
gcompris 3.2

Today we are releasing GCompris version 3.2.

This new version contains some bug fixes on multiple activities such as "Discover the International Morse code", "Control the hose-pipe" and music activities.

It also contains new graphics for all memory activities and for "Baby puzzle".

A new command-line argument (--difficulty {value|min-max}) has been added which allows users to force the difficulty filter at a given value or range.

The Andika font has been updated to its latest version (6.200).

It is fully translated in the following languages:

  • bretoni
  • katalaani
  • katalaani (Valencia)
  • kreikka
  • brittienglanti
  • espanja
  • baski
  • ranska
  • kroatia
  • italia
  • liettua
  • malajalam
  • hollanti
  • Norjan nynorsk
  • puola
  • portugali
  • brasilianportugali
  • romania
  • sloveeni
  • turkki
  • ukraina
  • kiina (perinteinen)

It is also partially translated in the following languages:

  • azeri (99%)
  • valkovenäjä (79%)
  • tšekki (88%)
  • saksa (99%)
  • viro (99%)
  • suomi (94%)
  • heprea (99%)
  • unkari (99%)
  • indonesia (99%)
  • makedonia (94%)
  • venäjä (99%)
  • slovakki (77%)
  • albania (99%)
  • ruotsi (98%)

Thank you all,
Timothée & Johnny

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