Today we are releasing GCompris version 4.1.
It contains bug fixes and graphics improvements on multiple activities.
It is fully translated in the following languages:
- Arabic
- Bulharsky
- Bretónsky
- Katalánsky
- Katalánsky (Valencia)
- Grécky
- Španielsky
- Baskicky
- Francúzsky
- Haličsky
- Chorvátsky
- Maďarsky
- Taliansky
- Litovsky
- Malabarsky
- Holandsky
- Nórsky
- Poľsky
- Portugalsky (Brazília)
- Rumunsky
- Rusky
- Slovinsky
- Švédsky
- Turecky
- Ukrajinsky
It is also partially translated in the following languages:
- Azerbajdžansky (97%)
- Bielorusky (86%)
- Česky (95%)
- Nemecky (95%)
- Anglicky (Británia) (95%)
- Esperanto (99%)
- Estónsky (95%)
- Fínsky (94%)
- Hebrejsky (95%)
- Indonézsky (99%)
- Macedónsky (90%)
- Portugalsky (95%)
- Slovensky (83%)
- Albánsky (99%)
- Swahili (99%)
- Čínsky (Tradičná) (95%)
You can find packages of this new version for GNU/Linux, Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi and macOS on the download page. This update will also be available soon in the Android Play store, the F-Droid repository and the Windows store.
Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny