Notes on OSX port
GCompris on OSX.
Compilation modification
- add #define NO_IMPORT_PYGOBJECT 1 before #include <pygobject.h>
- Needs change on SDL/SDL_mixer détection. My opinion is to use OSX frameworks. SDL_mixer framework looks broken for now: missing SDL/ in headers #include (use of SDL frmaework..
- suppress $LIBICONV in gcompris LDADD (multiply defined _locale_charset).
Native Gtk
- Works, but with bugs. Some small images abd some colors looks bad. The color selector is broken.
- Cairo/GTK are not frameworks. GTK is not relocatable (only on windows.
- Wait a better version.
- Check inkscape and way.
- links to a Platypus script (ScriptExec). inkscape seems use the same solution.
- Inkscape launch script set lot of environnement variables to locate correctly libs.