
gcompris 4.2

Today we are releasing GCompris version 4.2.

It contains bug fixes and graphics improvements on multiple activities.

This version adds translation for Latvian.

It is fully translated in the following languages:

  • Arabic
  • Bulgarian
  • Breton
  • Catalan
  • Catalan (Valencian)
  • Greek
  • UK English
  • Esperanto
  • Spanish
  • Basque
  • French
  • Galician
  • Croatian
  • Hungarian
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Lithuanian
  • Latvian
  • Malayalam
  • Dutch
  • Norwegian Nynorsk
  • Polish
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Slovenian
  • Albanian
  • Swedish
  • Swahili
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian

It is also partially translated in the following languages:

  • Azerbaijani (97%)
  • Belarusian (87%)
  • Czech (97%)
  • German (96%)
  • Estonian (96%)
  • Finnish (95%)
  • Hebrew (96%)
  • Macedonian (90%)
  • Portuguese (96%)
  • Slovak (84%)
  • Chinese Traditional (96%)

You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi and macOS on the download page. This update will also be available soon in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny

gcompris 4.1

Today we are releasing GCompris version 4.1.

It contains bug fixes and graphics improvements on multiple activities.

It is fully translated in the following languages:

  • Arabic
  • Bulgarian
  • Breton
  • Catalan
  • Catalan (Valencian)
  • Greek
  • Spanish
  • Basque
  • French
  • Galician
  • Croatian
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Lithuanian
  • Malayalam
  • Dutch
  • Norwegian Nynorsk
  • Polish
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Slovenian
  • Swedish
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian

It is also partially translated in the following languages:

  • Azerbaijani (97%)
  • Belarusian (86%)
  • Czech (95%)
  • German (95%)
  • UK English (95%)
  • Esperanto (99%)
  • Estonian (95%)
  • Finnish (94%)
  • Hebrew (95%)
  • Indonesian (99%)
  • Macedonian (90%)
  • Portuguese (95%)
  • Slovak (83%)
  • Albanian (99%)
  • Swahili (99%)
  • Chinese Traditional (95%)

You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi and macOS on the download page. This update will also be available soon in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny

gcompris 4.0

Today we are releasing GCompris version 4.0.

This version adds translations for 3 more languages: Bulgarian, Galician and Swahili.

It contains 190 activities, including 8 new ones:

  • "Grammar classes" is an activity to learn to identify words grammatical classes, one class at a time.
  • "Grammar analysis" is similar to the previous one, but with several classes requested for each sentence.
  • "Calcudoku" is an arithmetic game where the goal is to fill a grid with numbers according to specific rules.
  • With "Guess 24", using the 4 given numbers and the operators, find the number 24!
  • In "Frieze", reproduce and complete the different friezes.
  • "Read a graduated line" is an activity where you need to find a value represented on a graduated line.
  • In "Use a graduated line", place the given value on the graduated line.
  • In "Adjacent numbers", learn which numbers come before or after the given sequence.

It contains bug fixes and graphics improvements on multiple activities.

One major milestone has been reached with this version: after almost 9 years of work, the task of reworking all the graphics to fit the guidelines has been completed!

It is fully translated in the following languages:

  • Arabic
  • Bulgarian
  • Breton
  • Catalan
  • Catalan (Valencian)
  • Greek
  • Spanish
  • Basque
  • French
  • Galician
  • Croatian
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Lithuanian
  • Malayalam
  • Dutch
  • Polish
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Slovenian
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian

It is also partially translated in the following languages:

  • Azerbaijani (97%)
  • Belarusian (86%)
  • Czech (94%)
  • German (95%)
  • UK English (95%)
  • Esperanto (99%)
  • Estonian (95%)
  • Finnish (94%)
  • Hebrew (95%)
  • Indonesian (95%)
  • Macedonian (90%)
  • Norwegian Nynorsk (95%)
  • Portuguese (95%)
  • Russian (95%)
  • Slovak (83%)
  • Albanian (99%)
  • Swedish (95%)
  • Swahili (99%)
  • Chinese Traditional (95%)

You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi and macOS on the download page. This update will also be available soon in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny

gcompris 3.3

Today we are releasing GCompris version 3.3.

This version adds translations for 2 more languages: Arabic and Esperanto.

It contains bug fixes on multiple activities such as "Path encoding", "Letter in word", "Ballcatch" and "Piano composition".

Some improvements of keyboard handling (shortcuts, focus...) have been done on several activities.

It also contains new graphics and improvements on "Photo hunter".

It is fully translated in the following languages:

  • Arabic
  • Azerbaijani
  • Breton
  • Catalan
  • Catalan (Valencian)
  • Greek
  • UK English
  • Spanish
  • Basque
  • French
  • Croatian
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Lithuanian
  • Malayalam
  • Dutch
  • Norwegian Nynorsk
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Slovenian
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian

It is also partially translated in the following languages:

  • Belarusian (79%)
  • Czech (88%)
  • German (99%)
  • Esperanto (99%)
  • Estonian (99%)
  • Finnish (98%)
  • Hebrew (99%)
  • Hungarian (99%)
  • Macedonian (94%)
  • Russian (99%)
  • Slovak (87%)
  • Albanian (99%)
  • Swedish (98%)
  • Chinese Traditional (99%)

You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Raspberry Pi and macOS on the download page. This update will be available soon in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny

gcompris 3.2

Today we are releasing GCompris version 3.2.

This new version contains some bug fixes on multiple activities such as "Discover the International Morse code", "Control the hose-pipe" and music activities.

It also contains new graphics for all memory activities and for "Baby puzzle".

A new command-line argument (--difficulty {value|min-max}) has been added which allows users to force the difficulty filter at a given value or range.

The Andika font has been updated to its latest version (6.200).

It is fully translated in the following languages:

  • Breton
  • Catalan
  • Catalan (Valencian)
  • Greek
  • UK English
  • Spanish
  • Basque
  • French
  • Croatian
  • Italian
  • Lithuanian
  • Malayalam
  • Dutch
  • Norwegian Nynorsk
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Slovenian
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Chinese Traditional

It is also partially translated in the following languages:

  • Azerbaijani (99%)
  • Belarusian (79%)
  • Czech (88%)
  • German (99%)
  • Estonian (99%)
  • Finnish (94%)
  • Hebrew (99%)
  • Hungarian (99%)
  • Indonesian (99%)
  • Macedonian (94%)
  • Russian (99%)
  • Slovak (77%)
  • Albanian (99%)
  • Swedish (98%)

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny

gcompris 3.1

Hari ini kami merilis GCompris versi 3.1.

Karena kami melihat bahwa versi 3.0 berisi bug penting dalam aktivitas ”Perbandingan” yang baru, kami memutuskan untuk segera mengirimkan rilis pemeliharaan 3.1 ini untuk memperbaiki masalah tersebut.

Ini juga berisi beberapa pembaruan terjemahan kecil.

Anda dapat menemukan paket versi baru ini untuk GNU/Linux, Windows, Raspberry Pi, dan macOS di laman unduhan. Pembaruan ini akan segera tersedia di Android Play store, repositori F-Droid, dan Windows store.

Terima kasih semuanya,
Timothée & Johnny

gcompris 3.0

Dengan suka cita kami mengumumkan peluncuran GCompris versi 3.0.

Di dalamnya terdapat 182 aktivitas, termasuk 8 aktivitas baru:

  • ”Latihan klik mouse” adalah latihan untuk berlatih menggunakan mouse dengan klik kiri dan kanan.
  • Dalam ”Buat pecahan”, nyatakan besaran desimal dengan bagan pai atau persegi panjang.
  • Dalam ”Cari pecahan”, caranya lain: tulis pecahan yang diwakili oleh bagan pai atau persegi panjang.
  • Dengan ”Temukan kode Morse Internasional”, pelajari cara berkomunikasi dengan kode Morse Internasional.
  • Di ”Bandingkan angka”, pelajari cara membandingkan nilai angka menggunakan simbol perbandingan.
  • ”Menemukan komplemen sepuluh” adalah latihan sederhana untuk mempelajari konsep komplemen sepuluh.
  • Dalam ”Tukar komplemen sepuluh”, tukar angka dari sebuah penjumlahan untuk mengoptimalkannya menggunakan komplemen sepuluh.
  • Dalam ”Gunakan komplemen sepuluh”, uraikan tambahan untuk mengoptimalkannya menggunakan komplemen sepuluh.

Kami telah menambahkan 2 opsi baris perintah baru:

  • Buat daftar semua aktivitas yang tersedia (-l atau —list-activities)
  • Langsung memulai aktivitas tertentu (—launch activityName)

Versi ini juga berisi beberapa perbaikan dan perbaikan bug.

Di sisi terjemahan, GCompris 3.0 berisi 36 bahasa. 25 diterjemahkan sepenuhnya: (Azerbaijani, Basque, Breton, British English, Catalan, Catalan (Valencian), Cina Tradisional, Kroasia, Belanda, Estonia, Prancis, Yunani, Ibrani, Hongaria, Italia, Lituania, Malayalam, Nynorsk Norwegia, Polandia, Portugis, Rumania, Rusia, Slovenia, Spanyol, Ukraina). 11 diterjemahkan sebagian: (Albania (99%), Belarusia (83%), Portugis Brasil (94%), Ceko (82%), Finlandia (94%), Jerman (91%), Indonesia (99%), Makedonia (94%), Slowakia (77%), Swedia (94%) dan Turki (71%)).

Sebuah catatan khusus tentang suara Ukraina yang telah ditambahkan berkat organisasi ”Save the Children” yang mendanai rekaman tersebut. Mereka memasang GCompris di 8000 tablet dan 1000 laptop, dan mengirimkannya ke Pusat Pembelajaran Digital dan ruang aman lainnya untuk anak-anak di Ukraina.

Suara Kroasia juga telah direkam oleh seorang kontributor.

Seperti biasa, Anda dapat menemukan paket versi baru ini untuk GNU/Linux, Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi, dan macOS di halaman unduh. Pembaruan ini juga akan segera tersedia di Android Play store, repositori F-Droid, dan Windows store.

Untuk pemaket distribusi GNU/Linux, perhatikan bahwa kami memiliki ketergantungan baru pada plugin QtCharts QML, dan versi minimum Qt5 yang diperlukan sekarang adalah 5.12. Kami juga berpindah dari menggunakan QtQuick.Controls 1 ke QtQuick.Controls 2.

Terima kasih semuanya,
Timothée & Johnny

gcompris 2.4

Today we are releasing GCompris version 2.4.

We optimized the size of all the packages for all platforms and of the external word images set (~30% smaller).

If you disabled the automatic download and want to have the full images set, you should go to the configuration and click on "Download full word image set".

The text "Full word image set is installed" is displayed below when you have the latest version.

Norwegian Nynorsk introduction voices have been added by Karl Ove Hufthammer and Øystein Steffensen-Alværvik. Malayalam voices have been completed by Aiswarya Kaitheri Kandoth.

Many images have been updated for several activities.

We have also fixed a few bugs in Renewable energy, Watercycle and Logical associations activities.

You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Raspberry Pi and macOS on the download page. This update will be available soon in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny

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