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Create the page "Icon" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- ...ks if it can find an activity code able to handle it. If not, the activity icon won't appear in the list. implement this entry point, the core will display the 'configuration' icon in the bar. You then display a config dialog specific to your activity. The9 KB (1,468 words) - 12:23, 27 January 2015
- icon="boardicons/python.png" |icon5 KB (882 words) - 12:23, 27 January 2015
- Then restart sugar, the GCompris icon will appear in sugar at the bottom of the screen. * Add sugar compliant svg icon for each activity. See [[Icons_Sugarisation]].6 KB (924 words) - 12:21, 27 January 2015
- Each icon represents an activity. When the mouse is set on it, the activity is highli A simple click on the icon will lead you to an activity or a menu of activities.22 KB (3,453 words) - 11:27, 4 June 2023
- ...igen Aktivitäten, die mit einem [Image:GCompris_Stock preferences 24.png] Icon versehen sind, können direkt im Administrationsmodul bearbeitet werden. SI12 KB (1,697 words) - 11:28, 4 June 2023
- Here are the list of activity/icon needing a rework of their icon.4 KB (484 words) - 22:18, 12 March 2008
- ...g on, start it with gcompris.bat. You will have to change the icon launchers accordingly.3 KB (531 words) - 23:11, 13 June 2015
- Each icon represents an activity. When the mouse is set on it, the activity is highli ...hich give additional information about the activity. A simple click on the icon will lead you to an activity or a menu of activities.16 KB (2,374 words) - 02:47, 10 March 2012
- The activities marked with an icon [[Image:Stock preferences 24.png]] can be directly configured in the admini Finally, the last step is to move the Gcompris Admin desktop icon from the All Users or Public desktop folder to the user's desktop folder th21 KB (3,345 words) - 12:02, 22 October 2015
- references you Qml activity entry point and that the icon point to your icon name (preferred format is svg). icon: "family/family.svg"23 KB (3,578 words) - 18:20, 14 September 2024