You can install GCompris from the Windows Store.
Note: the Windows Store requires Windows 10.
Else, you can download the installer from the links below.
System requirements: Windows 10 or 11.
• GCompris 25.0 - Windows 64bit
Note: If your system doesn't have Direct3D 11 support or if it's not working properly, please use the entry GCompris (Safe Mode) in the start menu to launch GCompris with the software rendering mode.
The last version available for Windows 7 and 8 can be downloaded from the link below.
• GCompris 4.3 - Windows 64bit • GCompris 4.3 - Windows 32bit
If you really need a version that runs on Windows XP, or if your system doesn't support the new version, you can use the last installer from the old GCompris 15.10.
• GCompris 15.10-Windows 32bit
To enable all the activities in this old version, you can use the code 200202 in the entry box that contains the word CODE when you start the application.
The version for Android is distributed in the Play Store.
• GCompris 25.0 for Android
We support both android 32bit and 64bit from the Play Store. The appropriate version is downloaded automatically depending on your Android operating system.
GCompris is also available from F-Droid, the Free and Open Source Android app repository.
• GCompris 25.0 from F-Droid
You can also directly download the apk from our website to install it manually on your device.
• GCompris 25.0 apk for Android 64bit • GCompris 25.0 apk for Android 32bit
For devices running Android 4.1 to 8.0, the last compatible version is GCompris 4.3.
For devices running Android 2.3 to 4.0, the last compatible version is GCompris 0.81.
The latest version is not yet available on macOS due to lack of infrastructure to build and test it.
You can download the last version available macOS from the link below.
Built and tested on macOS 10.13.
• GCompris 4.3 - Darwin
You can check if your distribution provides a package for the latest version of GCompris.
We also provide standalone packages for GNU/Linux. They should work on any recent distribution. System requirements: linux kernel 4.18, glibc 2.28.
• GCompris 25.0 - Linux 64bit
To use it, open a terminal in the folder where you downloaded the installer and run these commands:
chmod u+x ./
Then read the license or press q to skip it, answer yes to the questions, and the software will be installed in a new folder next to the installer.
Finally, to launch gcompris, go in the new folder, in bin, and double-click on
Note: If your system doesn't have OpenGL 2 support or if it's not working properly, please add the option "--software-renderer" at the end of the last line of the script Another way is to edit the configuration file (in ~/.config/gcompris-qt/gcompris-qt.conf): find the line renderer=auto , replace auto with software and save the file.
Alternatively, you can install GCompris from Flathub or from the Snap store.
The last version available for 32bit Linux distributions can be downloaded from the following link. System requirements: linux kernel 3.10, glibc 2.17, pulseaudio, gstreamer 1.0.
• GCompris 4.3 - Linux 32bit
We provide a standalone package for Raspberry Pi (64bit). It was tested only on Raspberry Pi 3.
• GCompris 25.0 - Raspberry Pi 3 64bit
The last version available for 32bit is the version 4.3 at the following link:
• GCompris 4.3 - Raspberry Pi 3 32bit
To use it, open a terminal in the folder where you downloaded the installer and run these commands:
chmod u+x ./
Then read the license or press q to skip it, answer yes to the questions, and the software will be installed in a new folder next to the installer.
Finally, to launch gcompris, go in the new folder, in bin, and double-click on
The source code is available under the AGPLv3 license.
• GCompris 25.0 - source code
To check the integrity of your downloads, you can get the original SHA-256 hash of the files by adding ".sha256" at the end of their download url.
The source tarball and the Linux installer are signed with the GPG key from Timothée Giet (public key: 0x63d7264c05687d7e.asc)
sig files: • GCompris 25.0 - source code • GCompris 25.0 - Linux 64bit