Thoir tìodhlac dhuinn

'S toil leat fhèin is le do chlann is leis an sgoil agad GCompris. Tha cothrom agad a-nis gus taic a thoirt dhan phròiseact seo.

Bheir e ùine mhòr gus bathar-bog a leasachadh, feumaidh tu bathar-cruaidh is gluasad gus am pròiseact a bhrosnachadh. A dh'innse na fìrinn, tha mi feumach air taic gus leantainn air adhart leis a' phròiseact seo.

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'S urrainn dhut taghadh na bheir thu dhuinn de dh'airgead 's tu a' briogadh air a' phutan gu h-ìosal:

Thoir tìodhlac dhuinn

Tapadh leat airson taic a thoirt do bhathar-bog saor san fhoghlam.


Tapadh leat airson taic a thoirt do bhathar-bog saor san fhoghlam.

The Baiel Family

Alexey Vazhnov ☀ Andrei Baltuta ☀ Anthony Stalker ☀ A Distinguished Robot ☀ Bart Van Loon ☀ Chandresh Prakash ☀ Denys Yakubets ☀ Fabien Benetou ☀ Fabio Armon Camichel ☀ Jim Garrison ☀ Patrick Nafarrete ☀ Sebastian Tur ☀ 郝晨煜

Albert Astals Cid ☀ Alexander Riethmüller ☀ Ilya Diallo ☀ Karl Ove Hufthammer ☀ Philipp Leibelt ☀ roman_the_ant ☀ Stephen Paul Weber

Bruno Rocha ☀ Chris Niewlotti ☀ Chris Olsen ☀ Cyrille Largillier ☀ Danny Ricard-Lavergne ☀ Entesar Alruhidy ☀ Errepunto ☀ Filip Sedlák ☀ Gastão ☀ Hasan adnan khawaja ☀ karina ☀ Nikodimos ☀ PlayKodo - Aprendizaje Digital ☀ Sebastian Blei ☀ Simon Chatain ☀ svuorela

GCompris Thank-you