock

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Tux is in trouble, and needs to take his boat through a lock. Help Tux and find out how a canal lock works.

Amas: Understand how a canal lock works.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: You are in charge of the canal lock. Open the gates and the locks in the right order, so that Tux can travel through the gates in both directions.
Ordering letters
icon ordering_alphabets.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot ordering_alphabets

reading letters ordering_alphabets

Rudra Nil Basu , Harsh Kumar & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Arrange the given letters in alphabetical order or in reverse alphabetical order as requested.

Ro-ghoireas: Reading.

Amas: Learn the alphabetical order.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: You are provided with some letters. Drag and drop them to the upper area in alphabetical order or in reverse alphabetical order as requested.
Ordering numbers
icon ordering_numbers.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot ordering_numbers

math numeration ordering_numbers

Rudra Nil Basu , Emmanuel Charruau , Harsh Kumar & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Arrange the given numbers in ascending or descending order as requested.

Ro-ghoireas: Counting.

Amas: Compare numbers.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: You are provided with some numbers. Drag and drop them to the upper area in ascending or descending order as requested.
Ordering sentences
icon ordering_sentences.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot ordering_sentences

reading words ordering_sentences

Harsh Kumar , Emmanuel Charruau & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Arrange the given words to form a meaningful sentence.

Ro-ghoireas: Reading.

Amas: Order words to form meaningful sentences.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: You are provided with some words. Drag and drop them to the upper area to form a meaningful sentence.
Path decoding
icon path_decoding.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot path_decoding

discovery logic path_decoding

Harsh Kumar & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Follow the given directions to help Tux reach the target.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the grid squares to move Tux following the given directions.

The directions are absolute, they do not depend on the current orientation of Tux.
Path decoding relative
icon path_decoding_relative.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot path_decoding_relative

discovery logic path_decoding_relative

Harsh Kumar & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Follow the given directions to help Tux reach the target.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the grid squares to move Tux following the given directions.

The directions are relative to the current orientation of Tux.

This means that UP moves forward, DOWN moves backward, LEFT moves to the left side of Tux and RIGHT moves to the right side of Tux.
Path encoding
icon path_encoding.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot path_encoding

discovery logic path_encoding

Harsh Kumar & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Move Tux along the path to reach the target.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Use the arrow buttons to move Tux along the path until he reaches the target.

The directions are absolute, they do not depend on the current orientation of Tux.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: directions
Path encoding relative
icon path_encoding_relative.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot path_encoding_relative

discovery logic path_encoding_relative

Harsh Kumar & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Move Tux along the path to reach the target.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Use the arrow buttons to move Tux along the path until he reaches the target.

The directions are relative to the current orientation of Tux.

This means that UP moves forward, DOWN moves backward, LEFT moves to the left side of Tux and RIGHT moves to the right side of Tux.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: directions
Penalty kick
icon penalty.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot penalty

computer mouse penalty

Stephane Mankowski & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Double click or double tap on any side of the goal in order to score.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Double click or double tap on a side of the goal to kick the ball. You can double click the left, right or middle mouse button. If you do not double click fast enough, Tux catches the ball. You must click on it to bring it back to its initial position.
Photo hunter
icon photo_hunter.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot photo_hunter

fun photo_hunter

Stefan Toncu & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Find the differences between the two pictures.

Amas: Visual perception.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Observe the two pictures carefully. There are some slight differences. When you find a difference you must click on it.
Piano composition
icon piano_composition.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot piano_composition

discovery music piano_composition

Aman Kumar Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn how the piano keyboard works, and how notes are written on a musical staff.

Ro-ghoireas: Familiarity with note naming conventions.

Amas: Develop an understanding of music composition, and increase interest in making music with a piano keyboard. This activity covers many fundamental aspects of music, but there is much more to explore about music composition. If you enjoy this activity but want a more advanced tool, try downloading Minuet (, an open source software for music education or MuseScore (, an open source music notation tool.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: This activity has several levels, each level adding a new functionality to the previous one.
  • Level 1: Basic piano keyboard (white keys only) where users can experiment with clicking the colored rectangle keys to write music.
  • Level 2: The musical staff switches to bass clef, so notes are lower than in previous level.
  • Level 3: Option to choose between treble and bass clef, addition of black keys (sharp keys).
  • Level 4: Flat notation used for black keys.
  • Level 5: Option to select a note duration (whole, half, quarter, eighth notes).
  • Level 6: Addition of rests (whole, half, quarter, eighth rests).
  • Level 7: Save your compositions and load pre-defined or saved melodies.
Keyboard controls:
  • Digits 1 to 7: white keys
  • F2 to F7: black keys
  • Space: play
  • Left and Right arrows: switch keyboard octave
  • Backspace: undo
  • Delete: erase selected note or everything

Urram: The synthesizer original code is from
Pilot a submarine
icon submarine.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot submarine

sciences experiment submarine

Rudra Nil Basu & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Drive the submarine to the end point.

Ro-ghoireas: Move and click using the mouse, physics basics.

Amas: Learn how to control a submarine.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Control the various parts of the submarine (the engine, ballast tanks and diving planes) to reach the end point.

Keyboard controls:
  • D or Right arrow: increase the velocity
  • A or Left arrow: decrease the velocity
Ballast tanks
  • W or Up arrow: switch filling of the central ballast tank
  • S or Down arrow: switch flushing of the central ballast tank
  • R: switch filling of the left ballast tank
  • F: switch flushing of the left ballast tank
  • T: switch filling of the right ballast tank
  • G: switch flushing of the right ballast tank
Diving planes
  • +: increase diving planes angle
  • -: decrease diving planes angle
Play checkers (against Tux)
icon checkers.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot checkers

strategy checkers

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: The version in GCompris is the international draughts.

Amas: Capture all the pieces of your opponent before your opponent captures all of yours.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Checkers is played by two opponents, on opposite sides of the gameboard. One player has the dark pieces; the other has the light pieces. Players alternate turns. A player may not move an opponent's piece. A move consists of moving a piece diagonally to an adjacent unoccupied square. If the adjacent square contains an opponent's piece, and the square immediately beyond it is vacant, the piece may be captured (and removed from the game) by jumping over it.
Only the dark squares of the checkered board are used. A piece may move only diagonally into an unoccupied square. Capturing is mandatory. The player without pieces remaining, or who cannot move due to being blocked, loses the game.
When a man reaches the crownhead or kings row (the farthest row forward), it becomes a king, and is marked by placing an additional piece on top of the first man, and acquires additional powers including the ability to move backwards. If there is a piece in a diagonal that a king can capture, he can move any distance along the diagonal, and may capture an opposing man any distance away by jumping to any of the unoccupied squares immediately beyond it.
You can use the arrow buttons to manually select the difficulty level. Tux will play better when you increase the level.

Urram: The checkers library is draughts.js <>. Manual is from wikipedia <>
Play checkers (with a friend)
icon checkers_2players.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot checkers_2players

strategy checkers_2players

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: The version in GCompris is the international draughts.

Amas: Capture all the pieces of your opponent before your opponent captures all of yours.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Checkers is played by two opponents, on opposite sides of the gameboard. One player has the dark pieces; the other has the light pieces. Players alternate turns. A player may not move an opponent's piece. A move consists of moving a piece diagonally to an adjacent unoccupied square. If the adjacent square contains an opponent's piece, and the square immediately beyond it is vacant, the piece may be captured (and removed from the game) by jumping over it.
Only the dark squares of the checkered board are used. A piece may move only diagonally into an unoccupied square. Capturing is mandatory. The player without pieces remaining, or who cannot move due to being blocked, loses the game.
When a man reaches the crownhead or kings row (the farthest row forward), it becomes a king, and is marked by placing an additional piece on top of the first man, and acquires additional powers including the ability to move backwards. If there is a piece in a diagonal that a king can capture, he can move any distance along the diagonal, and may capture an opposing man any distance away by jumping to any of the unoccupied squares immediately beyond it.

Urram: The checkers library is draughts.js <>. Manual is from wikipedia <>
Play chess (against Tux)
icon chess.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot chess

strategy chess

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet


Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: In this activity you discover the chess game by playing against the computer. It displays the possible target positions for any selected piece which helps the children understand how pieces moves. At first level the computer is fully random to give more chances to the children. As level increases, the computer plays better. You can use the arrow buttons to manually select the difficulty level.

You can achieve a mate sooner if you follow these simple rules:
Trying to drive your opponent's king in the corner.
Explanation: this way your opponent's king would have only 3 directions to move instead of 8 from a better position.
'Making a trap'. Use your pawns as baits.
Explanation: this way you can lure your opponent out of his 'comfort zone'.
Be patient enough.
Explanation: don't rush too quick, be patient. Let yourself think a little bit and try to predict your opponent's future moves, so that you can catch him or secure your pieces from his attacks.

Single click on undo button will undo one move. Single click on redo button will redo one move. To undo all the moves, press and hold the undo button for 3 seconds.

Urram: The chess engine is p4wn <>.
Play chess (with a friend)
icon chess_2players.svg difficulty level 6
screenshot chess_2players

strategy chess_2players

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet


Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: In this activity you discover the chess game by playing against a friend. It displays the possible target positions for any selected piece which helps the children understand how pieces moves.

You can achieve a mate sooner if you follow these simple rules:
Trying to drive your opponent's king in the corner.
Explanation: this way your opponent's king would have only 3 directions to move instead of 8 from a better position.
'Making a trap'. Use your pawns as baits.
Explanation: this way you can lure your opponent out of his 'comfort zone'.
Be patient enough.
Explanation: don't rush too quick, be patient. Let yourself think a little bit and try to predict your opponent's future moves, so that you can catch him or secure your pieces from his attacks.

Single click on undo button will undo one move. Single click on redo button will redo one move. To undo all the moves, press and hold the undo button for 3 seconds.
Play oware (against Tux)
icon oware.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot oware

strategy oware

Harsh Kumar & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Play the Oware strategy game against Tux.

Amas: The game starts with four seeds in each house. The objective of the game is to capture more seeds than one's opponent. Since the game has only 48 seeds, capturing 25 is sufficient to win the game. Since there is an even number of seeds, it is possible for the game to end in a draw, where each player has captured 24.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Players take turns moving the seeds. On a turn, a player chooses one of the six houses under their control. The player removes all seeds from that house, and distributes them, dropping one in each house counter-clockwise from this house, in a process called sowing. Seeds are not distributed into the end scoring houses, nor into the house drawn from. The starting house is always left empty; if it contained 12 (or more) seeds, it is skipped, and the twelfth seed is placed in the next house.

Capturing occurs only when a player brings the count of an opponent's house to exactly two or three with the final seed he sowed in that turn. This always captures the seeds in the corresponding house, and possibly more: if the previous-to-last seed also brought an opponent's house to two or three, these are captured as well, and so on until a house is reached which does not contain two or three seeds or does not belong to the opponent. The captured seeds are placed in the player's scoring house. However, if a move would capture all of an opponent's seeds, the capture is forfeited since this would prevent the opponent from continuing the game, and the seeds are instead left on the board.

If an opponent's houses are all empty, the current player must make a move that gives the opponent seeds. If no such move is possible, the current player captures all seeds in their own territory, ending the game.
Play oware (with a friend)
icon oware_2players.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot oware_2players

strategy oware_2players

Harsh Kumar & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Play the Oware strategy game with a friend.

Amas: The game starts with four seeds in each house. The objective of the game is to capture more seeds than one's opponent. Since the game has only 48 seeds, capturing 25 is sufficient to win the game. Since there is an even number of seeds, it is possible for the game to end in a draw, where each player has captured 24.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Players take turns moving the seeds. On a turn, a player chooses one of the six houses under their control. The player removes all seeds from that house, and distributes them, dropping one in each house counter-clockwise from this house, in a process called sowing. Seeds are not distributed into the end scoring houses, nor into the house drawn from. The starting house is always left empty; if it contained 12 (or more) seeds, it is skipped, and the twelfth seed is placed in the next house.

Capturing occurs only when a player brings the count of an opponent's house to exactly two or three with the final seed he sowed in that turn. This always captures the seeds in the corresponding house, and possibly more: if the previous-to-last seed also brought an opponent's house to two or three, these are captured as well, and so on until a house is reached which does not contain two or three seeds or does not belong to the opponent. The captured seeds are placed in the player's scoring house. However, if a move would capture all of an opponent's seeds, the capture is forfeited since this would prevent the opponent from continuing the game, and the seeds are instead left on the board.

If an opponent's houses are all empty, the current player must make a move that gives the opponent seeds. If no such move is possible, the current player captures all seeds in their own territory, ending the game.
Play piano
icon play_piano.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot play_piano

discovery music play_piano

Aman Kumar Gupta & Timothée Giet


Ro-ghoireas: Knowledge of musical notation and musical staff.

Amas: Understand how the piano keyboard can play music as written on the musical staff.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Some notes are played on the staff. Click on the keyboard keys matching the notes on the staff.
On levels 1 to 5 you will practice treble clef notes and on levels 6 to 10 you will practice bass clef notes.

Keyboard controls:
  • Space: play
  • Digits 1 to 7: white keys
  • F2 to F7: black keys
  • Backspace or Delete: undo

Urram: The synthesizer original code is from
Play rhythm
icon play_rhythm.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot play_rhythm

discovery music play_rhythm

Aman Kumar Gupta & Timothée Giet


Ro-ghoireas: Simple understanding of musical rhythm.

Amas: Learn to follow a rhythm accurately.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Listen to the rhythm played. When you're ready, click on the drum following the same rhythm. If you clicked at correct times, another rhythm is played. If not, you must try again.
Odd levels display a vertical line on the staff following the rhythm: click on the drum when the line is in the middle of the notes.
Even levels are harder, because there is no vertical line. You must read the notes length and play the rhythm accordingly. You can also click on the metronome to hear the quarter notes as reference.
Click on the reload button if you want to replay the rhythm.

Keyboard controls:
  • Space bar: click on the drum
  • Enter or Return: replay the rhythm
  • Up and Down: increase or decrease the tempo
  • Tab: Start or stop the metronome if it is visible
Point the relatives
icon family_find_relative.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot family_find_relative

sciences history family_find_relative

Rudra Nil Basu & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Click on a pair corresponding to the given relation.

Ro-ghoireas: Reading, moving and clicking with the mouse.

Amas: Learn the relationships in a family, according to the lineal system used in most Western societies.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A family tree is shown, with some instructions.
The circles are linked with lines to mark the relations. Married couples are marked with a ring on the link.
Click on a pair of family members which corresponds to the given relation.
icon positions.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot positions

discovery logic positions

Mariam Fahmy & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Find the boy's position in relation to the box.

Ro-ghoireas: Can read.

Amas: Describe the relative position of an object.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: You will see different images representing a boy and a box, you have to find out the position of the boy in relation to the box and select the correct answer.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: validate selected answer
Practice addition with a target game
icon target.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot target

math addition arithmetic target

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Hit the target and count your points.

Ro-ghoireas: Can move the mouse, can read numbers and count up to 15 for the first level.

Amas: Throw darts at a target and count your score.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Check the speed and direction of the target, and then click on it to launch a dart. When all your darts are thrown, you are asked to count your score. Enter the score with the keyboard.
Programming maze
icon programmingMaze.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot programmingMaze

fun programmingMaze

Aman Kumar Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: This activity teaches to program Tux to reach its goal using simple instructions like move forward, turn left or right.

Ro-ghoireas: Can read instructions, and think logically to find a path.

Amas: Tux is hungry. Help him find fish by programming him to the correct ice spot.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Choose the instructions from the menu, and arrange them in order to lead Tux to his goal.

Keyboard controls:
  • Left and Right arrows: navigate inside selected area
  • Up and Down arrows: increase or decrease the loop counter if the loop area is selected
  • Space: select an instruction or append selected instruction in main/procedure/loop area
  • Tab: switch between instructions area and main/procedure/loop area
  • Delete: remove selected instruction from main/procedure/loop area
  • Enter: run the code or reset Tux when it fails to reach the fish

To add an instruction in main/procedure/loop area, select it from instructions area, then switch to the main/procedure/loop area and press Space.

To modify an instruction in main/procedure/loop area, select it from main/procedure/loop area, then switch to instructions area, choose the new instruction and press Space.
Railroad activity
icon railroad.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot railroad

discovery logic railroad

Utkarsh Tiwari & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Rebuild the train model at the top of the screen.

Amas: Memory training.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A train is displayed for a few seconds. Rebuild it at the top of the screen by dragging the appropriate items. Remove an item from the answer area by dragging it down.

Keyboard Controls:
  • Arrows: navigate in the sample area and in the answer area
  • Space: add an item from the samples to the answer area, or swap two items in the answer area
  • Delete or Backspace: remove the selected item from the answer area
  • Enter or Return: submit your answer
Read a graduated line
icon graduated_line_read.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot graduated_line_read

math numeration graduated_line_read

Bruno ANSELME & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Read values on a graduated line.

Ro-ghoireas: Reading and ordering numbers.

Amas: Learn to read a graduated line.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Use the number pad or your keyboard to enter the value corresponding to the given spot on the graduated line.
Keyboard controls:
  • Digits: enter digits
  • Backspace: delete the last digit
  • Delete: reset your answer
  • Space, Return or Enter: validate your answer
Rebuild the mosaic
icon mosaic.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot mosaic

puzzle mosaic

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Put each item at the same place as in the given example.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: First select an item from the list, and then click on a spot of the mosaic to place the item.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate inside an area
  • Space or Enter: select or place an item
  • Tab: navigate between the item list and the mosaic
Redraw the given image
icon redraw.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot redraw

puzzle redraw

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Draw perfectly the given image on the empty grid.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: First, select the proper color from the toolbar. Click on the grid and drag to paint, then release the click to stop painting.

Keyboard controls:
  • Digits: select a color
  • Arrows: navigate in the grid
  • Space or Enter: paint
Relative maze
icon mazerelative.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot mazerelative

fun maze mazerelative

Stephane Mankowski & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Help Tux get out of this maze (moves are relative).

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Use the arrow keys or swipe the screen to move Tux to the door.

In this maze, the moves are relative (first person). Left and right are used to turn and up to move forward.

At the first levels, Tux walks comfortably, one step on each move request, through the maze.

For larger mazes, there is a special walking mode, called "run-fast-mode". If this run-fast-mode is enabled, Tux will run all the way automatically until he reaches a fork and you have to decide which way to go further.

You can see whether this mode is enabled or not, by looking at Tux's feet: If Tux is barefooted, "run-fast-mode" is disabled. And if he wears red sport shoes, "run-fast-mode" is enabled.

At higher levels, run-fast-mode will be enabled automatically. If you want to use this feature in earlier levels or want to disable it in advanced levels, click on the "barefoot / sportshoe" icon in the upper left corner of the screen to toggle the run-fast-mode.

Keyboard controls:
  • Left and Right arrows: turn left and right
  • Down arrow: turn backward
  • Up arrow: move forward
Renewable energy
icon renewable_energy.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot renewable_energy

sciences experiment renewable_energy

Sagar Chand Agarwal & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Tux has come back from fishing on his boat. Bring the electrical system back up so he can have light in his home.

Amas: Learn about an electrical system based on renewable energy.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on different active elements: sun, cloud, dam, solar array, wind farm and transformers, in order to reactivate the entire electrical system. When the system is back up and Tux is in his home, push the light button for him. To win you must switch on all the consumers while all the producers are up.
Roman numerals
icon roman_numerals.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot roman_numerals

sciences history roman_numerals

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet


Amas: Learn how to read roman numerals and do the conversion to and from arabic numerals.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Roman numerals are a numeral system that originated in ancient Rome and remained the usual way of writing numbers throughout Europe well into the Late Middle Ages. Numbers in this system are represented by combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet.
Learn the rules to read Roman numerals and practice converting numbers to and from arabic numerals. Click on the OK button to validate your answer.

Keyboard controls:
  • Digits: type arabic numerals
  • Letters: type roman numerals (with I, V, X, L, C, D and M)
  • Enter: validate your answer
Share pieces of candy
icon share.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot share

math arithmetic share

Stefan Toncu & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Try to split the pieces of candy between a given number of children.

Ro-ghoireas: Know how to count.

Amas: Learn division of numbers.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Follow the instructions shown on the screen: first, drag the given number of boys/girls to the center, then drag pieces of candy to each child's rectangle.
If there is a rest, it needs to be placed inside the candy jar.
Simple letters
icon gletters.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot gletters

computer keyboard reading letters gletters

Holger Kaelberer & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Type the falling letters before they reach the ground.

Amas: Letter association between the screen and the keyboard.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Type the falling letters before they reach the ground.
Simplified Tower of Hanoi
icon hanoi.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot hanoi

discovery logic hanoi

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Reproduce the given tower.

Ro-ghoireas: Mouse-manipulation.

Amas: Reproduce the tower on the right in the empty area.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Drag and Drop one top piece at a time, from one tower to another, to reproduce the tower on the right in the empty area.

Urram: Concept taken from EPI games.
Solar system
icon solar_system.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot solar_system

sciences experiment solar_system

Aman Kumar Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Answer the questions with a correctness of 100%.

Amas: Learn information about the solar system. If you want to learn more about astronomy, try downloading KStars ( or Stellarium ( which are astronomy Free Software.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on a planet or on the Sun, and answer the corresponding questions. Each question contains 4 options. One of those is 100% correct. Try to answer the questions until you get 100% in the closeness meter.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: select
  • Escape: return to previous screen
  • Tab: view the hint (only when the hint icon is visible)
Subtraction memory game
icon memory-math-minus.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot memory-math-minus

math memory arithmetic memory-math-minus

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match a subtraction with its result.

Ro-ghoireas: Subtractions.

Amas: Practice subtractions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either a subtraction, or a result. You have to match the subtractions with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Subtraction memory game against Tux
icon memory-math-minus-tux.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot memory-math-minus-tux

math memory arithmetic memory-math-minus-tux

JB BUTET & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match a subtraction with its result, playing against Tux.

Ro-ghoireas: Subtractions.

Amas: Practice subtractions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either a subtraction, or a result. You have to match the subtractions with their result.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card
Subtraction of numbers
icon algebra_minus.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot algebra_minus

math subtraction arithmetic algebra_minus

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Practice the subtraction operation.

Ro-ghoireas: Subtraction of small numbers.

Amas: Learn to find the difference between two numbers within a limited period of time.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A subtraction is displayed on the screen. Quickly find the result and use your computer's keyboard or the on-screen keypad to type it. You have to be fast and submit the answer before the penguins in their balloon land!

Keyboard controls:
  • Digits: type your answer
  • Backspace: delete the last digit in your answer
  • Enter: validate your answer
Subtractions with decimal numbers
icon learn_decimals_subtractions.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot learn_decimals_subtractions

math arithmetic learn_decimals_subtractions

Mariam Fahmy & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Learn subtractions with decimal numbers.

Amas: Learn subtractions with decimal numbers by counting how many squares need to be subtracted to represent the result.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A subtraction with two decimal numbers is displayed. The first number from the subtraction is represented with bars. Each bar represents one unit, and each square in the bar represent one tenth of this unit. Click on the squares to subtract the second number and represent the result of the operation

If the answer is correct, type the corresponding result, and click on the OK button to validate your answer.

Keyboard controls:
  • Enter: validate your answer
  • Numbers: type the result
Sudoku, place unique symbols in a grid
icon sudoku.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot sudoku

discovery logic sudoku

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Symbols must be unique in a row, in a column, and (if defined) in each region.

Ro-ghoireas: Completing the puzzle requires patience and logical ability.

Amas: The aim of the puzzle is to enter a symbol or numeral from 1 to 9 in each cell of a grid. In the official Sudoku the grid is 9×9 and made up of 3×3 subgrids (called 'regions'). In GCompris we start at lower levels with a simpler version using symbols and with no regions. In all cases the grid is presented with various symbols or numerals given in some cells (the 'givens'). Each row, column and region must contain only one instance of each symbol or numeral (Source <>).

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Select a number or a symbol in the list and click on its target position. GCompris will not let you enter an invalid answer.
Super brain
icon superbrain.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot superbrain

discovery logic superbrain

Holger Kaelberer & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Tux has hidden several items. Find them in the correct order.

Amas: Tux has hidden several items. Find them in the correct order.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the items until you find what you think is the correct answer. Then, click on the OK button. A black dot means that you found the correct item in the correct position, while a white dot means an item is correct but in the wrong position. At lower levels, Tux also gives you an indication with a black square on correct items in the correct position, and a white square on the correct items in the wrong position. In the levels 4 and 8 an item may be hidden several times.
You can use the right mouse button to flip the items in the opposite order, or the item chooser to directly pick an item from the list. Press two seconds on an item to automatically choose the last item selected in this position. Double click on a previously selected item in your guess history to mark it as 'correct'. Such marked items are automatically selected in your current and future guesses until you un-mark them, by double clicking on them again.
Swap ten's complement
icon tens_complement_swap.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot tens_complement_swap

math arithmetic tens_complement_swap

Samarth Raj & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Swap the numbers to create pairs equal to ten.

Ro-ghoireas: Numbers from 1 to 30 and additions.

Amas: Learn to use ten's complement to optimize the order of numbers in an operation.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Create pairs of numbers equal to ten within each parentheses. Select a number, then select another number of the same operation to swap their position. When all the lines are completed, press the OK button to validate the answers. If some answers are incorrect, a cross icon will appear on the corresponding lines. Correct the errors, then press the OK button again.
The Tower of Hanoi
icon hanoi_real.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot hanoi_real

discovery logic hanoi_real

Amit Tomar & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Move the tower to the right side.

Amas: The object of the game is to move the entire stack to another peg, obeying the following rules:
only one disc may be moved at a time
no disc may be placed atop a smaller disc

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Drag and drop the top pieces only from one peg to another, to reproduce the initial left side tower on the right peg.

Urram: The puzzle was invented by the French mathematician Edouard Lucas in 1883. There is a legend about a Hindu temple whose priests were constantly engaged in moving a set of 64 discs according to the rules of the Tower of Hanoi puzzle. According to the legend, the world would end when the priests finished their work. The puzzle is therefore also known as the Tower of Brahma puzzle. It is not clear whether Lucas invented this legend or was inspired by it. (source Wikipedia:
The classic hangman game
icon hangman.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot hangman

keyboard reading words hangman

Rajdeep kaur & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Guess the letters of the given word.

Amas: This is a good exercise to improve reading and spelling skills.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: You can enter the letters using the virtual keyboard on the screen or with the real keyboard.

If the option 'Display the image to find as hint' is activated, on every wrong try a part of the image representing the word will be revealed.

If the option 'Speak the words to find...' is activated, and if the corresponding voice is available, you will hear the word to find when three attempts are remaining.
The fifteen game
icon fifteen.svg difficulty level 5
screenshot fifteen

discovery logic fifteen

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Move each item to recreate the image.

Amas: Arrange the pieces in the right order.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click or drag on any piece next to the empty space, and it will move to the empty space.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: move a piece to the empty space.
The football game
icon football.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot football

fun football

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Kick the ball into the goal.

Amas: Kick the ball behind the goal keeper on the right.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Drag a line from the ball to set its speed and direction, and release it to kick the ball.
The history of Louis Braille
icon louis-braille.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot louis-braille

sciences history louis-braille

Arkit Vora & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Review the major dates of the inventor of the braille system.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Read the history of Louis Braille, his biography, and the invention of the braille system. Click on the previous and next buttons to move between the story pages. At the end, arrange the sequence in chronological order.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: select an item and change its position

Urram: Louis Braille Video: <>
The magician hat
icon magic-hat-plus.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot magic-hat-plus

math arithmetic magic-hat-plus

Thib ROMAIN & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Count how many stars are under the magic hat.

Ro-ghoireas: Additions.

Amas: Learn additions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the hat to open it. How many stars went under it? Count carefully. Click on the bottom area to input your answer and on the OK button to validate it.
The magician hat
icon magic-hat-minus.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot magic-hat-minus

math arithmetic magic-hat-minus

Thibaut ROMAIN & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Calculate how many stars are under the magic hat.

Ro-ghoireas: Subtractions.

Amas: Learn subtractions.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on the hat to open it. Stars go in and a few stars escape. You have to calculate how many stars are still under the hat. Click on the bottom area to input your answer and on the OK button to validate it.
The tangram puzzle game
icon tangram.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot tangram

puzzle tangram

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: The objective is to form a given shape.

Ro-ghoireas: Mouse-manipulation.

Amas: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tangram (Chinese: literally 'seven boards of cunning') is a Chinese puzzle. While the tangram is often said to be ancient, its existence has only been verified as far back as 1800. It consists of 7 pieces, called tans, which fit together to form a square; Using the square side as 1 unit, the 7 pieces contains:
5 right isosceles triangles, including:
- 2 small size ones (legs of 1)
- 1 medium size (legs of square root of 2)
- 2 large size (legs of 2)
1 square (side of 1) and
1 parallelogram (sides of 1 and square root of 2)

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Move a piece by dragging it. The symmetrical button appears on items that supports it. Click on the rotation button or drag around it to rotate selected piece. Check the activity 'Baby Puzzle' for a simpler introduction to tangram.
Tic tac toe (against Tux)
icon tic_tac_toe.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot tic_tac_toe

strategy tic_tac_toe

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Place three marks in a row.

Amas: Place three marks in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row to win the game.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Play with Tux. Take turns to click on the square which you want to mark. The first player to create a line of 3 marks wins.
Tux will play better when you increase the level.
Tic tac toe (with a friend)
icon tic_tac_toe_2players.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot tic_tac_toe_2players

strategy tic_tac_toe_2players

Pulkit Gupta & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Place three marks in a row.

Amas: Place three marks in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row to win the game.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Play with a friend. Take turns to click on the square which you want to mark. The first player to create a line of 3 marks wins.
Use a graduated line
icon graduated_line_use.svg difficulty level 1
screenshot graduated_line_use

math numeration graduated_line_use

Bruno ANSELME & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Place values on a graduated line.

Ro-ghoireas: Reading and ordering numbers.

Amas: Learn to use a graduated line.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Use the arrows to move the cursor to the position corresponding to the given value on the graduated line.
Keyboard controls:
  • Left and Right arrows: move the cursor
  • Space, Return or Enter: validate your answer
Use ten's complement
icon tens_complement_use.svg difficulty level 4
screenshot tens_complement_use

math arithmetic tens_complement_use

Samarth Raj , Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Use a ten's complement to simplify the operation.

Ro-ghoireas: Numbers from 1 to 50 and additions.

Amas: Learn a practical use of ten's complement.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Decompose the additions to create pairs of numbers equal to ten within each parentheses. Select a number in the list, then select an empty spot of an operation to move the selected number there.
When all the lines are completed, press the OK button to validate the answers. If some answers are incorrect, a cross icon will appear on the corresponding lines. To correct the errors, click on the wrong numbers to remove them and repeat the previous steps.
Vertical reading practice
icon readingv.svg difficulty level 2
screenshot readingv

reading words readingv

Johnny Jazeix & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Read a vertical list of words and say if a given word is in it.

Ro-ghoireas: Reading.

Amas: Reading training in a limited time.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: A word is shown on the board. A list of words, displayed vertically, will appear and disappear. Did the given word appear in the list?
icon watercycle.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot watercycle

sciences experiment watercycle

Sagar Chand Agarwal & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Tux has come back from fishing on his boat. Bring the water system back up so he can take a shower.

Amas: Learn the water cycle.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Click on different active elements: sun, cloud, pumping station, and the sewage treatment plant, in order to reactivate the entire water system. When the system is back up and Tux is in the shower, push the shower button for him.
Wordnumber memory game
icon memory-wordnumber.svg difficulty level 3
screenshot memory-wordnumber

math numeration memory-wordnumber

Bruno Coudoin & Timothée Giet

Tuairisgeul: Flip the cards to match a numeral with its number name.

Ro-ghoireas: Reading.

Amas: Reading numbers, memory.

Leabhar-mhìneachaidh: Each card is hiding either a numeral (a number written in figures), or a number name (a number written in words). You have to match the numerals with the corresponding number names.

Keyboard controls:
  • Arrows: navigate
  • Space or Enter: flip the selected card