
From GCompris
Revision as of 05:10, 10 March 2010 by Alexei (talk | contribs) (Основное окно программы)
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GCompris - это полностью свободный пакет обучающих программ и упражнений, направленных на обучение в таких областях, как принципы работы компьютера, использование мышки и клавиатуры, общее обучение, чтение, письмо, иностранные языки, арифметика, а также содержащий логические игры, физические опыты и прочее. Однотипные упражнения собраны в модули, и все модули вместе как раз и составляют программный пакет GCompris. К сожалению, поддерживать их довольно тяжело, поскольку каждый набор упражнений имеет свой, не похожий на другие интерфейс и свой уровень качества.

Идея GCompris заключается в предоставлении удобной платформы для разработки обучающих программ и упражнений. Пакет GCompris является частью проекта GNU и распространяется под лицензией GPL (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPL).

Минимальные требования к системе

  • Процессор : Pentium 2 166 МГц
  • Оперативная память : 48 Мб
  • Операционная система : GNU/Linux, BSD, MacOSX, Windows
  • Видеокарта : Графического 3D-ускорителя НЕ требуется.


Программа поставляется в различных формах. Следуйте той инструкции, которая соответствует используемой операционной системе.

  • GNU/Linux : Рекомендуется использовать пакеты, предоставляемые GNU/Linux. Если у вашего дистрибутива нет готовых пакетов GCompris в репозитории, свяжитесь с разработчиками дистрибутива и попросите включить GCompris в репозиторий.
  • Windows : Для Windows пакет поставляется в форме обычного мастера установки. Набор упражнений в Windows-версии ограничен. Можно поучаствовать в разработке упражнений и получить активационный код за плату.
  • MacOSX : Портирование GCompris под эту операционную систему ещё не закончено.

Интерфейс программы

Интерфейс спроектирован так, чтобы маленьким детям было легко им пользоваться. GCompris управляется мышкой, пользоваться им без мыши или подобного устройства не получится.

Основное окно программы

Главное меню. Основные секции находятся слева. Подменю находятся сверху.

Когда GCompris запустился, он показывает главное окно со списком упражнений и панелью управления внизу окна.

Каждая иконка представляет собой упражнение. Если навести на неё мышку, иконка подсветится и можно будет увидеть название упражнения, его описание и имя автора. Вокруг основной иконки можно увидеть маленькие иконки, которые предоставляют дополнительную информацию об упражнении. Клик на иконке откроет упражнение либо меню упражнений.

Иконка "Динамик" показывает, нужен ли звук для выполнения упражнения:

  • Динамик: Для данного упражнения есть аудиофайлы.
  • Динамик с красным крестиком : Аудиофайлов для данного языка упражнения не имеется.

Звездочки указывают, для какого возраста предназначено упражнение:

  • Difficulty star1.png 1, 2 или 3 звезды - для детей от 2 до 6 лет.
  • Difficulty star4.png 1, 2 или 3 составные звезды - для детей от 6 лет.

Панель управления GCompris находится внизу экрана. Далее описываются иконки-кнопки панели управления справа налево (иконки видны, только если соответствующая опция доступна в упражнении):

  • Home.png Домой - Покинуть текущее упражнение, вернуться в главное меню.
  • Button ok.png Большой палец - Подтвердить свой ответ. Некоторые упражнения не могут определить, выполнил ли ребенок поставленную задачу. Ð’ таких случаях нужно нажать эту кнопку, чтобы заверщить упражнение, либо просто нажать "Ввод" на клавиатуре.
  • Level1.png Игральный кубик - Показывает текущий уровень упражнения. Нажмите на кубик, чтобы выбрать другой уровень. Обычно в упражнениях присутствует несколько уровней заданий, однако в GCompris можно перейти с уровня на уровень без необходимости выполнять все предыдущие уровни упражнения.
  • Repeat.png Губы - Попросить GCompris повторить вопрос.
  • Help.png Вопросительный знак - Открыть окно с детальным описанием упражнения. Некоторые сложные упражнения невозможно описать в окне описания, поэтому дополнительную информацию о них можно получить при помощи этой опции.
  • Config.png Набор инструментов - Меню настроек. Настройки упражнения хранятся в папке пользователя, в файле под именем .config/gcompris/gcompris.conf. Это обычный текстовый файл, который можно изменить вручную в текстовом редакторе.
  • About.png Самолётик с пингвинчиком - Информационное окошко о GCompris, которое показывает установленную версию программы и список имен разработчиков.
  • Button exit.png Ночь - Выход из GCompris. Можно также воспользоваться комбинацией клавиш Ctrl+Q.

Kiosk mode

When you use GCompris with small children or on a self-service kiosk, you can disable a certain number of options :

  • gcompris --disable-quit : disable the "quit" button.
  • gcompris --disable-config : disable the "configuration" button

Both options can of course be combined.

Notes on the internationalization

GCompris is internationalized and is available in more than 50 languages. If you want to check if your language is available, you can start GCompris and select your language in the option of configuration. Be careful, your operating system must support your language so that GCompris can use it. If you find a red cross while selecting a language in GCompris, this means that your system doesn't support it, even if a translation is available in GCompris.

On GNU/Linux, if your language is not available, select another language support on your distribution to add it. In most cases, you have to install an additional package 'locale-xx' or 'language-pack-xx' - xx is a language code such as 'En' for English -.

If your language is not supported, you can contribute to the software and add the translation of your language. If you are interested, you can contact the translation team of the Gnome project for your language.

You can check the level of translation for your language on the gnome web site.

Language learning

You can use GCompris in a foreign language that you are learning. Select a foreign language in the configuration Menu. Don't forget to install the optional audio modules for this language in your GNU/Linux distribution. Windows' version is provided with all audio support that are available. Whilst using GCompris in another language it is possible to configure some activities more precisely using the audio set through the administration module. [edit]

Administering GCompris

GCompris contains a very powerful administration module to assist in simplifying its use in schools. This module was designed to satisfy the many different ways of using GCompris in as simple a way as possible. [edit]

Activity selection

Select an activity.

GCompris currently offers nearly a hundred different activities. It is not always sensible to offer all of the activities to children at once. One approach could be the introduction of the activities little by little as the children develop their skills. This will keep their curiosity alive and will avoid them losing time doing activities which may be too complex for them.

There are two different ways of selecting the activities :

Only the activities 2, 3 and 4 are selected
  • By levels or intervals of levels. In this case, you use GCompris'levels (1 to 6 stars), You can choose a specific level such as 1 star, or an interval of levels - from 2 to 4 stars -.
  • By activity. In this mode, you can tick or tick out each activity or all the activities of a same section.

Profile creation

Editing profiles.

A profile permits the creation of a behaviour model of GCompris under a unique name. It is possible to create profiles without any links to users, groups or class.

If you want to use GCompris with children of different age groups, you can create a profile for each one. For each profile, you will be able to associate a set of activities.

For instance, it is possible to create a profile 'grade 1' or a profile 'grade 2'.

To launch the administration module, find the start menu on your desktop or on a command line with gcompris -a.

Using a profile

Start GCompris with the option --profile 'my profile' :

gcompris --profile 'cycle 1'

To get the list of existing profiles :

gcompris --profile-list

Of course to simplify the start of GCompris in a particular profile, the easiest is to create a new launcher for your desktop and to associate it to a command that include the correct options.

Activity configuration

The profiles exist mainly to specify a list of activities but you can also personalize the behaviour of each one whenever it is possible within the activity.

The activities marked with an icon Stock preferences 24.png can be directly configured in the administration module. For example, You can configure some activities to function in English.

User and class creation

The classes and the users.

If you want to set up a personalized recording system, you can create a user profile for each pupil. This option will permit them to enter their 'user name' when they start GCompris. GCompris will then record a list of activities the pupil has attempted and show whether or not the pupil has completed it. GCompris is very flexible, you can group all the pupils in the default class if you don't use GCompris in several classes. You can also create classes without mentioning pupils. It will give you the possibility to define profiles for your classes. [edit]

Groups creation

Creating groups.

A group is a number of pupils from different classes. It is an optional function, you can use GCompris, create users and define profiles without creating any groups.

The creation of groups will help you if your functioning mode is based on user groups which are composed of small groups of classes but also of groups of children from the same class or even of children who have not been associated to a class.


Trace usage for the children Jon.

Each activity lets appear a bonus image when the child has accomplished it or not. GCompris keeps in its internal base all the results for each child or for the default user.

You can display the results for all the pupils or for one in particular. A button allows you to erase all the records.


Children recognize their name and click on it.
Children enter their login.

If you have created user profiles in GCompris, and you start GCompris with a profile, a 'Log-in' screen will appear.

There are two identification modes : a 'list' mode where you have to find your name from a list of names. This mode can encourage the child read his name. The second mode asks the child to enter his name. It can help the child learn how to use the keyboard.

Networking / Multiple Users

If you administer a school network, you can overwrite the configuration options of your users with your own configuration. The instuctions bellows apply to a single system on which you want to share the configuration between several users or for different users on multiple computers. In the last case, you need to put the configuration files on a networked partition.

GCompris uses 2 disctincts files for its configuration:

  • The file 'gcompris.conf' (configuration) contains end user specific choises like sound and screen preference.
  • The file 'gcompris.db' (database) contains :
    • The list of all the activities and their menu position.
    • The user log, what activity was played, at what time and was it successfull.
    • The users, classes, groups and profiles.
    • The configuration of each activity.

To edit a configuration file, the easiest way is to create one from GCompris. Simply configure GCompris as you wish, quit it and copy the created configuration file into the system one. From it, you can then remove the options that you don't want to be compulsory.

Configuration file example:


GNU / Linux

On GNU/Linux, the configuration file is in the user directory under ~/.config/gcompris/gcompris.conf

To make the configuration global to all the users:

  • You can copy your configuration file to /etc/gcompris.conf
  • You can run GCompris with the --config option passing it a fully qualified path to a file

To make all users using the same database, run GCompris with --database option passing it a file on a local directory or a networked folder. The users must have read and write access to this file.

You can create a desktop launcher for the children and pass in it the options you need (--config and/or --database). You can create another desktop launcher for the teacher. It must include the --administration option and the --database that points to your database.

Windows XP / 2000

On Windows XP, the configuration file is in C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USER\.config\gcompris\gcompris.conf

To make the configuration global to all the users:

  • You can copy your configuration file to C:\Program Files\gcompris directory.
  • You can run GCompris with the --config option passing it a fully qualified path to a file

To make all users using the same database, run GCompris with --database option passing it a file on a local directory or a networked folder. The users must have read and write access to this file.

You can create a desktop launcher for the children and pass in it the options you need (--config and/or --database). Here's an example: "C:\Program Files\Gcompris\gcompris.exe" -b C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\gcconfig\gc.db

You can create another desktop launcher for the teacher. It must include the --administration option and the --database that points to your database. Here's an example: "C:\Program Files\Gcompris\gcompris.exe" -a -b C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\gcconfig\gc.db

SPECIAL NOTE: Due to a bug in XP, there is a possibility that users with limited access will not be able to write to the database. If this is happening to you, you will need to make those users to have administrator access.

Windows Vista / 7

On Windows Vista & 7, the configuration file is in C:\User\YOUR USER\.config\gcompris\gcompris.conf

To make the configuration global to all the users:

  • You can copy your configuration file to C:\Program Files\gcompris directory or C:\Program Files (x86)\Gcompris.
  • You can run GCompris with the --config option passing it a fully qualified path to a file

To make all users using the same database, run GCompris with --database option passing it a file on a local directory or a networked folder. The users must have read and write access to this file.

You can create a desktop launcher for the children and pass in it the options you need (--config and/or --database). Here's an example: "C:\Program Files\Gcompris\gcompris.exe" -b C:\Users\Public\gcconfig\gc.db

You can create another desktop launcher for the teacher. It must include the --administration option and the --database that points to your database. Here's an example: "C:\Program Files\Gcompris\gcompris.exe" -a -b C:\Users\Public\gcconfig\gc.db

Activation key

On Windows, it makes sense to put at least the line 'key="your 6 digit key"' in a shared configuration file. This way, all users on this PC won't have to activate GCompris.

On school networks, you can simply copy this file using your deployment system.

Finally, the last step is to move the Gcompris Admin desktop icon from the All Users or Public desktop folder to the user's desktop folder that will be administering Gcompris. Make sure this user has Windows admin rights.

Portable GCompris

Portable software is a class of software that is suitable for use on portable drives such as a USB (thumb) drive or iPod, although any external hard drive could theoretically be used. The concept of carrying one's favored applications, utilities, and files on a portable drive for use on any computer is one which has evolved considerably in recent years.

GCompris can be made portable very easily by installing it on the target thumb drive and adding in its directory a gcompris.conf configuration file which includes a local user and configuration directory. The directory are specified as relative to the gcompris.exe binary.

Configuration file example:

user_dir="../My GCompris"
key="your 6 digit key if you have it"

Console Switches

Running GCompris from a command console with the --help option will display all the parameters it accepts: You can add these switches in the desktop icon properties in the Target window. Here's an example: "C:\Program Files\Gcompris\gcompris.exe" -a -b C:\Users\Public\gcconfig\gc.db --disable-quit --disable-config -f -c

User Console Switches

  • -f, --fullscreen run gcompris in fullscreen mode.
  • -w, --window run gcompris in window mode.
  • -s, --sound run gcompris with sound enabled.
  • -m, --mute run gcompris without sound.
  • -c, --cursor run gcompris with the default gnome cursor.
  • -d, --difficulty display only activities with this difficulty level.
  • -D, --debug display debug informations on the console.
  • -v, --version Print the version of gcompris
  • -x, --noxf86vm Disable XF86VidMode (No screen resolution change).
  • -l, --root-menu Run gcompris with local menu (e.g -l /reading will let you play only activities in the reading directory, -l /strategy/connect4 only the connect4 activity)
  • -L, --local-activity Run GCompris with local activity directory added to menu
  • --user-dir The location of user directories: [$HOME/My GCompris]
  • --experimental Run the experimental activities
  • --disable-quit Disable the quit button
  • --disable-config Disable the config button
  • -g, --drag-mode Global drag and drop mode: normal, 2clicks, both. Default mode is normal.

Admin Console Switches

  • -a, --administration Run GCompris in administration and user-management mode
  • -b, --database Use alternate database for profiles [$HOME/.config/gcompris/gcompris_sqlite.db]
  • -j, --logs Use alternate database for logs
  • --create-db Create the alternate database for profiles
  • --reread-menu Re-read XML Menus and store them in the database
  • -p, --profile Set the profile to use. Use 'gcompris -a' to create profiles
  • --profile-list List all available profiles. Use 'gcompris -a' to create profiles
  • --config-dir Config directory location: [$HOME/.config/gcompris]. Alternate is to set $XDG_CONFIG_HOME.