Todo for OLPC

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GCompris running on the OLPC XO

OLPC links

Abiword example

  • AbiWord on OLPC
  • a AbiWord GtkWidget with the abiword canvas is ine the libabiword, with python bindings. This widget takes it's interaction with GObjetc properties modifications. That make possibles easy python bindings, and integration qith custom interface.

GCompris Widget possibility

  • We can do the same as AbiWord. a GCWidget with the main canvas (not the bar) can gets the keyboard/validate/replay/end/level/root_menu interation from gobject property.
  • We need to make known some stuff like gcompris_bar_hide, gcompris_bar_set. We can do that emiting signals.
  • that makes python bindings easy, so main interface (and bar) can be written in python for sugar integration; like abiword.
  • properties can use g_object_property too. We need to choose wich property are Widget side, wich are main side.

GCompris in Python

We can alternatively make a python version of GCompris main/bar/board for launch our python boards. That means integrate for OLPC only python boards.